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Foreign scholars personal information
Sergey Vradiy 傅樂吉
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Russia 俄羅斯
Period for Grants:4個月
照片 Photo : 傅樂吉 Sergey Vradiy

CCS Grant


Instituion:Archeology and Ethnology of Peoples of the Far East, Russia Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch Institute of History, Russia

Topic:Qing Scholar-Officials Introduce Knowledge about Western Countries into Nineteenth-Century Korea

Specialty:• History of social and political thought of 19th century China, Korea.、• Political, economic, social and intellectual history of late Ming-Ch'ing period China, modern history of Japan, Korea, NEAsian countries.、• History of Russia-China-Korea relations (Pre-modern and Modern period)


Instituion:Archeology and Ethnology of Peoples of the Far East, Russia Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Branch Institute of History, Russia


Homepage:Sergey Vradiy

Work catalog
  • Lin Tse-hsu. Fundamental Information about the Russian State. (Translation into Russian, comments, append.) Vladivostok: Far-Eastern State University Publishing House, 1996. 107 p.
  • Lin Tse-hsu. Patriot, Intellectual, State Official of Ch'ing Period China. Vladivostok: Far Eastern University Publishing House, 1993. 173 p.
  • Sergey Vradiy 2016,“The Map of Russia”XIX Century Korean Manuscript.Vladivostok:Institute of History,Archaeology and Ethnography of Peoples of Far East.
Article catalog
  • Historical Sources of Ch'ing Period China about Lin Tse-hsu // "Written Texts and the Problems of History and Culture of the Orient". The 23rd Annual (1988) Academy of Science Scientific Conference, Leningrad Section. Moscow, 1:3-10 (1990).
  • 论林则徐的俄罗斯国纪要 // 学术研究. 广州, 12:128 (1990).
  • The 19th Century Korean Map of Russia’ Primorsky Territory // “Cultural Interaction with Korea. From Silk Road to Korean Wave”. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress of Korean Studies: In 3 vols. The Academy of Korean Studies. 2006. Jejudo, ROK. Vol. 2. P. 541-544.
  • Russia’s Unofficial Relations with Taiwan // “Eager Eyes Fixed on Eurasia: Change and Progress” Vol. 2. Russia and its Eastern Edge. Ed. by Iwashita Akihiro. Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University. Sapporo, 2007. P. 219 – 235.
  • 19 世紀の中国における世界地理への関心と林則徐著『俄羅斯国記要』// Slavic Research Center Newsletter, Hokkaido University. 2009 № 116. スラブ研究センターニュース 季刊 2009 年秋号 No.116
  • Military-Intelligence Content of the Korean “Map of Russia” 俄國輿地圖 // Military Affairs in the Asia Pacific since Ancient Times till 20th Century. Compendium of Articles. Vladivostok: 2010. – 410 pp. P. 365-379. ISBN 978-5-8044-1101-6
  • Historical Value of “The Map of Russia” 俄國輿地圖, the First Korean Description of Primorye // Society and State in China: XLI Scientific Conference / Institute of Oriental Studies. Bokshanin A. ed. - Moscow: Vostochnaya Literature, 2011. – 440 p. P. 295-305. ISBN 978-5-02-036461
  • Primorsky Borderland on the “Map of Russia” Aguk-yeojido // Eurasia Border Review. Slavic Research Center. Hokkaido University. Fall 2012. Vol. 3. No. 2. P. 103 – 118.
  • "’Karta Rossii (Aguk Yeojido)’ – pervoye koreiskoye opisaniye Primoriya” [‘Map of Russia (Aguk Yeojido)’ – the First Korean Description of Primorsky Region] Part 1 and 2, Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Series 13 Oriental African Studies, 1/2 (2012): 58-68 and 60-68.
  • Qing Historiography about Lin Zexu (1785–1850): Traditions of Biography Genre
Scholar's Photo 傅樂吉教授、石之瑜教授