職級 |
申請 |
錄取 |
該項職級錄取比例 |
件數 |
比例 |
錄取 |
比例 |
教授(研究員) |
15 |
20.5% |
4 |
26.7% |
22.2% |
副教授(副研究員) |
18 |
24.7% |
4 |
22.2% |
22.2% |
助理教授(助理研究員、博士後研究員) |
21 |
28.8% |
7 |
33.3% |
38.9% |
博士候選人、博士生 |
19 |
26% |
3 |
15.8% |
16.7% |
合計 |
73 |
18 |
國籍 |
人數 |
國籍 |
人數 |
國籍 |
人數 |
美國 |
134 |
俄羅斯 |
26 |
新加坡 |
19 |
韓國 |
53 |
韓國 |
24 |
以色列 |
16 |
日本 |
37 |
加拿大 |
24 |
越南 |
12 |
德國 |
37 |
英國 |
25 |
捷克 |
9 |
法國 |
28 |
澳大利亞 |
20 |
波蘭 |
9 |
國籍 |
人數 |
國籍 |
人數 |
韓國 |
3 |
德國 |
1 |
日本 |
2 |
法國 |
1 |
英國 |
2 |
越南 |
1 |
美國 |
2 |
荷蘭 |
1 |
義大利 |
2 |
羅馬尼亞 |
1 |
加拿大 |
1 |
馬來西亞 |
1 |
國籍(英) |
姓名(英) |
姓名(中) |
機構 |
職稱 |
研究主題(英) |
研究主題(中) |
獎助期限 (月) |
Canada |
Francis Allard |
安腹詩 |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Indiana, PA) |
教授 |
Taiwan’s Participation in the South China Sea Maritime Interaction Sphere during the 1st Millennium BCE - 1st Millennium CE |
公元前1千年至公元1千年期間,台灣在南海海上交流圈中的參與 |
2 |
France |
Garance Chao Zhang |
張超 |
École pratique des hautes études – Université Paris Sciences & Lettres |
副研究員 |
Chan monasticism in the Song-Yuan period : Formation and transformation |
宋元禪宗寺院體制及其歷史傳承 |
1 |
Germany |
Jens Reinke |
黃穎思 |
Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Theology and Religion, Buddhist Seminary |
助理教授 |
Spiritual Care in Taiwanese Buddhism |
台灣佛教的靈性照護 |
3 |
Italy |
Renata Vinci |
海風 |
University of Palermo (Italy) |
副教授 |
The Mediterranean in Kang Youwei Travel Diaries: A Transcultural Narration |
康有為遊記中的有關地中海的跨文化敘述 |
2 |
Italy |
Donatella Guida |
董娜 |
Oriental University of Naples |
教授 |
Environmental Anomalies & Political Legitimacy in Global Eurasia, 12th-14th century |
12-14 世紀全球歐亞大陸的環境異常與政治合法性 |
1 |
Japan |
Hiroshi Tsuchiya |
土屋 洋 |
Nagoya University Graduate School of Humanities |
副教授 |
History of "Historical Awareness": Textbooks in Modern China and Japan |
「歷史認識」的歷史:近代中國之教科書與日本 |
9 |
Japan |
Kaho Yasuda |
安田香帆 |
University of Pennsylvania |
博士候選人 |
Soldiering Through Time and Space: Taiwanese Mobilizations in the Japanese and U.S. Empires, 1930s-1970s |
台籍日本兵從1930年代到1970年代在日本帝國,國民黨,戰後美國帝國之下的人生軌跡 |
9 |
Korea |
Yong Hoon Jun |
全勇勳 |
The Academy of Korean Studies |
教授 |
The Introduction of Western Cosmology and East Asian Intellectuals’ Reactions |
西方宇宙論的傳入及東亞知識份子的反應 |
5 |
Korea |
Young Hwan Park |
朴永煥 |
Chinese Language & Literature, Dongguk University,Korea |
教授 |
An exploration of the academic inheritance relationship between Hu Shi and Min Young Gyu in the study of the history of Zen Buddhism |
胡適與閔泳珪在禪宗史研究方面的學術傳承關係探究 |
8 |
Korea |
Min-Su Park |
朴敏洙 |
Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea |
副教授 |
Crossing the Strait of Shifting Identities: Analyzing the Evolving Portrayals of the Zheng and Manchu Regimes in Taiwanese History Textbooks |
跨越認同轉變的海峽兩岸: 臺灣高級中學「歷史」課本的鄭氏與滿清政權形象變化 |
6 |
Malaysia |
Shi Yeu Nga |
顏仕宇 |
Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden |
博士候選人 |
Eating Microbes: Well-being and the Psychobiotic Market in Neoliberal Taiwan |
食菌:新自由主義下的幸福存有與臺灣精神益生菌市場 |
9 |
Poland |
Antonina Luszczykiewicz |
陸安寧 |
Jagiellonian University in Krakow |
助理教授 |
Is China Emotional? Beijing’s “Diplomacy of Anger” and the Taiwan Issue: The Case Study of Taipei’s Transition of Power in 2024 |
中國是情緒化嗎? 北京的「怒火外交」與台灣問題:2024年台北權力交接案例研究 |
2 |
Romania |
Lupascu, Victoria-Oana |
陸書維 |
University of Montreal, Canada |
助理教授 |
Cultures of Health in Sinophone Literature and Documentary Films |
華語文學和紀錄片中的健康文化 |
8 |
UK |
Scott Pacey |
University of Nottingham |
助理教授 |
Research on Christian Material Culture in Taiwan |
台灣基督教的物質文化研究 |
2 |
UK |
Eva Cheuk-Yin Li |
李卓賢 |
Department of Sociology, Lancaster University |
助理教授 |
“Milk Tea Alliance” in practice: Hongkongers’ practice of food as diasporic cultural preservation and pro-democracy struggles in Taiwan |
「奶茶聯盟」的實踐:在台港人如何以食物作為離散文化保存與民主抗爭 |
2 |
Benjamin A. K. Sinvany |
蘇文彬 |
Columbia University |
博士候選人 |
Irreverent Purposes: An Incremental Excremental History of Tang and Song China (618-1279) |
穢用:中國糞便史—唐宋變革爲例(7—13世紀) |
9 |
Lee Ann Wang |
王喜詩 |
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) |
助理教授 |
Topic of Research Plan Gender Equality in Art and Law in Taiwan |
台灣藝術與法律領域的性別平等 |
1 |
Vietnam |
Tien Lap Nguyen |
阮進立 |
Van Lang University |
助理教授 |
A study of Collection of Poems of the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam |
越南阮朝漢喃集句詩研究 |
9 |
國籍(英) |
姓名(英) |
姓名(中) |
機構 |
職稱 |
研究主題(英) |
研究主題(中) |
獎助期限 |
Canada |
Lawrence Zhang |
張樂翔 |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
副教授 |
Neither Green nor Black: The History of the Tea Industry in Taiwan |
在綠茶與紅茶之間: 台灣茶業技術史 |
6 |
France |
François Gipouloux |
吉普羅 |
National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS); Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales UMR 8173 China Japan Korea Research Centre |
教授 |
Trade, Conflict and Early Conceptions of International Law: China and maritime Asia, 16th-19th Century |
貿易、衝突與國際法的早期概念:16 世紀至 19 世紀的中國與海洋亞洲 |
3 |
France |
Eléonore Caro |
鹿依柳 |
EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) |
博士 |
The magic-medical practices in Early China: texts and objects |
中國早期巫術醫學實踐 |
6 |
Germany |
Jens Damm |
達嚴思 |
European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan - A CCK Foundation Overseas Center, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany |
副研究員 |
Contested Representations: Analyzing Taiwan's LGBTQI Media Landscape from AIDSphobia to Marriage Equality |
爭議的再現:從愛滋恐懼到婚姻平權,分析臺灣LGBTQI媒體圖景 |
5 |
Hungary |
Mark Czellér |
蔡樂 |
Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London |
博士後研究 |
Land, Development, and Violence: Perceptions of the CCP’s Rural Revolution in Taiwan and Hong Kong |
土地、發展與暴力:中共農村革命在台灣與香港的認知 |
3 |
Indonesia |
Luh Nyoman Ratih W. Kabinawa |
陸碧宜 |
The University of Western Australia |
助理教授 |
Charting the Formation of Modern Bilateral Relations: Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Cold War (1966-1990) |
追溯1966至1990年冷戰期間台灣與印尼當代雙邊關係的成型 |
12 |
Iran |
Sayyad Sadri Alibabalu |
Sakarya University |
助理教授 |
Taiwan's Soft Power Projection in the Middle East: Strategies, Impact, and Policy Implications |
臺灣在中東的軟實力投射:戰略、影響和政策含義 |
12 |
Israel |
Oded Abt |
歐克德 |
Tel Hai Academic College |
助理教授 |
Evolving Identities and Cross-Strait Allegiances; The Muslim Five Surname Alliance in The Philippines, Taiwan, and China. |
身份認同與海峽兩岸政體效忠傾向性的演變 在菲律賓,台灣和中國大陸的清真五姓聯宗 |
5 |
Italy |
Sabrina Ardizzoni |
薩碧娜 |
University for Foreigners of Siena |
研究員 |
The Social Role of Taiwanese Hakka Women in Traditional Medicine: Knowledge and Practices |
臺灣客家婦女在傳統醫學中的社會角色:知識與實踐 |
2 |
Japan |
Mayumi Toriya |
鳥谷 真由美 |
The University of Kitakyushu |
教授 |
A Multi-Perspective Study of Twentieth-Century Familiar Essay --The colloquial and modernity in Taiwanese journals and textbooks |
20世紀小品文的多視角研究─臺灣的紙上聲音與現代性特徵 |
3 |
Korea |
Jungki Mihn |
閔正基 |
Inha University |
教授 |
Looking Across the Sea, Imagining the North: On Representations of East Asia in the Periodicals of the Taiwan Minbao Series during the Japanese Colonial Period and on Related Visual Representations |
隔海相望,想象北方:論日治時期《台灣民報》系列期刊對東亞各地的表述兼論相關視覺再現 |
3 |
Korea |
Jiyeon Han |
韓知延 |
Chung-Ang University, School of Asian Language and Cultures, College of Humanities, South Korea |
副教授 |
The Road to Freedom of Speech in Taiwan:Re-Reading Hu Shih’s Political Process in Taiwan and Free China Journal from an East Asian Perspective |
台灣「言論自由」之路:從「東亞」視角重讀台灣時期胡適的政治歷程與『自由中國』 |
2 |
Korea |
Hyun-sun Lee |
李賢仙 |
Department of Philosophy, College of Humanities, Seoul National University |
副教授 |
Mutual References and Critical Review of Korean Confucianism Research in Taiwan |
關于台灣對韓國儒學研究的相互參照與批判性回顧 |
6 |
Korea |
Kang Ha Yu |
柳江夏 |
Kangwon National University |
副教授 |
Genealogy of Dream: Transitions and Developments of Chinese Dream Narratives |
夢的譜學:中國夢敘事的變遷與展開 |
2 |
Korea |
Yousun Jung |
鄭有善 |
副教授 |
"A Study on the Supplementary Annotation Method and Spatial Discourse in the Shuijingzhu(《水經注》) |
《水經注》之補注方式與空間談論化 |
1 |
Korea |
Hyeon Jin |
陳賢 |
Department of Global Translation and Interpretation |
副教授 |
Comparative analysis of TOCFL vocabulary and difficulty of students from different countries |
不同國家學生的TOCFL詞彙量和難度對比分析 |
6 |
Korea |
Sang-Soo Park |
朴尚洙 |
Korea University |
教授 |
Competing Nationalism: Hanjian and Collaborative Nationalism in Wartime and Postwar China |
競逐的民族主義 ─戰時和戰後中國漢奸與合作式民族主義 |
3 |
Philippine |
Inero Ancho |
University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) |
副教授 |
Strengthening Taiwan-Philippine Development Cooperation through “Classroom Diplomacy”: Socio-Economic and Political Impacts |
透過「課堂外交」加強台菲發展合作:社會經濟及政治影響 |
1 |
Poland |
Robert Rajczyk |
University of Silesia in Katowice |
副教授 |
Genders' role in visual communication. Case study of political parties in Taiwan. |
性別在視覺傳達中的作用:台灣政黨案例研究 |
3 |
Singapore |
Jiajie (J.J.) Zhang |
張家傑 |
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
助理教授 |
‘Finally home’: (re)connecting the Kinmen community in Southeast Asia with their ancestral homeland through diaspora tourism |
終於回家了─透過僑鄉旅遊重連東南亞金門社群與他們的祖籍地 |
2 |
Sweden |
Maans Ahlstedt Aaberg |
University of Hong Kong |
博士候選人 |
Tentative title of project: "English Libraries, Chinese visitors. The importance of early Chinese visitors for the understanding of collections of Chinese- and Japanese-language books and manuscripts in 17th- and 18th-century England" |
英國圖書館裡的中國訪客:17-18 世紀英國漢籍和日籍書籍、手稿館藏理解的新視角 |
6 |
Thailand |
Sakda Hemthep |
釋聖達 |
Ghent University |
博士 |
Dharma Drum Mountain in a Global Perspective: A Model of Buddhist Educational Center and Its Role in Promoting Transcultural Humanistic Buddhism |
全球視野下的法鼓山:作為佛教教育中心的典範及其在促進人間佛教跨文化發展中的作用 |
6 |
Turkey |
Mehmetali Kasim |
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University |
助理教授 |
How Does China's Rising Authoritarianism Threaten Freedom at Home and Abroad? |
中國崛起的威權主義如何威脅國內外的自由? |
4 |
UK |
Pete Millwood |
米維德 |
University of Melbourne |
助理教授 |
Island of Democracy: Transnational Currents and the End of Authoritarian Rule on Taiwan |
民主之島:跨國潮流與台灣威權統治的終結 |
4 |
UK |
Naomi Madge |
University College London |
博士 |
Unveiling Vulnerabilities and Pathways to Resilience: A Post-COVID Investigation of Collective Healing in Taiwan |
揭露脆弱性與復原力途徑:台灣後COVID時代的集體癒合調查 |
12 |
Charlie Yi Zhang |
張毅 |
The University of Kentucky |
副教授 |
Thinking like Water: Creative Resistances across Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Thailand |
如水思维:香港、台灣和泰國的創意抗爭 |
4 |
Katherine Laura Bos Alexander |
亞天恩 |
University of Colorado, Boulder |
助理教授 |
Telling Supernatural Tales in Times of Crisis: Elite Moral Storytelling in 19th and Early 20th Century China |
清末民初筆記小說與勸善書 - 以梁恭辰《勸戒錄》為中心 |
7 |
Angie Chau |
周安琪 |
University of Victoria, BC Canada |
助理教授 |
Chinese Food, Global Storytelling, and Art Curation in Taiwan |
台灣的中華美食,全球故事和藝術策劃 |
2 |
Thomas Newhall |
紐連傑 |
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) |
博士 |
Rewriting the Rules: The Vinaya School and the Development of Buddhist Monastic Life |
戒律之再编辑:唐朝律宗跟佛教寺院生活之發展 |
4 |
Zhiqun Zhu |
朱志群 |
Bucknell University |
教授 |
Taiwan’s Food Diplomacy: Enhancing international image despite lack of formal recognition |
臺灣的美食外交: 在缺乏正式承認下提升國際形象 |
3 |
Jess Marinaccio |
馬哲詩 |
California State University, Dominguez Hills |
助理教授 |
Disputes at Port, Disputes at Sea: Taiwan-Pacific Diplomacy and Legal and Illegal Fishing in the 20th-Century Pacific |
從港口到海上的衝突:台灣與太平洋島國外交關係以及二十世紀於太平洋的非法與合法捕魚 |
1 |
Vietnam |
Thanh Thao Le Thi |
黎氏青草 |
Thu Dau Mot University (TDMU) |
助理教授 |
Research on Taiwanese Folk Culture Festivals--Taking New Year's Day, Duanwu, Zhongyuan, Zhongqiu as examples |
台灣民俗文化節慶研究--以年節、端午、中元 (盂蘭盆)、中秋為例 |
12 |