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Bonnie S. McDougall 杜博妮
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:UK 英國
birth year:1941Period for Grants:3個月
照片 Photo : 杜博妮 Bonnie S. McDougall

CCS Grant


Instituion:School of Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh英國愛丁堡大學亞洲研究學院

Topic:Private Writing in Public Spaces: The Nature and Function of Privacy in Modern Chinese Letters



Instituion:Department of Chinese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney, Australia



Homepage:Bonnie S. McDougall
Bonnie S. McDougall

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1974. “The Search for Synthesis: T'ien Han and Mao Tun in the 1920s.” In A. R. Davis, ed., Search for Identity: Literature and the Creative Arts in Asia. Angus & Robertson, Sydney.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1977. “The View from the Leaning Tower: Zhu Guangqian on Aesthetics and Society in the Nineteen-twenties and Thirties.” In Göran Malmqvist, ed., Modern Chinese Literature and its Social Context. Nobel Symposium 32, Stockholm.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1982. “Västerlandets litterära inflytande.” In Harriet Johansson et al. eds., Hundens År: Årsbok om Kina. Svensk-kinesiska vänskapsförbundet, Södertälje.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1977. “The Impact of Western Literary Trends.” In Merle Goldman, ed., Modern Chinese Literature in the May Fourth Era. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1984. “Writers and Performers, Their Works, and Their Audiences in the First Three Decades.” In McDougall, ed., Popular Chinese Literature and Performing Arts in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1979. University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 269-304.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1984. “Quest and Confrontation: The Poetic and Fictional Voices of Bei Dao/Zhao Zhenkai.” In Bert Edström et al. eds., Vägar till Kina: Göran Malmqvist 60 år. Orientaliska studier 49-50.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1990. “The Third Phase: Reflections on the Smolenice Symposium on May Fourth Literature.” In M. Galik, ed., Interliterary and Intraliterary Aspects of the May Fourth Movement 1919 in China, Proceedings of the international sinological symposium, Smolenice Castle, March 13-17, 1989. Vega, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, pp. 265-268.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1993. “Censorship & Self-Censorship in Contemporary Chinese Literature.” In Susan Whitfield, ed., After the Event: Human Rights and their Future in China. Wellsweep Press, London, pp. 73-90.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1993. “The Anxiety of Out-fluence: Creativity, History and Postmodernity.” In Wendy Larson and Anne Wedell-Wedellsborg, eds., Inside Out: Modernism and Postmodernism in Chinese Literary Culture. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, pp. 99-112.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1998. “Dominance and Disappearance: A Post-Feminist Review of Fiction by Mao Dun and Ling Shuhua.” In Autumn Floods: Essays in Honour of Marian Galik, edited by Raoul D. Findeisen and Robert H. Gassman, Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 283-306.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2000. “Literary Decorum or Carnivalistic Grotesque: Literature in the PRC after 50 Years.” In The People’s Republic of China After 50 Years, edited by Richard Louis Edmonds. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 161-70.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2001. “Lu Xun Hates China, Lu Xun Hates Lu Xun.” In Symbols of Anguish: In Search of Melancholy in China, edited by Wolfgang Kubin, Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 385-400.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2001. “Brotherly love: Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren and Zhou Jianren.” In China in seinen biographischen Dimensionen: Gedenkschrift für Helmut Martin, edited by Christina Neder et al. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 259-276.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. “Functions and Values of Privacy in the Correspondence between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping, 1925-1929: Searching for privacy in modern Chinese letters.” In Chinese Concepts of Privacy.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2003. “Revealing to Conceal: Love-letters and Privacy in Republican China.” In Concealing to Reveal: An International Scholarly Conference on "the Private" and "Sentiment" in Chinese History and Culture, Volume 2 (Sentiment), edited by Ping-chen Hsiung, Center for Chinese Studies, Taipei, pp. 279-346.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2005. “Privacy.” In New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, edited by Maryanne Cline Horowitz, Charles Scribner's Sons. Detroit, vol. 5, pp. 1899-1907.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2009. “Diversity as Value: Marginality, Post-colonialism and Identity in Modern Chinese Literature.” In Belief, History and the Individual in Modern Chinese Literary Culture, ed. Artur K. Wardega. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 137-165.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1967. “European Influences in the Poetry of Ho Ch'i-fang.” Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 1 & 2 (December 1967).
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1972. “The Importance of Being Earnest in China: Early Chinese Attitudes towards Oscar Wilde.” JOSA, IX. 1 & 2 (1972-1973).
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1978. “Poems, Poets, and Poetry 1976: An Exercise in the Typology of Modern Chinese Literature.” Contemporary China, II. 4 (Winter 1978), pp. 76-124.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1979. “Dissent Literature: Official and Nonofficial literature In and About China in the Seventies.” Contemporary China, III. 4 (Winter 1979) : 49-79.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1979. “Underground Literature: Two Reports from Hong Kong.” Contemporary China, III. 4 (Winter 1979) : 80-90.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1981. “Memories and Metamorphoses of a Thirties' Intellectual: A Study of He Qifang's 'Old Men' (Lao ren).” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, III. 1 (January 1981).
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1984. “Zhao Zhenkai's Fiction: A Study in Cultural Alienation.” Modern Chinese Literature, I. 1 (Sep. 1984), pp. 103-130.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1985. “Bei Dao's Poetry: Revelation and Communication.” Modern Chinese Literature, I. 2 (Spring 1985), pp. 225-257.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1988. “Breaking Through: Literature and the Arts in China 1976-1986.” Copenhagen Papers in East and Southeast Asian Studies 1: 35-65.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1991. “Problems and Possibilities in Translating Contemporary Chinese Literature.” Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 25 (January 1991): 37-67.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1991. “Wailai yingxiang de jiaolü: chuangzaoxing, lishi yu hou-xiandaixing” [The Anxiety of Out-fluence: Creativity, History and Post-Modernism]. Jintian [Today] 3/4: 86-93.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1994. “Cross-Dressing and the Disappearing Woman in Modern Chinese Fiction, Drama and Film: Reflections on Chen Kaige's Farewell My Concubine.” China Information, VIII. 4 (Spring 1994): 42-51.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1994. “Modern Chinese Poetry.” Modern Chinese Literature 8.1 & 2 (Spring/Fall 1994): 127-170.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1995. “Self-Narrative as Group Discourse: Female Subjectivity in Wang Anyi's Fiction.” Asian Studies Review 19.2 (November 1995): 1-24.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1996. “Chinese Errors and English Infelicities.” Journal of Macrolinguistics 6 & 7 (January 1996): 11-21.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1996. “Writing Self: Author/Audience Complicity in Modern Chinese Fiction.” Archiv Orientalni 64.2 (1996): 245-268.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1998. “Disappearing Women and Disappearing Men in May Fourth Narrative: a Post-feminist Survey of Short Stories by Mao Dun, Bing Xin, Ling Shuhua and Shen Congwen.” Asian Studies Review 22.4 (December 1998): 427-458.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 1999. “Literary Decorum or Carnivalistic Grotesque: Literature in the PRC after 50 Years.” In The China Quarterly 159 (September 1999): 723-732.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2001. “Privacy in Contemporary China: A Survey of Student Opinion, June 2000.” China Information 15.2: 140-152.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2004. “Privacy in Modern China.” History Compass 2 As 097, 1-8; (24 November 2004).
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2005. “Discourse on Privacy by Chinese Women Writers in Late Twentieth Century China.” China Information 19.1 (March 2005): 97-119.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2001. “Yingyu shijie yinsi giannian zongshu.” Nankai xuebao [Nankai University journal], January 2005, pp. 32-42; translation of "Briefing paper: concepts of privacy in English (15 February 2001).
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2005. “Privacy Concepts, Values and Terminologies in Hong Kong Fiction.” In Institute of Chinese Studies Visiting Professor Lecture Series 1. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, pp. 107-167.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2006. “Enduring Fascination, Untutored Understanding: Love Letters in China and Europe.” Monumenta Serica 54: 195-206.
  • McDougall, Bonnie S. 2007. “Literary Translation: The Pleasure Principle.” Chinese Translators Journal 185.28 (October 2007): 22-26.
  • 'Diversity as Value: Marginality, Post-colonialism and Identity in Modern Chinese Literature' in Belief, History and the Individual in Modern Chinese Literary Culture, ed. Artur K. Wardega, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2009, pp. 137-65
  • “Shen Congwen en la literature contemporánea China” [Shen Congwen and contemporary Chinese literature], translated into Spanish by Yolanda Fontal, in La ciudad fronteriza [The border town] by Shen Congwen, Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra, 2013, pp. 13-50
  • "Infinite Variations of Writing and Desire: Love Letters in China and Europe" in A History of Chinese Letters and Epistolary Culture, ed. Antje Richter, Brill, Leiden, 2015, pp. 546–81
  • "Lu Xun Travels around the World: From Beijing, Oslo and Sydney to Cambridge Mass", in Mabel Lee, Chiu-yee Cheung & Sue Wiles, eds, Lu Xun and Australia, Australian Scholarship, Sydney, 2016, pp. 126–30
  • "The Personal Narrative of a Literary Translator", in Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation, ed. Chris She and Zhao Ming-Ming Gao, November 2017, pp. 388–400
  • Xu Zhimo's "A Second Farewell to Cambridge" in Into English: An Anthology of Poems with Multiple Translations, edited by Martha Collins and Kevn Prufer, November 2017, pp. 113–20
  • “The Uncertainty Principle in Literary Theory:A Century of Censorship in Modern China” in Revisiting the May Fourth: International Symposium in Commemoration of the Centennial of the New Culture Movement in China, edp 2020
  • “Intuition and Spontaneity in Chinese-English Multiple-Voice Literary Translation: Collaboration by accident or design” in Rick Qi, ed., Chinese Literature in English: Translation, Publication and Reception, Routledge, London, edp 2020
  • "Zhongguo dangdai wenxue, quanqiu wenhua yu fanyi" [Contemporary Chinese literature, global culture and translation], in Shijie Hanyu [World sinology), vol. 13 (2014), pp. 143-51
  • "Ambiguities of power: the social space of translation relationships" in Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 44 (2012), pp. 1-15.
  • "Zuowei jiazhi de duoyangxing: bianyuanxing, houzhiminzhuyi yu Zhongguo xiandai wenxue zhong de shenfen tezheng" [Diversity as value: marginality, post-colonialism and identity in modern Chinese literature], trans. by Fan Hua, Shijie Hanyu [World literature], vol. 10 (2012), pp. 193-206
  • "Literary Translation: The Pleasure Principle", Chinese Translators Journal, no. 185, vol. 28 (October 2007), pp. 22-26
  • "Enduring Fascination, Untutored Understanding: Love Letters in China and Europe", Monumenta Serica, vol. 54 (2006), pp. 195-206
  • "Privacy Concepts, Values and Terminologies in Hong Kong Fiction", in Institute of Chinese Studies Visiting Professor Lecture Series 1, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2005, pp. 107-67
  • "Yingyu shijie yinsi giannian zongshu", Nankai xuebao [Nankai University journal], January 2005, pp. 32-42; translation of "Briefing paper: concepts of privacy in English (15 February 2001)
  • "Discourse on Privacy by Chinese Women Writers in Late Twentieth Century China", China Information, vol. 19, no. 1 (March 2005), pp. 97-119
  • "Literary Decorum or Carnivalistic Grotesque: Literature in the PRC after 50 Years", in The China Quarterly, no. 159 (September 1999), pp. 723-32
  • "Writing Self: Author/Audience Complicity in Modern Chinese Fiction", Archiv Orientalni, vol. 64, no. 2 (1996), pp. 245-68
  • "Modern Chinese Poetry", Modern Chinese Literature, vol. 8, nos. 1 & 2 (Spring/Fall 1994), pp. 127-70
  • "Problems and Possibilities in Translating Contemporary Chinese Literature", Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, no. 25 (January 1991), pp. 37-67
  • "Breaking Through: Literature and the Arts in China 1976-1986", Copenhagen Papers in East and Southeast Asian Studies, vol. 1 (1988), pp. 35-65
  • "Bei Dao's Poetry: Revelation and Communication", Modern Chinese Literature, vol. 1 no. 2 (Spring 1985), pp. 225-57
  • "Zhao Zhenkai's Fiction: A Study in Cultural Alienation", Modern Chinese Literature, vol. 1 no. 1 (Sep. 1984), pp. 103-30
  • "Memories and Metamorphoses of a Thirties' Intellectual: A Study of He Qifang's 'Old Men' (Lao ren)", Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, vol. 3 no. 1 (January 1981)
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