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Peter Zarrow 沙培德
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:6個月

照片 Photo : 沙培德 Peter Zarrow

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of History, Vanderbilt University美國范德比爾特大學歷史系

Topic:Chinese Perceptions of the Emperor (Focus: 19th Century; Late Ch'ing)


Instituion:Department of History, University of Connecticut, USA


Department of History, University of Connecticut

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2008. “Anti-Despotism and ‘Rights Talk’: The Intellectual Origins of Modern Human Rights Thinking in the Late Qing.” Modern China 32.2 (April 2008), pp. 179-209.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2006. “Liang Qichao and the Conceptualization of ‘Race’ in Late Qing China.”《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 52 (June 2006), pp. 113-164.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2009. “Chinese Conceptions of the State during the Late Qing Dynasty (1860-1911).” In Takashi Shogimen and Cary J. Nederman, eds., Western Political Thought in Dialogue with Asia. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Roman and Littlefield, pp. 235-259
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2008. “Social Forces and Political Developments: The Making of the Twentieth-Century Chinese State.” In Kam Louie, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Eng., pp. 20-45.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2008. “National History Textbooks in Late Qing China: Stories, Memories and Identities.” In the Macau Ricci Institute, ed., History and Memory: Present Reflections on the Past to Build Our Future. Instituto Ricci de Macau, Macau, pp. 313-336
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2006. “Introduction: New Discourses and Everyday Life in Modern China.” In Peter Zarrow, ed., Creating Chinese Modernity: Knowledge and Everyday Life, 1900-1940, Peter Lang. New York, pp. 1-21
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2006. “Constitutionalism and the Imagination of the State: Official Views of Political Reform in the Late Qing.” In Peter Zarrow, ed., Creating Chinese Modernity: Knowledge and Everyday Life, 1900-1940, Peter Lang. New York, pp. 51-82.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2004. “Historical Trauma: Anti-Manchuism and Memories of Atrocity in Late Qing China.”History and Memory 16.2 (fall/winter 2004), pp. 67-107.
  • arrow, Peter. 2004. “Late-Qing Reformism and the Meiji Model: Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, and the Japanese Emperor.”In Joshua A. Fogel, ed., The Role of Japan in Liang Qichao's Introduction of Modern Western Civilization to China. Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, pp. 40-67.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2004. “The Imperial Word in Stone: Stele Inscriptions at Chengde.”In James A. Millward, Ruth W. Dunnell, Mark C. Elliott, and Philippe C. Foret, eds., New Qing Imperial History: The Making of Inner Asian Empire at Qing Chengde. RoutledgeCurzon, London, pp. 146-163.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2003. “Old Myth into New History: The Building Blocks of Liang Qichao’s ‘New History’.” Historiography East and West 1.2 (December 2003), pp. 204-241.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2003. “Conflicting Emotions: Aspects of the Personal and Public in the Late Qing.” In Ping-chen Hsiung 熊秉真, ed., “Concealing to Reveal” An International Scholarly Conference on “the Private” and “Sentiment in Chinese History and Culture”2 欲掩彌彰:中國歷史文化中的「私」與「情」:公義篇. Center for Chinese Studies 漢學研究中心, Taipei, pp. 227-278.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2003. “Anarchismus.”In Brunhild Staiger, Stefan Friedrich, and Hans-Wilm Shutte, eds., Das grosse China-Lexikon. Primus Verlag, Darmstadt, pp. 13-14.
  • Zarrow, Peter with Hong-yuan Chu. 2002. “Modern Chinese Nationalism: The Formative Stage.” In George C.X. Wei and Xiaoyuan Liu, eds., Exploring Nationalisms of China: Themes and Conflicts. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, pp. 3-26.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2002. “The Origins of Modern Chinese Concepts of Privacy: Notes on Social Structure and Moral Discourse.”In Bonnie S. McDougall and Anders Hansson, eds., Chinese Concepts of Privacy. E.J. Brill, Leiden, pp. 121-146.
  • Zarrow, Peter with Rebecca Karl. 2002. “Introduction.”In Rebecca Karl and Peter Zarrow, eds., Rethinking the Reform Movement of 1898: Political and Cultural Change in Modern China Harvard University Asia Center Publications, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 1-16.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2002. “The Reform Movement, the Monarchy, and Political Modernity.”In Rebecca Karl and Peter Zarrow, eds., Rethinking the Reform Movement of 1898: Political and Cultural Change in Modern China. Harvard University Asia Center Publications, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 17-47.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 2001. “Political Ritual in the Early Republic of China.”In Kai-wing Chow, Kevin Doak, and Poshek Fu, eds., Constructing Nationhood in Modern East Asia: Narrative Schemes, Nostalgia, and Ambiguity of Identities. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, pp. 149-188.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1999.“Meanings of China’s Cultural Revolution: Memoirs of Exile.”East Asia cultures critique 7.1 (spring 1999), pp. 165-191.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1999. “Democracy in Twentieth-Century China: Notes on a Discourse.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 26.1 (March 1999), pp. 121-146.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1997. “Historical Perspectives on Public Philosophy in Modern China.” Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, Monograph no. 1 from the series “Toward A New Public Philosophy: A Global Reevaluation of Democracy at Century’s End,”.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1997. “Citizenship and Human Rights in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Thought.”In Wm. Theodore de Bary and Tu Wei-ming, eds., Confucianism and Human Rights. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 226-250.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1997. “Anarchist Movement,” “Liu Shipei,” “National Essence,” “Subao Case,” “Wu Zhihui,” “Zhang Binglin.” In Ke-wen Wang, ed., East Asian Nationalism: An Encyclopedia of Modern History. Garland Press, New York.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1997. “Introduction: Citizenship in China and the West.” In Joshua A. Fogel and Peter Zarrow, eds., Imagining the People: Chinese Intellectuals and the Concept of Citizenship, 1890-1920. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, pp. 3-38.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1997. “Liang Qichao and the Notion of Civil Society in Republican China.” In Joshua A. Fogel and Peter Zarrow, eds., Imagining the People: Chinese Intellectuals and the Concept of Citizenship, 1890-1920. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, pp. 232-257.
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1996. “Editor’s Introduction: Symposium on Citizenship and Society in the Late Qing and Early Republic.” Chinese Studies in History 29.4 (summer 1996), pp. 3-7
  • Zarrow, Peter. 1998. “He Zhen and Anarcho-feminism in China.” Journal of Asian Studies 47.4 (November 1988), pp. 796-813.
  • 沙培德 2008 〈清末的國家觀:君權、民權與正當性〉,劉擎編《權威的理由:中西政治思想與正當性觀念》,北京:新星出版社,頁126-163。
  • 沙培德 2003 〈「利於君,利於民」:晚清官員對立憲之議論〉(“Of benefit to the ruler; of benefit to the people”: official discussions of constitutionalism in the late Qing),《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 42 (2003.12), 頁47-71。
  • 沙培德 2003 〈西方學界研究中國近代史的最新動向〉(Recent trends in Western scholarship on modern Chinese history),《漢學研究通訊》22.4 (2003年11月) ,頁 1-22。
  • 沙培德 2002 〈溥儀被逐出宮記:一九二0年代的中國文化與歷史記憶〉(The expulsion of Puyi from the palace: culture and historical memory in 1920s China. In 《一九二0年代的中國》(China in the 1920s), 中華民國史料研究中心編印 Zhonghua minguo shiliao yanjiu zhongxin bianyin, Taipei.), 頁1-32。
  • 沙培德 2002 〈評論〉(Critique, “Pinglun”) In 洪泉湖、謝政諭,主編, Hong Quanhu and Xie Zhengyu, eds., 《百年來兩岸民族主義的發展與反省》 (Reflections on the development of nationalism across the Taiwan Straits over the past hundred years), 東大圖書 Dongda tushu , Taipei, , pp. 55-58.
  • 沙培德 2000 〈戊戌變法與皇帝角色的新界定〉(The 1898 Reform Movement and redefining the role of the emperor). In 王曉秋,主編, Wang Xiaoqiu, ed., 《戊戌維新與近代中國的改革》 (The 1898 Reform Movement and Modern Chinese Reform), 社會科學出版社 Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, Beijing, pp. 84-99.
  • 沙培德 1996 〈辛亥革命後梁啟超之共和思想:國家與社會的制衡〉(Liang Qichao’s Republican Thought after the 1911 Revolution: Balancing State and Society), 《學術研究》 (Academic Research), Guangzhou 139 (1996.6), pp. 56-61.
  • 沙培德 1994 〈「近期西方有關中國近代思想史的研究〉(Recent Western research on modern Chinese intellectual history), 《新史學》 (New History), Taipei, 5.3 (September 1994), pp. 73-117.
Scholar's Photo 90-6-28沙培德學術討論會「中國現代歷史學的緣起」
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