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Foreign scholars personal information
Kuroda Akinobu 黒田明伸
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Japan 日本
Period for Grants:5個月

CCS Grant


Instituion:Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo東京大學東洋文化研究所

Topic:Revisiting history of Chinese currencies: from the viewpoint of complementarity among monies


Instituion:Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo


Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo

Work catalog
  • Kahei sisutemu no sekaishi: hi taishosei o yomu 貨幣システムの世界史 「非対称性」を よむ (World History of Monetary Systems: Interpreting the Asymmetric Phenomenon), Iwanami 岩波 Tokyo , 2003; 増補新 版 supplemented version 2014.
  • 货币 制度的世界史 解 释 非 对 称性 translated by HE Ping 5 何平 何平, China’s People UP, Beijing, 2007., China’s People UP, Beijing, 2007.
  • 화폐시스템의세계사 비ㄷ대칭성을읽는다 translated by CHUNG Hye jung 鄭恵仲 , Nonhyung, Seoul,
Article catalog
  • ‘ A nonymous Currencies or Named Debt s ??: Comparison of Currencies, Local Credits and Units of Account between China, Japan and England i n the Pre industrial Era ’’, Socio Economic Review 11 1 (Oxford pp.57 80, 2013 doi:10.1093/ser/mws013
  • ‘ The Eurasian Silver Century, 1276 1359: Commensurability and Multiplicity’, Journal of Global History 4 2 (Cambridge UP) pp.245 269, 2009. T ranslati on in C h inese : Ouyadalu de baiyin shidai 欧亚大陆的白银时代 (1276 1359)1359)’’, translated by Gao Congming 高聪明 , Sixiang zhanxian 思想战线 THINKING 38 6, pp.79 85, 2012
  • ‘ What is the Complementarity among Monies? An Introductory Note’, Financial History Review 15 1 (Cambridge UP ) pp. 7 15, 2008.
  • ‘ Concurrent but Non integrable Currency Circuits : Complementary Relationship among monies in Modern China and other Regions’, Financial History Review 15 1 pp. 17 36, 2008.
  • ‘The Maria Theresa Dollar in the Early Twentieth century Red Se a Region: A Complementary Interface between Multiple Markets’, Financial History Review 14 1 pp. 89 110, 2007.
  • Strategic Peasant and Autonomous Local Market: Revisiting Rural Economy in Modern China ’, International Journal of Asian Studies (Cambridge UP) 15.2 forthcoming
  • ‘ Money, Markets and Taxation in Mongol Eurasia: The Age of Silver as Unit of Account ’ in Micha l Biran and Kim Hodo eds. Cambridge History of Mongol Empire Vol 1, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, forthcoming
  • ‘ Famine of Cash : Why Have Local Monies Remained Popular throughout Human History? in Georgina Gomez ed. Monetary Plurality in Local, Re gional and Global Economies , Routledge, London, forthcoming
  • ‘ Strategic Peasant and Autonomous Local Market: Revisiting Rural Economy in Modern China ’, International Journal of Asian Studies (Cambridge UP) 15.2 forthcoming
  • 歐亞白銀 重探 ── 錢幣學 上的 新 發現 澳門研究 87 p p. 150 161, 201 7
  • ‘ Silvers Cut, Weighed, and Booked: Silver Usage in Chinese Monetary History 銀子切片、 秤重及記錄在冊 銀在中國錢幣史上的使用 ’, The Silver Age: Origins and Trade of Chinese Export Silver 白銀時代 中國外銷銀器之來歷與貿易 , Hong Kong Maritime Museum, pp. 109 121. 2017
  • ‘ Why and How Did Silver Dominate across Eurasia Late 13th through Mid 14th Century? : Historical Backgrounds of the Silver Bars Unearthed from Orheiul Vechi ’, Tyragetia XI {XXVI}. Archaeology , pp.23 34, 2017
  • ‘ What was Silver Tael System ? A Mistake of China as Silver ‘Standard’ Country’ Country’, Moneta 160, pp.391 397, 2013.
  • ‘Locating Chinese Monetary History in Global and Theoretical Contexts: From Multiple and Complementary Viewpoints’, in Huang Kuanzhong ed. Jidiao yu bianzou: 7 zhi 20 shiji d e Zhongguo 基調與變奏 : 七至二十世紀的中 國 (Keynote and Variations: China from 7 th century to 20 th century) 2, Chengchi U. Dept of History, Taipei, pp. 33 50, 2008.
  • ‘The Collapse of the Chinese Imperial Monetary System’ in K. Sugihara ed. Japan, China and the Growth of the Asian International Economy, 1850 1949 , Oxford U.P., pp.103 126, 2005.
  • ‘Copper-Coins Chosen and Silver Differentiated – Another Aspect of ‘Silver Century’ in East Asia’, Acta Asiatica 88, pp. 65-86, 2005.
  • ‘ What can Prices Tell us about the 16th-18th Century China? - A Review of “Shindai Chugoku no bukka to keizai hendo (Prices and Economic Change in Qing China)” by Kishimoto Mio’, Chugokushigaku 中国史学 (Studies in Chinese History) 13, pp. 101-117, 2003.
  • ‘What Did the Silver Influx Really Do to Early Modern Asia?’ in Chugoku no rekishi sekai 中国の歴史世界 (Historical World of China), Tokyo Metropolitan UP, Tokyo, pp. 403 11, 2002.
  • ‘Another Monetary Economy: The Case of Traditional China’, in A.J.H. Latham and H. Kawakatsu eds. A sia Pacific Dynamism 1550 2000 , Routledge, Lo ndon, 2000, pp.187 198
  • ‘ Yui su zu shikan: naze sei sen wo kyokyu shits udukerarenakattanoka ( Tin Dependence 6 Historiography: Why Could not Medieval Japan Continue Good Coin Supply? Historiography: Why Could not Medieval Japan Continue Good Coin Supply?))’’ in in K.Iinuma and Hirao Y. eds Daikokai jidai no nihon toK.Iinuma and Hirao Y. eds Daikokai jidai no nihon to kinzoku koekikinzoku koeki大航海時代の日本と大航海時代の日本と金属交易金属交易((Metal Trades in Japan of the Great NavigatiMetal Trades in Japan of the Great Navigation Era on Era )), Shibunkaku shuppan , Shibunkaku shuppan 思思文閣出版文閣出版, Kyoto, 2014, pp.18, Kyoto, 2014, pp.18--2020
  • ‘Ajia A furika shi hatsu no kahei keizai ron アジア・アフリカ史発の貨幣経済論 (A Theory of Monetary Economy from the Viewpoints of Asian and African History) in H. Imanishi ed. Sekai shis utem u to higashi A jia 世界シス テムと東アジア (The World S ystem and East Asia) Nihon keizai hyoron 日本経済評論 (Japanese Economy Forum)Forum), Tokyo, 28 44, 2008
  • ‘Higashi Ajia kaheishi no naka no chusei koki Nihon 東アジア貨幣史の中の中世後期日 本 (Late Medieval Japanese History in the East Asian Monetary Perspec tive), in K. Suzuki ed. Kahei no chiikishi 貨幣の地域史 (Regional History of Money), Iwanami 岩 波 , Tokyo, 7 42, 2007.
  • ‘ Kahei ga kataru sho shisutemu no kobo 貨幣が語る諸システムの興亡 (Rise and Fall of Monetar y Systems in the World History) History), in Iwanami Koza sekai rekishi 岩波講座 世 界歴史 Lexicon of World History)15, Iwanami 岩波 , Tokyo, pp.263 285, 1999.
  • ‘Dento shijo no jusosei to seidoteki wa kugumi; Chugoku, Indo, Seio no h ikaku ’ 伝統市場 の重層性と制度的枠組み 中国・インド・西欧の比較 (Multiplicity of Traditional Markets and their Institutional Frameworks : Comparison between China, India and Western Europe) Europe), Shakai keizai shigaku 社会経済史学 (Socio Economic History) 64 2, pp. 115 138, 1998.
  • ‘16 7seiki kan Shinakai keizai to senka ryutsu 16 ・ 7 世紀環シナ海経済と銭貨流通 (Pan China Sea Economy and Coin Circulation in the Six te enth and Seventeenth Centuries)Centuries), Rekishigaku kenkyu 歴史学研究 (Journal of Historical 711, pp. 2 15, 1998.
  • ‘20 seiki shoki taigen ken ni miru chiiki keizai no genki ’ 二〇世紀初期太原県 にみる地域 7 経済の原基 経済の原基 (Basic Structure of Regional(Basic Structure of Regional Economy in Traditional China: The Economy in Traditional China: The Case of Case of Taiyuan County Taiyuan County in the Early Twentieth Century)in the Early Twentieth Century), , Toyoshi kenkyuToyoshi kenkyu 東洋史研究東洋史研究 (Journal of Oriental Researches) 54(Journal of Oriental Researches) 54--4, pp.1034, pp.103--136, 1996.136, 1996.
  • ‘Ajia zairai kinyu kara mita 20seiki shoki no sekai keizai アジア在来金融からみた 20 世 紀初期の世界経 済 (World Economy in the Early Twentieth Century Viewed from the Indig enous Financial System in Asia) Asia), Rekishi hyoron 歴史評論 (Historical Review) 539, pp. 76 91, 1995.
  • ‘Shuhen kara mita kokusai kin honisei no tokushitsu Chugoku boeki o hikaku kijun to shite’ 「周辺」からみた国際金本位制の特質 中国貿易を比較基準として (The Cha racteristic of the International Gold Standard System from the View of the Periphery and i n Comparison with the China Trade), in Satoru Nakamura ed. Higashi A jia shihonshugi no keis ei H ikakushi no shiten kara 東アジア資本主義の形 成 比較史の視点から (Formation of East Asian Capitalism: From the Viewpoint of Comparative History), Aoki 青木 , Tokyo, 129 160, 1994.
  • ‘Chugoku kindai ni okeru menshi menka shijo no tokushitsu 中国近代における綿糸棉花 市場の特質 (The Characteristic s of the Cotton Yarn and Raw Cotton Market in Modern China) China), Rekish igaku kenkyu 歴史学研究 (Journal of Historical Studies) 624, pp. 1 17, 1991.
  • ‘Shindai ginsen nikasei no kozo to sono hokai 清代銀銭二貨制 の構造とその崩壊 (The Structure of the Silver Cash Monetary System in the Qing and its Collapse) Collapse), Shakai keizai shigaku 社会経済史学 (Socio E conomic History) 57 2, pp. 93 125, 1991
  • ‘ Shindai bichiku ko shisan keitai yori mita keizai kozo ron 清代備蓄考 資産形態 より みた経済構造論 (Study of the Granary System in the Qing Period: A Interpretation 8 of Economic S of Economic Structure from Assets Formation)tructure from Assets Formation), , ShirinShirin 史林史林 (History(History Journal) Journal) 11--6, pp.6, pp. 11--33, 1988.33, 1988.
  • ‘ Kenryu no senki ’ 乾隆の銭貴 (T he Appreciation of Co pper Coins in the Qianlong Era) Era), Toyoshi kenkyu 東洋史研究 Journal of Oriental Studies) 45 4, pp. 58 89, 1987.
  • ’ 20seik ishoki Y osuko chukaryuiki no kahei ryutsu 20世紀初期揚子江中下流域 の貨幣 流通 (Monetary Circulation in the Early Twentieth Century Middle Lower Yangzi Region), in Sakae Tsunoyma ed., Nihon ryoji hokoku no kenkyu 日本領事報告の研究 (Studies of Japanese Consular Reports) Dobunkan 同文館 , Tokyo, pp. 385 414, 1986.
  • ‘ Kenryokuteki kaikaku no kozo t o sono haikei S hingai kakumei no keizaishiteki ichi 権力的改革 の構造とその背景 辛亥革命の経済史的位置 (Structure of Authoritarian Reformations and its Historical Background: Placing the 1911 Revolution in th e Economic History Perspective) Perspective), Rekishigaku kenkyu 歴史学研究 Journal of History Studies) 547, pp . 141 150, 1985.
  • ‘ Kindai C hugoku ni okeru kenryokuteki kaikaku no sai kento ’ 近代中国における権力的 改革の再検討 Revisiting Authoritaria n Reformations in Modern China) China), Rekishi hyoron 歴史評論 History Review) 412, pp. 40 51, 1984
  • ‘ Shinmatsu K ohoku sho zaisei no bukenteki tenkai S hingai kakumei no zaiseishiteki zentei 清末湖北省財政 の分権的展開 辛亥革命の財政史的前提 (Independency of the Hubei Provincial Government in Late Qing Period: Financial Prelude to the 1911 Revolution), Shirin 史林 (History 66 6, pp . 1 35 ,
  • Shinmatsu K ohok u sho ni okeru heisei kaikaku K eizai sochi to shite no sho kenryoku 9 清末湖北省 清末湖北省に於ける幣制改革に於ける幣制改革――経済装置としての省権力経済装置としての省権力―― (Monetary Reforms in (Monetary Reforms in Hubei Hubei Province in Province in the the Late Qing Period: Provincial Late Qing Period: Provincial Power as an Economic Apparatus)Power as an Economic Apparatus), , Toyoshi kenkyuToyoshi kenkyu 東洋史研究東洋史研究 ((JournalJournal of Oriental History Studies) 41of Oriental History Studies) 41--3, pp.3, pp. 8686--122, 122, 1982.1982.