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David Holm 賀大衛
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Australia 澳大利亞
照片 Photo : 賀大衛 David Holm

CCS Grant


Instituion:Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne澳洲墨爾本大學亞洲研究所

Topic:Mei Fu and Meishanjiao; The Old Zhuang Script梅福與梅山教;僮族方塊字系統研究



Instituion:Department of Ethonology, National ChengChi University,Taiwan



Homepage:Department of Ethonology, National ChengChi University
David Holm

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Holm, David. 1975. A Bibliography of Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals in European Libraries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Holm, David. 1976. “Ma Ke, Man and Wife Learn to Read/ one-act Yangge play (1945).” In J. Berninghausen and T. Huters, eds., Revolutionary Literature in China: an Anthology, White Plains. NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., pp. 71-80.
  • Holm, David. 1982. “National Form and the Popularisation of Literature in Yenan.” In la Fondation Singer-Polignac, ed. La littérature chinoise au temps de la guerre de résistance contre le Japon (de 1937 à 1945). Limoges: l’Imprimérie Bontemps, pp. 215-235.
  • Holm, David. 1984. “Folk Art as Propaganda: the Yangge Movement in Yan’an.” In Bonnie S. McDougall, ed. Popular Chinese Literature and Performing Arts in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1979. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, pp. 3-35.
  • Holm, David. 1985. “Lu Xun during the War Years: the Making of a Chinese Gorky.” In Leo Ou-fan Lee, ed. Lu Xun and His Legacy. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, pp.153-179.
  • Holm, David. 1991. Art and Ideology in Revolutionary China. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Holm, David. 1993. “The Strange Case of Liu Zhidan, in Jonathan Unger.” In ed. Using the Past to Serve the Present: Historiography and Politics in Contemporary China. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, pp.104-123.
  • Holm, David. 1994. “‘Ritual Theatre in China’, in A.M. Gibbs.” In ed. Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts. Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities, pp.197−216.
  • Holm, David. 2002. “A Review of the Celebration of the Bodhisattva Ritual of the Vernacular Priests of the Zou Lineage in Poji Township, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong Region, Yunnan by Guo Sijiu and Wang Yong.” In Daniel L. Overmyer, ed. Ethnography in China Today: a Critical Assessment of Methods and Results. Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd., pp. 109-116.
  • Holm, David. 2002. “A Review of the Yangxi of Guizhou: The Theatrical Troupe of the Deng Lineage in Dashang Village, Limu Township, Luodian County by Huangfu Chongqing.” In Daniel L. Overmyer, ed. Ethnography in China Today: a Critical Assessment of Methods and Results. Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd., pp. 117-128.
  • Holm, David. 2002. “A Review of the Celebration of the Bodhisattva Ritual of the Han Chinese in Poji Township, Zhenxiong County, Yunnan by Ma Chaokai.” In Daniel L. Overmyer, ed. Ethnography in China Today: a Critical Assessment of Methods and Results. Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd., pp. 129-132.
  • Holm, David. 2002. “A Review of Pleasing the Nuo Gods in Cengong County, Guizhou.” In Daniel L. Overmyer, ed. Ethnography in China Today: a Critical Assessment of Methods and Results. Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd., pp. 171-180.
  • Holm, David. 2003. Killing a Buffalo for the Ancestors: Zhuang Ritual Texts from Northwestern Guangxi. DeKalb: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University.
  • Holm, David. 2004. Recalling Lost Souls: The Baeu Rodo Scriptures, Tai Cosmogonic Texts from Guangxi in South China. Bangkok: White Lotus Co.
  • Holm, David. 2005. “Taoism among China’s Minority Nationalities.” In Edward L. Davis ed. Routledge Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture. London: Routledge, pp.136-7.
  • Holm, David. 2007. “The Old Zhuang Script.” In Anthony Diller and Jerold Edmondson, eds. The Tai-Kadai Languages. London: Curzon.
  • "Crossing the Seas": Indic Ritual Templates and the Shamanic Substratum in Eastern Asia
  • Literate Shamanism: The Priests Called Then among the Tày in Guangxi and Northern Vietnam
  • Modern Chinese Religion I: Song-Liao-Jin-Yuan (960-1368 AD). Two Volumes. By John Lagerwey and Pierre Marsone. Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section Four: China. Volume 29. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2015.
  • Parallelism in the Hanvueng: A Zhuang Verse Epic from West-Central Guangxi in Southern China
  • Mogong and chieftaincy in western Guangxi and Southeast Asia
  • Holm The Horse Play interlinear transcription 2001
  • A Layer of Old Chinese Readings in the Traditional Zhuang Script
  • Evidence for Historical Sound Change in Traditional Zhuang Texts
  • A typology of readings of Chinese characters in traditional Zhuang manuscripts
  • Things Modern: Material Culture and Everyday Life in China Frank Dikötter
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