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Foreign scholars personal information
Tian Yuan Tan 陳靝沅
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Singapore 新加坡
Period for Grants:3個月
照片 Photo : 陳靝沅 Tian Yuan Tan

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of the Languages and Cultures of China and Inner Asia, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Topic:Qing Literati Playwrights and Court Theater清代文人曲家與宮廷演劇


Instituion:Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford



Homepage:Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford

Work catalog
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2010. Songs of Contentment and Transgression: Discharged Officials and Literati Communities in Sixteenth-Century North China. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center. (Harvard-Yenching Institute monograph series, 75)
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2011. Kang Hai sanqu ji jiaojian 康海散曲集校箋 (A Critical Edition of Kang Hai's Songs). Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2009. Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill. (Sinica Leidensia, v.92)(Van Crevel, Maghiel and Tan, Tian Yuan and Hockx, Michel, eds.)
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2006. Qu Writing in Literati Communities: Rediscovering Sanqu Songs and Drama in Sixteenth-Century North China. PhD thesis, Harvard University.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan,Paolo Santangelo.2014. Passion, Romance, and Qing (3 vols.):The World of Emotions and States of Mind in Peony Pavilion. Leiden,Boston:Brill.
  • 1616: Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu's China. London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2016. xxii, 326pp. (Lead Editor and PI of CCKF funded project (2014-15), with Paul Edmondson and Shih-pe Wang)
  • Yingyu shijie de Tang Xianzu yanjiu lunzhu xuanyi 英語世界的湯顯祖研究論著選譯 (An Anthology of Critical Studies on Tang Xianzu in Western Scholarship). Hangzhou: Zhejiang guji chubanshe, 2013. xiv, 362pp. (Co-editor, with Xu Yongming; funded by Harvard-Yenching Institute and PRC International Project Network Grant)
  • Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill, 2009. xii, 468pp. (Co-editor, with Maghiel van Crevel and Michel Hockx)
Article catalog
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2009. 'Rethinking Li Kaixian’s Editorship of Revised Plays by Yuan Masters: A Comparison with his Banter about Lyrics.' In: Van Crevel, Maghiel and Tan, Tian Yuan and Hockx, Michel, (eds.), Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema. Leiden: Brill, pp. 139-152.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2008. 'Kang Hai houqi nanqu xiaoling chutan: jianlun Langtaosha qupai de jige wenti 康海後期南曲小令初探—兼論【浪淘沙】曲牌的幾個問題 (A Study of Kang Hai’s Composition of Southern Songs in His Later Years, Along with a Discussion on the Tune Title Langtaosha).' In: Chen, Qingyuan, (ed.), Mingdai wenxue lunji. Fuzhou: Haixia wenyi chubanshe, pp. 1065-1076.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2008. 'The Sovereign and the Theater: Reconsidering the Impact of Ming Taizu’s Prohibitions.' In: Schneewind, Sarah, (ed.), Long Live the Emperor: Uses of the Ming Founder across Six Centuries of East Asian History. Minneapolis: Society for Ming Studies, pp. 149-169. (Ming Studies Research Series)
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2006. 'Ming zhongye qujia Kang Hai ziliao de xin faxian jiqi jiazhi 明中葉曲家康海資料的新發現及其价值 (The Discovery of Materials Related to the Mid Ming Writer Kang Hai and Its Significances).' In: Dong , Jian and Rong, Guangrun, (eds.), Zhongguo Xiju: Cong Chuantong dao Xiandai = 中國戲劇: 從傳統到現代 (Chinese Drama: From Traditional to Modern Forms). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, pp. 179-196.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2002. 'Ye Fashi fushi zhenyao: Jingshi tongyan zhong de ling yi "sishi juan"《葉法師符石鎮妖》——《警世通言》中的另一“四十卷” (A Study of a 'New' Huaben Story in Jingshi tongyan: 'Exorcist Ye Subdues the Demon with a Charmed Rock').' In: Kow, Mei Kao and Huang , Lin, (eds.), Mingdai xiaoshuo mianmianguan: Mingdai xiaoshuo guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 明代小説面面觀——明代小説國際學術研討會論文集 (Aspects of Ming Dynasty Fiction: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ming Fiction). Shanghai: Xuelin chubanshe, pp. 354-371.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2010. 'Emerging from Anonymity: The First Generation of Writers of Songs and Drama in Mid-Ming Nanjing.' T’oung Pao. International Journal of Chinese Studies, 96 (1-3). pp. 125-164.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2010. 'The Transmission of Sanqu Songs, Writers’ Reputation, and Literati Network in the Mid Ming: Local and Translocal Considerations.' Ming Qing Studies . pp. 193-215.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2009. Xin faxian Kang Hai sanqu ji Pandong yuefu houlu jiaojian (xia) 新發現康海散曲集《沜東樂府後錄》校箋(下)(A Collation and Annotation of Kang Hai’s Newly Discovered Song Collection Pandong yuefu houlu, Part 2).' Wenhua yishu yanjiu 文化藝術研究 (Studies in Culture & Art ), 2 (5). pp. 145-175.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2009. 'Xin faxian Kang Hai sanqu ji Pandong yuefu houlu jiaojian (shang) 新發現康海散曲集《沜東樂府後錄》校箋(上)(A Collation and Annotation of Kang Hai’s Newly Discovered Song Collection Pandong yuefu houlu, Part 1).' Wenhua yishu yanjiu 文化藝術研究 (Studies in Culture & Art ), 2 (4). pp. 117-134.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2009. 'Shixu zhi kangheng: Wang Jiusi quzuo zhong de liangzhong guiyin 失序之抗衡—王九思曲作中的兩種歸隱 (Contending with Displacement: Two Forms of Retirement in Wang Jiusi's Songs and Drama).' Xiju Yanjiu戲劇研究=Journal of Theater Studies (3). pp. 49-74.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2007. 'The Wolf of Zhongshan and Ingrates: Problematic Literary Contexts in Sixteenth-Century China.' Asia Major, Third Series, 20 (1). pp. 105-131.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2006. 'Kang Hai sanqu ji de xin faxian jiqi wenxian jiazhi--du Taiwan guojia tushuguan suocang Pandong yuefu houlu erjuan 康海散曲集的新發現及其文獻價值——讀臺灣國家圖書館所藏《沜東樂府後錄》二卷 (The New Discovery of Kang Hai’s Sanqu Collection and Its Significances--Reading Pandong Yuefu Houlu in the Collection of Taiwan National Library).' Zhongguo wenzhe yanjiu tongxun = 中國文哲研究通訊 (Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taipei), 16 (2). pp. 75-91.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2004. 'Prohibition of Jiatou Zaju in the Ming Dynasty and the Portrayal of the Emperor on Stage.' Ming Studies (49). pp. 82-111.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2008. Review of Zong-qi Cai ed., 'How to Read Chinese Poetry: A Guided Anthology'. Monumenta Serica (56). pp. 519-521.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2009. Review of Daniel Bryant, 'The Great Recreation: Ho Ching-ming (1483-1521) and His World'. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 72 (3). pp. 582-584.
  • Tan, Tian Yuan. 2009. Review of Daniel Bryant, 'The Great Recreation: Ho Ching-ming (1483-1521) and His World'. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 72 (3). pp. 582-584.
  • “Springtime Passion and Literary Tradition in Peony Pavilion”, International Communication of Chinese Culture, Volume 3, Issue 1 (2016): 57-65.
  • “Emerging from Anonymity: The First Generation of Writers of Songs and Drama in Mid-Ming Nanjing,” T’oung Pao 96 (2010): 125-164.
  • “The Transmission of Sanqu Songs, Writers’ Reputation, and Literati Network in the Mid Ming: Local and Translocal Considerations,” Ming Qing Studies (2010): 193-215.
  • 從散曲文獻看明中葉士人群體 : 以滸西山人初度錄及北宮詞紀為中心 / 陳靝沅[撰]
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