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Foreign scholars personal information
Kai-wing Chow 周啟榮
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:3個月
照片 Photo : 周啟榮 Kai-wing Chow

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of History, University of Illinois, USA美國伊利諾大學歷史系

Topic:Creating Public Culture in Taiwan Under the Qing: City God Temples in the Frontier



Instituion:Department of History, University of Illinois, USA


Specialty:Intellectual and cultural history of imperial China

Homepage:Chow, Kai-wing

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2010. “Scholarship of Chinese Historians in the United States: The Historical Studies of Kwang-ching Liu and Other Chinese Historians "华人史学在美国:以刘广京的史学为中心,兼论其他华人史学家" 广西师范大学出版社, pp. 267-284.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2010. “Methodological Problems and Research on the Book Market During the Ming Qing Periods "明清書籍市場研究及其方法問題 " 浙江大學學報--人文社会科學版, 40.1 5-17.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2008. “Ritualism and Classical Learning in the Qing: Bureau for the Study of the Three Classics of Rites and the Early Development of Classical Studies and Philology in the Early Qianlong Reign”(清代礼教思潮与考证学:从三礼馆看乾隆前期的经学考证学兼论汉学兴起的问题) Yuet-kueng Lo and Ping-fu Leung, eds., Pluralistic Contexts of Classical Learning: Documents, Motivations, Philosophy, and Communities, Taibei, Xuesheng shuju, pp. 49-82
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2008. “Publishing, Civil Service Examination, and Classical Learning: Development of Classical Studies in the Qing as Seen in the Commentaries on the Four Books” 印刷科举と经学四书注からた清代经学の转换 (in Japanese), translated by Mizukami Masaharu水上雅晴, Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学, vol. 36 , Hokkaido University 北海道大学, pp. 31-54.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2008. “Inscribing Orthodoxy: Polemics and Philosophical Construction in Zhu Xi's Commentary on the Four Books” (in English). Zhongguo zhexue yu wenhua (Chinese Philosophy and Culture), Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2007. “Inscribing Orthodoxy: Polemics and Philosophical Construction in Zhu Xi's Commentary on the Four Books” (in English). Zhongguo zhexue yu wenhua (Chinese Philosophy and Culture), Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2004. “Ideology and History: Yao Jiheng's Critical Scholarship and the Ideology of New Historical Science (Xinshixue),” In Achim Mittag, Jörn Rüsen, Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer eds., Ideology and Historical Criticism, in Leiden Series in Comparative Historiography. Leiden: Brill, pp. 337-64
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2005. “An Alternative Hermeneutics of Truth: Cui Shu’s Evidential Scholarship on Confucius,” in Ching-I Tu, ed., Chinese Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective: Interpretation and Intellectual Change. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 19-32.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2003. “Gao Panlong,” “Gu Yanwu,” “Hui Dong,” “Li Gong,” “Qian-Jia xuepai,” “Yan Yuan,” “Zhang Binglin,” “Zhang Xuecheng,” in Xinzhong Yao, ed., Encyclopedia of Confucianism, New York: Routledge Press, pp.225-6, 232-33, 275, 360-61, 488-89, 734-36, 796-98, 801-2.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2003. “Ritualism in Chinese Philosophy” (5000 words), in Antonio S. Cua. ed., Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy, Routledge Press, pp. 646-53.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2003. “Ling Tingkan’s Ritualist Philosophy” (2000 words) in Antonio S. Cua. ed., Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy, Routledge Press, pp. 403-5.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2003. “Chen Que’s Philosophy” (2000 words), in Antonio S. Cua. ed., Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy, Routledge Press, pp. 32-5.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2001. “Introduction” with Kevin Doak and Poshek Fu in Constructing Nationhood in Modern East Asia, ed. by Kai-wing Chow, Kevin Doak and Poshek Fu (University of Michigan Press), pp. 1-12.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2001. “Narrating Nation, Race, and National Culture: Imagining the Hanzu Identity in Modern China,” in Constructing Nationhood in Modern East Asia, ed. by Kai-wing Chow, Kevin Doak and Poshek Fu (University of Michigan Press), pp. 47-83.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 2000. “Between Sanctioned Change and Fabrication: Confucian Canon (Ta-hsüeh) and Hermeneutical Systems Since the Sung Times,” in Ching-i Tu, ed., Classics and Interpretations: The Hermeneutic Traditions in Chinese Culture, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers), pp. 45-67.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1999. “Between Canonicity and Heterodoxy: The Hermeneutical Moments of the Great Learning” Imagining Boundaries of Confucianism: Texts, Doctrines, and Practices in Late Imperial China, (State University of New York Press), pp. 147-63.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1999. “Introduction” with On-cho Ng, in Imagining Boundaries of Confucianism: Texts, Doctrines, and Practices in Late Imperial China, pp. 1-15.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1998. “Cong fangke sishu jiangzhang lun Ming mo kaozheng xue” (Textual studies and examination aids for the Four Books in Late Ming China), in Yen-ping Hao et al, eds. Essays in Chinese History in Honor of Professor K.C. Liu. Institute of Modern History, Taipei: Academic Sinica.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1997. “Imagining Boundaries of Blood: Zhang Binglin and the Invention of the Han ‘Race’ in Modern China,” in Frank Dikotter, ed., The Construction of Racial Identities in China and Japan (London: Hurst and Co.), pp. 34-52.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1997. “Mingmo yinshua yu Huizhou difang wenhua” (Publishing and Local Culture of Huizhou in Late Ming China) in the Symposium of the International Conference on Studies of Huizhou, 1995 (Hefei: Anhui daxue chubanshe, ), pp. 299-305
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1996. “Writing for Success: Examinations, Printing, and Intellectual Change in Late Ming China,” Late Imperial China (June, 1996), pp. 120-57.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1995. “The Development of Sung Learning in Ch’ing Thought,” Chinese Studies , pp. 47-76.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1994. “Discourse, Examination, and Local Elites: The Invention of the T’ung-ch’eng School in Ch’ing China,” in Benjamin A. Elman and Alexander Woodside, eds., Society and Education in Late Imperial China (Berkeley: University of California Press, ), pp. 183-219.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1994. “The Great Wall of China,” The World Book Encyclopedia, (The World Book).
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1993. “Ritual, Cosmology, and Ontology: Chang Tsai’s (1020-1077) Moral Philosophy and Neo-Confucian Ethics,” Philosophy East and West 43, no. 2, pp. 201-228.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1993. “Purist Hermeneutics and Ritualist Ethics in Mid-Ch’ing Thought,” in Richard Smith and Daniel Kwok, eds., Cosmology, Ontology and Human Efficacy: Essay in Chinese Thought (University of Hawaii Press,), pp. 179-204.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1992. “Yang Shen and Chiao Hung: Various Uses of Philology in the Ming Period,”Chinese Studies 10, no. 1 (June), pp. 1-29.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1992. “Ordering Ancestors and the State: Chang Hsüeh-ch’eng (1738-1801) and Lineage Discourse in Eighteenth-Century China,” Family Process and Political Process in Modern Chinese History (Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academic Sinica, June), pp. 297-326.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1992. Essays on “Hung Hsiu-ch’üan,” “Feng Yün-shan,” Hung Jen-kan,” “Li Hsiu- ch’eng,” and “God Worshippers Society (1846-1851),” in Edwin Pak-wah Leung, ed., Historical Dictionary of the Chinese Revolution (Greenwood Press), pp. 114-116, 0178-181, 137-138, 209-210.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1990. “Shih-hsüeh ching-shih: Shih lun Wen-shih t’ung-i tu ch’ueh Ch’un-ch’iu chiao ti wen-ti” (Historical scholarship as statecraft: On the missing chapter on the “Teaching of the Chun-ch’iu” in Chang Hsueh-ch’eng’s General Meanings of Literature and History), Journal of History (Normal University), no. 8 (June), pp. 169-182.
  • Chow, Kai-wing. 1986. Co-authored with K.C. Liu, “An Analytical Study of Huang-ch’ao ching-shih wen-pien [in Chinese],” Bulletin of The Institute of Modern History Academic Sinica, vol. XV, part 1. (Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academic Sinica (June), pp. 33-99.
  • Chow, K. W. (2017). An alternative hermeneutics of truth: Cui shu's evidential scholarship on confucius. In Interpretation and Intellectual Change: Chinese Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective (pp. 19-31). Taylor and Francis.
  • Chow, K. W. (2017). Between sanctioned change and fabrication: Confucian canon (Ta-hsüeh) and hermeneutical systems since the Sung times. In Classics and Interpretations: The Hermeneutic Traditions in Chinese Culture (pp. 45-67). Taylor and Francis.
  • Chow, K. (2011). The merging of shi and shang in travel: the production of knowledge for travel in late Ming book. Frontiers of History in China, 6(2), 163-182.
  • KAI-WING, CHOW. (2010). Review: B.P.T. Wei's Ruan Yuan, 1764-1849: The Life and Work of a Major Scholar-Official in Nineteenth-Century China before the Opium War. Journal of Asian Studies, 69(4), 1217-1218.
  • Chow, K., Hon, T., Ip, H., & Price, D. C. (Eds.) (2008). Beyond the May Fourth paradigm: In search of Chinese modernity. Lexington Books.
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