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Foreign scholars personal information
Alisa Jones 鍾瓈夏
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:UK 英國
Period for Grants:4個月

照片 Photo : 鍾瓈夏 Alisa Jones

CCS Grant


Instituion:Resarch Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University, South Korea南韓漢陽大學比較歷史與文化研究中心

Topic:Evolving Conceptions of Citizenship in Taiwan: Politics, Social Change and Education Reform臺灣的「公民意識」演變:探索政治制度、社會發展與教學改革的作用



Instituion:Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tübingen, Germany


Homepage:Stanford University
University of Tübingen

Work catalog
  • Jones, Alisa With Edward Vickers. 2005. History Education and National Identity in East Asia, Routledge
  • Jones, Alisa. 2010. History and Citizenship Education in post-Mao China: Politics, Policy, Praxis. Routledge
  • Jones, Alisa. 2010. ‘Towards pluralism? The politics of historical revision(ism) in China, Taiwan and South Korea’ in Gi-wook Shin and Daniel Sneider eds, Divided Memories and Reconciliation
  • Jones, Alisa. 2009. ‘Nationalising the past: Korea in Chinese historiography’ in The Journal of Northeast Asian History
  • Jones, Alisa. 2008. ‘Revising the past, contesting the future: rewriting history textbooks in post-Mao China’ in Contested Views of a Common Past: Revising History in Contemporary East Asia, Campus Verlag/University of Chicago Press
  • Jones, Alisa. 2005. ‘Shared legacies, diverse evolutions: history, education and the state in East Asia’ in History Education and National Identity in East Asia, Routledge
  • Jones, Alisa. 2005. ‘Changing the past to serve the present: history education in Mainland China’ in History Education and National Identity in East Asia, Routledge ((With Chris Wilson and Danton Ford) ‘The history text: framing ethnic and civic nationalism in the divided Koreas’ in History Education and National Identity in East Asia, Routledge)
  • Jones, Alisa. 2002. ‘Politics and history curriculum reform in post-Mao China’ in the International Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 37, nos. 6-7.
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