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Foreign scholars personal information
Antonia Finnane 安東籬
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Australia 澳大利亞
Period for Grants:3個月
◦Academic, Historical and Philosophical Studies
照片 Photo : 安東籬 Antonia Finnane

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of History, University of Melbourne澳洲墨爾本大學歷史系

Topic:Changing Clothes in China



Instituion:School of Historical and Philosophical Studies , University of Melbourne, Australia



Homepage:University of Melbourne

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Finnane, Antonia. 2005. “China on the Catwalk: Between Economic Success and Nationalist Anxiety.” In China Quarterly, 183 (September 2005): 587-608.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 2005. “In Search of the Jiang Qing Dress: Some Preliminary Findings.” In Fashion Theory 9.1: 1-20.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 2003. “Yangzhou’s ‘Mondernity’: Fashion and Consumption in the Early Nineteenth Century.” In Positions: East Asia culture critique 11.2 (Fall 2003): 397-427.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 2003. “Langxian’s ‘Siege of Yangzhou: A Post-Ming Reading.” In Billy K. L. So, John Fitzgerald, Huang Jianli, and James K. Chin (eds), Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Wang Gungwu. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 331- 352.
  • innane, Antonia. 2003. “Yu Feng and the 1950s Dress Reform Campaign: Global Hegemony and Local Agency In the Art of Fashion.” In Yu Chien Ming, (ed), Wu sheng zhi sheng: jindai Zhongguo funü yu wenhua, 1650 – 1950, [Silent voices: women and modern Chinese culture, 1650 – 1950]. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Vol. II, pp. 235-268.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 2000. “Dead Daughters, Dissident Sons and Human Rights in China.” In Anne-Marie Hillsden, Martha Macintyre, Vera Mackie, and Maila Stivens (eds), Human Rights and Gender Politics: Asia Pacific Perspectives. Routledge, London, pp. 82-106.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 1998. “Enlightened Observations: Analogy, Comparison and Cultural Relativism in European Descriptions of Chinese Dress.” In Michel Cartier (ed), La Chine entre amour et haine. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, pp. 143-186.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 1997. “Water, Love and Labour: Aspects of a Gendered Environment.” In Liu Ts'ui jung and Mark Elvin (eds), Sediments of Time: Environment and Society in Chinese History. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 657-92.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 1996. “What Should Chinese Women Wear? A National Problem.” In Modern China 22.2 (April 1996): 99-131.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 1994. “A Place in the Nation: Yangzhou and the Idle Talk Controversy of 1934.” In Journal of Asian Studies 53.4 (November 1994): 1150- 1174.
  • Finnane, Antonia. 1993. “The Origins of Prejudice: The Malintegration of Subei in Late Imperial China.” In Comparative Studies in Society and History 35.2: 211-238.
  • Barbarian and Chinese: Dress as difference in Chinese art. Humanities Research. 2010:33-43. 2010
  • 2019. Hidden women of history: Hsieh Hsüeh-hung, communist champion of Taiwanese self-determination
  • Disappearing from the picture? Female Figures in Pattern Books of the Mao Years Antonia Finnane, Aga Skrodzka, Xiaoning Lu, Katarzyna Marciniak The Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures | Oxford University Press | Published : 2020
  • Disappearing from the picture? Female Figures in Pattern Books of the Mao Years Antonia Finnane, Aga Skrodzka, Xiaoning Lu, Katarzyna Marciniak The Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures | Oxford University Press | Published : 2020
  • Between Beijing and Shanghai: fashion in the Party state Antonia Finnane, Valerie Steele Paris: Capital of Fashion | Bloomsbury Academic | Published : 2019
  • Textiles and Apparel in the Mao Years: Uniformity, Variety and the Limits of Autarchy ANTONIA Finnane, P Sun, SS Reinach, W Ling Making Fashion in Multiple Chinas: Chinese Styles in the Transglobal Landscape | I.B. Tauris | Published : 2018
  • Sewing Manuals in 1950s China: Socialist Narratives and Dress Patterns from New Democracy to Socialist Transformation A Finnane, Anne Pierson-Smith, Joseph H Hancock Transglobal Fashion Narratives Clothing Communication, Style Statements and Brand Storytelling | Intellect Books | Published : 2018
  • Not just the Mao suit: Chinese fashion in the Mao years
  • Taiping tianguo yundong qianxi Yangzhoucheng de richang shenghuo 太平天国运动前夕扬州城的日常生活 (Daily life in Yangzhou on the eve of the Taiping Rebellion) A FINNANE Zhongguo richang shenghuo duben 中国日常生活读本 | Peking University Press | Published : 2017
  • Furnishing the home in Qing Yangzhou: a Case for Rethinking "Consumer Restraint" A Finnane, E Akçetin, S Faroqhi Living the Good Life: Consumption in the Qing and Ottoman Empires of the Eighteenth Century | Brill Academic Publishers | Published : 2017
  • Chong Hai lai xin: Yesuhui dangan zhong de wan Qing Zhongguo difangshi 崇海来信 - 耶稣会档案中的晚清中国地方史 (Letters from Chongming and Haimen: Chinese local history in the Jesuit archives) A Finnane, Sheng Zhang Shidi 史地 | School of History, Nanjing University | Published : 2017
  • Cold War Sewing Machines: Production and Consumption in 1950s China and Japan Antonia Finnane The Journal of Asian Studies | CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS | Published : 2016
  • Food and Local Place: Zhu Ziqing's Essay "Speaking of Yangzhou" A FINNANE, R Altenburger, M Wan, V Bordahl Yangzhou, a Place in Literature: The Local in Chinese Cultural History | University of Hawaií Press | Published : 2015
  • Folding Fans and Early Modern Mirrors A FINNANE, M Powers, K Tsiang COMPANION TO CHINESE ART | Wiley-Blackwell | Published : 2015
  • Reinventing Modern China: Imagination and Authenticity in Chinese Historical Writing Antonia Finnane ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW | ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD | Published : 2015
  • Writing about things in the nineteenth century: Scholar Zhou’s dream of Yangzhou (Yangzhou meng, 1850s) A Finnane, F Xiong, R Altenberger, M Wan Yangzhou: A Place in Literature - the Local in Chinese Cultural History | University of Hawaií Press | Published : 2015
  • Remembering the massacre, Remembering Nanjing: Inclusive Nationalism and the Challenge of the China Dream A FINNANE, J Fitzgerald Guoshiguan | Published : 2015
  • Department stores and the commodification of culture: artful marketing in a globalizing world Antonia Finnane, JR McNeill, K Pomeranz PRODUCTION, DESTRUCTION, AND CONNECTION, 1750-PRESENT, PT 2: SHARED TRANSFORMATIONS? | CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS | Published : 2015
  • Sartorial Boundaries on the Chinese Frontier AM FINNANE, Shoshana-Rose Marzel, Guy D Stiebel Dress and Ideology | Bloomsbury Publishing | Published : 2014
  • Chinese Domestic Interiors and "Consumer Constraint" in Qing China: Evidence from Yangzhou Antonia Finnane Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient | BRILL ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS | Published : 2014
  • Dead daughters, dissident sons, and human rights in China A Finnane Human Rights and Gender Politics: Asia-Pacific Perspectives | Published : 2012
  • Culinary Nostalgia: Regional Food Culture and the Urban Experience in Shanghai Antonia Finnane The American Historical Review | UNIV CHICAGO PRESS | Published : 2011
  • China's Last Empire: The Great Qing Antonia Finnane The Journal of Asian Studies | CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS | Published : 2011
  • Tailors in 1950s Beijing: Private enterprise, career trajectories, and historical turning points in the early PRC A Finnane Frontiers of History in China | Brill Academic Publishers | Published : 2011
  • The Quest for Gentility in China: Negotiations Beyond Gender and Class Antonia Finnane The China Journal | CONTEMPORARY CHINA CENTRE | Published : 2010
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