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Foreign scholars personal information
Jon Eugene von Kowallis 寇致銘
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Australia 澳大利亞
Period for Grants:3個月

照片 Photo : 寇致銘 Jon Eugene von Kowallis

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of Chinese & Indonesian Studies, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of New South Wales, Australia澳洲新南威爾斯大學中國與印度學系

Topic:Lu Xun's Early wenyan Essays from the Japan Lehrjahre Period魯迅早期文言論文之研究



Instituion:School of Languages and Linguistics, University of New South Wales, Australia



Homepage:Jon Eugene von Kowallis
Jon Eugene von Kowallis個人網頁
Jon Eugene von Kowallis

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • 2018, 'Guanyu Lu Xun Zaoqi Wenyan Lunwen de Haiwai Xueshu Fanying', in , Beijing Lu Xun Bowuguan, Beijing, pp. 365 - 405 2018
  • 2016, 'From America to Australia with Lu Xun', in Lee M; Cheung CY; Wiles S (ed.), Lu Xun and Australia, Australian Scholarly Publishing, North Melbourne, pp. 103 - 117 2016
  • 2014, '"Wo Zenme yu Wang Yao Xiansheng Jieshi" (How I Came to Know Professor Wang Yao)', in 温儒敏 ; 陈平原 (ed.), 王瑤先生百年诞辰纪念论文集, pp. 350 - 351 2014
  • 2014, 'Sado-masochism, steamy sex, and Shanghai glitter: what’s love got to do with it? A philologist looks at Lust/Caution and the literary texts that inspired it', in Hsiao-yen P; Crothers Dilley W (ed.), From Eileen Chang to Ang Lee : Lust/Caution, edn. Academia Sinica on East Asia, Routledge, New York and London, pp. 51 - 63,
  • 2014, 'Fanyi yu duchuangxing: chonggu zuowei fanyijia de Lu Xun [Translation and Creativity: Reappraising Lu Xun as a Translator]', in 温儒敏 ; 陈平原 (ed.), 王瑤先生百年诞辰纪念论文集 [Wang Yao Xiansheng Bainian Danchen Jinian Lunwenji / Festscrift for the 100th Anniversary of Professor Wang Yao's Birth], Sanlian Shudian, Beijing, pp. 341 - 353
  • 2014, 'Lun Lu Xun 'Moluo Shi Li Shuo ' de Yingwen Fanyi: 'Yuan' wenben jiqui 'Jingyi' yu 'ziju' de liangnan [On the English translation of Lu Xun's 'On the Power of Mara Poetry': the source text and the 'figurative' vs 'literal dilejmma'', in 张鸿声 ; 朴宰雨 (ed.), 世界鲁迅与鲁迅世界 [Shijie Lu Xun yu Lu Xun Shijie: Meijie, Fanyi yu Xiandaixing Shuxie / Lu Xun in the World and Lu Xun's World: Media, Translation and the Writing of Modernity], Zhongguo Chuanmei Daxue Chubanshe, Beijing, pp. 282 - 289
  • 2013, 'Haixia Liang'an de Rentong Wenti -- Zhonghua Minguo Yibai Zhounian Jinian yu Lai Shengchuan de Zuopin (The Identity Question on Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits -- the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of China and the Works of Lai Shengchuan)', in Kua Wenhua Qingjing: Chayu yu Dongtai Ronghe -- Taiwan Xian/Dangdai Wenxue Wenhua Yanjiu (The Transcultural Condition: Differences or Dynamic Fusion -- Studies of Modern and Contemporary Taiwan Litera, edn. Zhongguo Wenzhe Zhuankan, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 121 - 137
  • 2012, 'Lun Chen Yan, Chen Sanli, Zheng Xiaoxu he Tong-Guang Ti (On Chen Yan, Chen Sanli, Zheng Xiaoxu and the Tong-Guang Stylists)', in Shengqing W; Jiaqian G (ed.), Shuqing chuantong yu weixin shidai: Xinhai qianhou de wenren, wenxue [The Lyrical tradition and the reform era: literature and literati prior to and after 1911], edn. Original, Shanghai Wenyi Chubanshe, Shanghai, pp. 520 - 566
  • 2011, 'Lu Xun Yanjiu zai Yingyu Shijie: Guoqu, Dangqian, Weilai', in Zhou Lingfei (ed.), Lu Xun Shehui Yingxiang Diaocha Baogao, edn. Original, Renmin Ribao Chubanshe, Beijing, pp. 257 - 276
  • 2009, 'Re-reading Lu Xun`s Early Wenyan Essays in the Shadow of the Beijing Olympics', in Ling B (ed.), Literature as Witness, edn. Original, Free Culture Press, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 42 - 49
  • 2007, 'Chen Sanli and modernity in classical style poetry during the late Qing and early Republican eras', in Gaoping Z (ed.), Qing dai wenxue yu xueshu (Literature and scholarship of the Qing era), edn. First, Xin wen feng, Taipei, pp. 117 - 156
  • 2006, 'Lu Xun and Terrorism: A Reading of Revenge and Violence in Mara and Beyond', in Zarrow P (ed.), Creating Chinese Modernity, edn. First, Peter Lang, New York, pp. 83 - 98
  • 2006, 'Lu Xun (1881-1936)', in Dictionary of Literary Biography Chinese Fiction Writers 1900-1949, edn. Volume 328, Thomson Gale, United States of America, pp. 129 - 150
  • 2006, 'Lu Xun on Film', in Lu Xun: Kua wenhua duihus (Lu Xun a transitional dialogue), edn. First, Zhengzhou: Da Xiang Chubanishe, P R China, pp. 327 - 336
  • 2005, 'Chinese Literature', in Booker MK (ed.), Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics, edn. First, Greenwood Press, London, pp. 152 - 157
  • 2005, 'The True Story of Lu Xun', in Lu Xun Yanjiu Yuekan [Lu Xun Research Monthly], edn. Original, Lu Xun Museum, Beijing, pp. 48 - 53 2005
  • 2005, 'Lu Xun', in Encyclopaedia of Literature and Politics, edn. First, Greenwood Press, London, pp. 437 - 438
  • 2005, 'Lu Xun: the Sexier Story - a Review Article', in Chinese literature, essays, articles, reviews, edn. Original, pp. 151 - 166
  • 2005, 'The `true` story of Lu Xun', in Xinmiao Z; Yu S; Zengren L (ed.), Annual Collection of Lu Xun Research, edn. IV.K825.6-54, Henan Wenyi Chubanshe, Henan, PRC, pp. 45 - 71
  • 2004, '1) Love Letters and Privacy in Modern China: The Intimate Lives of Lu Xun and Xu Guangping 2) Letters Between Two: Correspondence between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping', in Journal of Asian Studies, edn. Original, Association of Asian Studies Inc, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, pp. 158 - 160
  • 2004, 'Love-Letters and Privacy in Modern China: The Intimate Lives of Lu Xun and Xu Guangping (Bonnie S McDougal) and Letters between Two: Correspondence between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping (Bonnie S McDougal) (book review)', in Journal of Asian Studies, edn. Original, Association of Asian Studies Inc, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, pp. 158 - 159
  • 2002, 'Lu Xun`s Han Linguistic Project: the use of wenyan to create an `authentic` Han vocabulary for literary terminology in his early years', in Lu G (ed.), Globalization and Chinese Cultural Studies, edn. 2002, Xuesheng Shuju, Taipei, pp. 289 - 312
  • 2002, 'Classical Chinese: Thriving at the Turn of the Millennium', in Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, edn. Original, pp. 133 - 142
  • 2001, 'Melancholy in Late Qing and Early Republican Era Verse', in Kubin W (ed.), Symbols of Anguish: In Search of Melancholy in China, edn. Original, Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 289 - 314
  • 1997, 'The Diaspora and Postmodern Chinese Film in Taiwan and Hong Kong: Framing Stan Lai's 'The Peach Blossom Land'', in Lu S (ed.), Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Identity, Nationhood, Gender, edn. Original, University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, pp. 169 - 186
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