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Foreign scholars personal information
Chantelle Tiong 張依蘋
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Malaysia 馬來西亞
Period for Grants:4個月

照片 Photo : 張依蘋 Chantelle Tiong

CCS Grant


Instituion:Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn德國波恩大學漢學系

Topic:Adoption and Interpretation of Rilke’s Writings in Chinese Literature from the Beginnings to the Present



Instituion:Institute of Chinese Studies , Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia


Homepage:Chantelle Tiong

Work catalog
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2008. “Apropos Rosen”(Collection of Wolfgang Kubin’s Poetry in German-Chinese, published in conjunction with Prof. Kubin’s Reading with Zheng Chouyu and Luo Zhicheng at Lin Yutang’s House in Taipei
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2008. with Bei Dao in Hong Kong at Hong Kong Chinese Univeristy, entitled “Holy Melancholy” on 12 November, 2008), Chantelle Tiong (Trans.), Published by Suisi Publisher,Kuala Lumpur
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2008. “Living a poetic life, or Melancholy and Youth”(詩意地生活或憂鬱而青春)(A Pamplet of Wolfgang Kubin’s Poetry in German-Chinese), Chantelle Tiong (Trans.), Published by Dreamseed Publisher, Kuala Lumpur
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2009. - “Living Metaphor: A Study On Yang Mu’s Writings”(Academic Research), Published by Alumni of Nanyang Univeristy and Dreamseed Publisher, Kuala Lumpur
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2008. “Crying Forest”(哭泣的雨林) (Collection of Proses and Novels), Published by Got1mag Publisher
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2007. “Memo of Diaspora” being selected and published in the book entitled“Huanfei Yanshou: A Collection of Overseas Female Chinese Writers’ Works”Bai Surong (ed.), published by Shanghai: Xiju Publusher
  • 哭泣的雨林 / 張依蘋著
  • 隐喻的流变 / 張依蘋作
  • 吉隆坡手記 / 張依蘋作
  • 隱喻的流變 : 楊牧散文研究(1961-2001) = The living metaphor : a study of Yang Mu’s prose between 1961 and 2001 / 張依蘋撰
Article catalog
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2009. - Member of the project of “Memoirs of 500 important Chinese Figures in Singapore and Malaysia”, funded by Bureau of History and Culture, Malaysian Chinese Association
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2007. - Member of the project of “Text books of Malaysian Chinese Literature for the Higher Educational Institute”, funded by Alumni of UM Chinese Studies Graduates
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2010. Organizing the Internaional Poetry Festival of renown poets from China, Bei Dao and from Germany, Wolfgang Kubin, to be held at National Gallery
  • Tiong, Chantelle. - Organizing International Conference “Found in Translation: Translation and Interpretation in context of Multiculture” (a sub-project from the project “Translation of the German Novel ‘Halbzeit Einer Liebe’” under Faculty of Arts and Social Science, in which myself acts as one of the two project researchers), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2010. "The Cloth and the Flea: Love and Costume in Zhang Ailing’s Writings”, to be presented at International Conference of “Zhang Ailing: Legend, Genders and System”(held in Hong Kong)
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2010. “The Completion of a Poem: The Trinity of Yang Mu’s Poetics” , to be presented at International Conference on Yang Mu Literature (held in Taipei)
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2010. “The absent presence of the poetry of Leung Ping Kwan(significant poet from Hong Kong)”, to be presented at International Conference on the Reception and Spreading of Chinese Literature (held in Hunan)
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2010. “ A Model of Globalized Living Aesthetics: Case Study on Wong Noi Siong”, to be presented at 7th Conference of The International Society For the Study of Chinese Overseas(Held in Singapore)
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2009. “ Two Shores of Chinese Word and its Language: A comparative study of the Poets Yang Mu(Tw) and Bei Dao(China) as translator” at the 2nd World Conference on Sinology held in Peking, organized by the China National Organization of Sinology and Peking Normal University
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2009. “Island as Singular or Plural: A Study on the significant contemporary Poet, Bei Dao” at International Conference on the Reception and Spreading of Chinese Literature held in Kuala Lumpur, coorganized by Chinese Literature Department, Wuhan University, China and Chinese Studies Department, University of Malaya
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2009. “The Writing Sphere of Young Generation Malaysian Chinese Writers” at International Conference on The Teaching and Research on Malaysian Chinese Literature held in Shanghai, coorganized by Alumni of UM Chinese Studies Graduates and Shanghai Fudan University, China
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2006. “Contesting Views on a Common Past”,University of Leipzig, Conference participation
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2006. Internationales Symposium “Kulturelles Gedächtnis” („China zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft“), Berlin Conference participation
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2005. “Searcher and Researcher: A Model of Malaysian Chinese Literature Progress in Modernism” at International Conference of Malaysian Chinese Literature and Modernism, organized by Alumni of Taiwan Universities, Malaysia and Department of Chinese Literature, National JinNan University
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2005. “From Late Ming Period to Modern Prose: Interpreting ‘Literature of Humanity’ in Chinese Classical and Modern Prose” at the 2nd Conference of Traditional Sinology in Malaysia, organized by University of Malaya
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 1998. - “Psychoanalysis on Yang Mu’s Autobiographical Prose”, presented in annual seminar among postgraduates of Postgraduate Course of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2007. “The Metaphor of Jade: Tears and Stone in Classic Novel, Hongloumeng” paper in the 4th Conference of Traditional Sinology in Malaysia, organized by New Era College
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2006. - Cong Shetou Shuoqi從舌頭說起──Eatellectual的文化記憶 (A Commentary: All started from the Tongue), Wenyi Chunqiu 文藝春秋, Sinchew Daily
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2007. - Chutu De Yijiao出土的一角──在柏林召喚當代中國文化記憶(Calling the Cultural Memory of Contemporary China), Jiaofeng Literary Magazine(蕉風文學雜誌), Southern College Publisher, Johor Bahru
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2007. - Po Shui De Jiyi破碎的記憶(點評散文), Wenyi Chunqiu 文藝春秋, Sinchew Daily
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2007. - Xin Lisao 新離騷 (Wolfgang Kubin, Das neue Lied von der alten Verzweiflung ﹐Poem) (Trans. by Tiong Ee Ping), Wenyi Chunqiu(文藝春秋), Sinchew Daily
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2008. - Dangshi Shi Eryue Niansi Ri(Poem)當時是二月廿四日(詩),Wenyi Chunqiu文藝春秋, Sinchew Daily
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2008. - Beinecke: 稀有書與手稿圖書館(Wolfgang Kubin, Beinecke: Rare Books and Manuscripts Library,Poem) (Trans. by Tiong Ee Ping), Wenyi Chunqiu(文藝春秋), Sinchew Daily
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2008. - 每次之後 (Wolfgang Kubin, Beinecke:Jedesmal Dananch,Poem) (Trans. by Tiong Ee Ping), Wenyi Chunqiu(文藝春秋), Sinchew Daily
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2009. - 艺术中心重访(Wolfgang Kubin, Revisiting Arts Centre) (Trans. by Tiong Ee Ping), Wenyi Chunqiu(文藝春秋), Sinchew Daily
  • Tiong, Chantelle. 2008. - 终究玫瑰 (Wolfgang Kubin, Apropos Rosen) (Trans. by Tiong Ee Ping), Wenyi Chunqiu(文藝春秋), Sinchew Daily
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