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Foreign scholars personal information
Chi-kong Lai 黎志剛
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Australia 澳大利亞
Period for Grants:3個月
照片 Photo : 黎志剛 Chi-kong Lai

CCS Grant


Instituion:The School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics. University of Queensland澳洲昆士蘭大學哲學、宗教及古典文學學系

Topic:The Power of Hair in Chinese Society, 1500-2000



Instituion:The School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics. University of Queensland,Australia



Homepage:School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, University of Queensland
Chi Kong Lai

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Lai, Chi-kong (with Gary G. Hamilton & Chang wei-an). 2006. “The importance of commerce in the organization of China’s late-imperial economy.” In Gary G. Hamilton (ed.), Commerce and capitalism in Chinese societies. London: Routledge, pp. 93-126.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2006. “Merchant discourse on self-interest in modern China.” In Peter Zarrow (ed.), Creating Chinese modernity: knowledge and everyday life, 1900-1940. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 99-118.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2006. “Modern Chinese economic and business history: past and present.” In Wang Winghua (ed.), China in multi-perspectives. Shanghai: Shulan, pp. 171-78.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2006. “Business networks of Xiangshan merchants in modern Guangdong.” In Wang Yuan-ming (ed.), Xiangshan culture. Guangdong: People’s Press, pp. 109-124.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2005. “Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.” In J McCusker, D.J. Hancock, S. Engerman, L. Cain and L.P. Kenneth (eds), History of world trade since 1450. New York: St Martin's Press, pp. 363-64.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2005. “Li Hungshang and modern enterprises: the China Merchants Company.” In Y. Huili and H. Zhan (eds), The studies of the China Merchants Company. Beijing: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pp. 434-71.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2005. “Properties disputes of Jinliyuan wharf during the mid 80’s of the 19th century.” In Y. Huili and H. Zhan (eds), The studies of the China Merchants Company. Beijing: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pp. 618-24.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2005. “The management and operation problems in the China Merchants Company.” In Y. Huili and H. Zhan (eds), The studies of the China Merchants Company. Beijing: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pp. 259-321.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2005. “Nationalization issues in the China Merchants Company.” In Y. Huili and H. Zhan (eds), The studies of the China Merchants Company. Beijing: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pp. 322-60.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2005. “Nationalization issues in the China Merchants Company.” In Y. Huili and H. Zhan (eds), The studies of the China Merchants Company. Beijing: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, pp. 322-60.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2005. “The queue during the 1911 Revolution.” In L. Qi Yan, L. Jinqiang and B. Shanlin (eds), Sun Zhongshan, 1911 revolution and modern China. Hong Kong: Modern Chinese History Association of Hong Kong.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2005. “Zhongshan merchants’ business activities in China and the world.” In Institute of Modern History, Academy of Social Sciences (eds), Modern China and the world. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, pp. 569-83.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2004. “The translation of steamship business, 1826-1873.” In W. Gungwa & N. Chin-keong (eds.), Maritime China in transition 1750-1850. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 299-316.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2003. “Chinese business history: its development, present situation, and future direction.” In Franco Amatory and Geoffrey Jones (eds), Business history round the world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 298-316.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2002. “Sheng Hsuan-huai and the operational problems of the China Merchants’ Company.” In Ip Yeili (ed.), Twentieth century studies on Sheng Hsuan-huai. Jiangsu: People’s Press, pp. 217-78.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 2001. “Between practical statesmanship and democratic thought: Kuo Sung-tao and his reform ideas.” In Yeh-chien Wang, Tse Tu Chen and Hon-wai Ho (eds), Chinese economy: tradition and modern transformation. Taipei: Tuxiang, pp. 443-81.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1999. “Chung-shan merchants’ business networks.” Essays in Chinese maritime history 7: 233-55.. Taipei: Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Science and Philosophy, Academia Sinica.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1999. “The business networks of Hsiang-shan merchant groups in modern China.” In Zhang Zhongli (ed.), The modern Chinese city: social and economic development. Shanghai: The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, pp. 345-61.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1998. “Recent trends in enterprise case studies and an overview of archival sources.” In Andrea McElderry and Bob Gardella (eds), Scholarly research on Chinese business history: interpretive trends and priorities for the future. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 169-88.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1998. “A lawsuit over the ownership of the Jinliyuan wharf in the French concession in the 1880s.” In Zhang Zhongli (ed.), Zhongguo Jindai Chengshi Qiye, Shehui [Modern Chinese city: enterprise, society and space]. Shanghai: The Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, pp. 48-53.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1998. “The adventurous tradition of Hsiang-Shan merchants.” In Yen-Ping Hao, Wei Hsiu-mei, Chi-Kong Lai, Kai-Wing Chow, and Stephen Mackinnon (eds), Tradition and metamorphosis in modern Chinese history: essays in honor of Professor Kwang-Ching Liu’s seventy-fifth birthday 1: 517-545. Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica.
  • Lai, Chi-kong (Co-author). 1998. “K.C. Liu: in appreciation.” In Yen-Ping Hao, Wei Hsiu-mei, Chi-Kong Lai, Kai-Wing Chow, and Stephen Mackinnon (eds), Tradition and metamorphosis in modern Chinese history: Essays in honor of Professor Kwang-Ching Liu’s seventy-fifth birthday 2: 1-18. Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1998. “Revisiting K. C. Liu.” In Yen-Ping Hao, Wei Hsiu-mei, Chi-Kong Lai, Kai-Wing Chow, and Stephen Mackinnon (eds), Tradition and metamorphosis in modern Chinese history: Essays in honor of Professor Kwang-Ching Liu’s seventy-fifth birthday 2: 1321-1332.. Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1995. “Li Hung-chang yu hsin-hsing ch’i-yeh [Li Hung-chang and the rise of modern enterprise].” In Samuel C. Chu and Kwang-ching Liu (eds), Li Hungchang yu Chung-kuo chin-tai-fa. Shanghai: Ku-chi, pp. 265-302.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1994. “Li Hung-chang and modern enterprise: the China Merchants’ Company, 1872-1885.” In Samuel C. Chu and Kwang-ching Liu (eds), Li Hung-chang and China’s early modernization. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 216-247.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1992. “The Qing state and merchant enterprise: the China Merchants’ Company, 1872-1902.” In Jane Kate Leonard and John R. Watt (eds), To achieve
  • Lai, Chi-kong (Co-author). 1990. “Cheng Kuan-ying’s I-yen: reform proposals of the early Kuang hsu period” [in Chinese]. In Kwang-ching Liu (ed.), Ching-shih ssu-hsiang yu hsin-hsing ch’i-yeh [Statecraft, thought and the rise of enterprise]. Taipei: Lien-ching, pp. 417-522.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1989. “Recent historiography on the self-strengthening movement” [in Chinese]. In Scholarship on modern Chinese history during the past six decades 2: 690-718. Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica.
  • Lai, Chi-kong (Co-author). 1989. “Consumerism without capitalism.” In Benjamin Orlove and Henry Rutz (eds), The social economy of consumption. Lanham: University Press of America, pp. 253-79. Reprinted in Rajeswary Brown (ed.), Chinese enterprise history 3: 315-338. London: Routledge.
  • Lai, Chi-kong (Co-author). 2001. “Labour relations in Asia.” Australian Journal of Politics and History 47.1: 1-3.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1998. “Imagining and constructing nationhood: hairstyles in modern China.” Thought and Works: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences [Ssu yu Yen], (special issue), pp. 98-111.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1995. “The historiography of maritime East Asia since c.1975.” Research in Maritime History 8: International Historiography of Maritime History, pp. 1-27.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1994. “China’s first modern corporation and the state” [abstract]. The Journal of Economic History 54.2: 432-34; review by Carol E. Heim, pp. 441-45.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1990. “The managerial and operational problems of the China Merchants’ Company, 1873-1901.” Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 19: 67-108.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1988. “The proposal to nationalize the China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company, 1878-1881.” Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 17: 15-40.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1987. “Ssu-ma Ch’ien as a Confucian historian.” Chinese Culture 28.1: 1-21.
  • Lai, Chi-kong. 1984. “In search of wealth—Kuo Sung-tao and his economic thought.” Chinese Culture 25.3: 53-79.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2016).Xiangshan Merchant and Modern China. In Chen Ciyu, He Hanwei, Chen Jiyao, Chen Junren and Chi-Kong Lai (Ed.), Chingxianqihou-Wang Yejian yuanshi jinian lunwenji (pp. 429-444) Taipei, Taiwan: Wanjuanlou.
  • Lai, Chi Kong (2015).The Managerial Problems and Investment Strategy of the China Merchants' Company. In Zhu Yingui (Ed.), China Merchants and the Study of Chinese Enterprise History (pp. 36-60) China: Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
  • Lai, Chi Kong (2013).Fashion development in modern China. In 廖柏源 (Ed.), 邦計貨殖: 中國經濟的結構與變遷. 全漢昇先生百歲誕辰紀念論文集 (pp. 435-446) Taipei, Taiwan: 萬卷樓圖書.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2012).Introduction. In Chi-Kong Lai (Ed.), Liu Guangjing’s exposition of China merchants (pp. 6-8) Beijing, China: Social Science Academic Press.
  • Liu, K. C. and Lai, Chi-Kong (2012).Zheng Guan Ying (Yi Yan). In Chi-Kong Lai (Ed.), Liu Guangjing’s exposition of China merchants (pp. 225-298) Beijing, China: Social Science Academic Press.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2012).Rethinking of some issues of modern Chinese history: interview of K. C. Liu. In Chi-Kong Lai (Ed.), Liu Guangjing’s exposition of China merchants (pp. 331-340) Beijing, China: Social Science Academic Press.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2012).Edith Liu’s introduction. In Lai, Chi-Kong (Ed.), Liu Guangjing’s Exposition of China Merchants (pp. 1-2) China: Social Science Academic Press.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2012).Xiangshan revolutionaries and the 1911 revolution. In Sin-kiong Wong, Teng-Phee Tan and Xuan-hui Pan (Ed.), 1911 revolution: Dr. Sun Yat Sen and the revolutionaries (pp. 101-114) Singapore, Singapore: Chinese Department, National Singapore University.
  • Lai, Chi Kong (2011).Chinese business history: Its development, present situation, and future direction. In Franco Amatori and Geoffrey Jones (Ed.), Business history around the world (pp. 298-316) Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lai, Chi Kong (2010).Qing Zhengfu yu Shangbanqiye: Xiangshan maiban he lunchuan Zhaoshangju (Qing state and merchant enterprises: Xiangshan Comprador and the China Merchants' Company). In Wang Yuanming 王远明 and Hu Bo Lin 胡波 (Ed.), Bei wudu di qunti: maiban yu jindai Zhongguo 被误读的群体:香山买办与近代中国 (The Misunderstanding Group: Xiangshan Comprador and Modern China) (pp. 90-102) Canton: Guangdong People's Press 广东人民出版社.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2009).China Merchants' Steam Navigation Company. In David Pong (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of modern China (pp. 213-215) New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2009).Hairstyles. In David Pong (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of modern China (pp. 169-173) New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2009).Fashion. In David Pong (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of modern China (pp. 22-27) New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Lai, Chi-Kong (2009).Li Hongzhang. In David Pong (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of modern China (pp. 460-463) New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Davin, Delia and Lai, Chi-Kong (2009).Lu Zuofu. In David Pong (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of modern China (pp. 534-536) New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • 黎志刚 Lai, Chi Kong (2007).辛亥革命前后的辫发风潮. In 李長莉 Changli Li and 左玉河 Yuhe Zuo (Ed.), 近代中国社会与民间文化. Social and folk culture in modern China (pp. 133-146) Beijing, China: 社會科學文獻出版社 Social Sciences Academic Press.
  • 近世中國商標與全國都市市場 / 黎志剛, 韓格理(Gary G. Hamilton)
Scholar's Photo 950829討論會「髮式與近代中國生活史 」
Scholar's Photo 950829討論會「髮式與近代中國生活史 」
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