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Foreign scholars personal information
Ann Heylen 賀安娟
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Belgium 比利時
Period for Grants:6個月

照片 Photo : 賀安娟 Ann Heylen

CCS Grant


Instituion:Catholic University Leuven比利時天主教魯汶大學

Topic:Taiwanese Responses to the Japanese Colonial Language Policy (1895-1945)



Instituion:Graduate Institute of Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan



Ann Heylen EATS

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Heylen, Ann. 2007. “An excursion into Cai Peihuo’s Colonial Diary (1929-1936).” Journal of Chinese Overseas (JCO) 3.2 (November): 239-262。
  • Heylen, Ann. 2007. “Narrating History in Taiwan’s Changing Society, special edition Taiwanese Identity from Domestic, Regional and Global Perspectives.” Berliner China-Hefte/ Chinese History and Society 32: 101-122.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2005. “The Legacy of Literacy Practices in Colonial Taiwan: Japanese-Taiwanese-Chinese: Language Interaction and Identity Formation.” Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 26.6: 496-511.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2004. “The Modernity of Japanese Colonial Education in Taiwan: Moving Beyond Formal Schooling and Literacy Campaigns” (日據時代臺灣殖民教育的現代性:正規學校與識字運動之外). Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 2, December: 1-35.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2001. “De l’histoire locale à l’histoire nationale. La difficile institutionnalisation d’une historiographie taiwanaise.” Perspectives chinoises 66(July-August): 41-53。
  • Heylen, Ann. 2009. Japanese Models, Chinese Culture and the Dilemma of Taiwanese Language Reform. Studia Formosiana, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2008. “Diary Studies and Trends in Taiwanese historiography. LocatingColonial Modernity and Nationalist Stereotypes in the Tainan Region.” 林玉茹, Fiorella Allio (艾茉莉) 主編《南瀛歷史、社會與文化 Nanying history, society and culture 》,台南縣政府:南瀛國際人文社會科學研究中心,頁111-145。
  • Heylen, Ann. 2007. “Loading the Matrix, Taiwanese in Historical Perspective.” Carsten Storm and Mark Harrison (ed.), The Margins of Becoming. Identity and Culture in Taiwan. Studia Formosiana Series Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz: 39-54。
  • Heylen, Ann. 2006. “Cai Peihuo and the Romanisation Movement in Colonial Taiwan” [Chhoà-poê-hoé kap jít-pún sî tāi ti Tâi-oân ê Lô-má-jī Ūn-tōng, 蔡培火與殖民地臺灣的羅馬字運動]. 李勤岸(編). 《母語文學tī 母語教育中ê 角色》,台北:國立台灣師範大學、國家台灣文學館,頁340-363。
  • Heylen Ann (アン・ヘイレン). 2006. 〈都会人として生きていくには;台湾人の日本生活の思い出 〉, Mark E. Caprio (ed.) 《 近代東 アジアのグローバリゼーショソ》,東京: 明石書店,頁150-182。
  • Heylen, Ann. 2004. “Schools, Language and Textbooks in Dutch Formosa.” Scott, Szabo, and Heylen (ed.) Tales of Dutch Formosa. A Radio Docudrama in Four Episodes. Taipei: Radio Taiwan International: XV-XXXIX。
  • Heylen, Ann. 2004. “East India Chat.” Scott, Szabo, and Heylen (ed.), Tales of DutchFormosa. A Radio Docudrama in Four Episodes. Taipei: Radio Taiwan International, pp. 259-272.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2001. “Dutch Language Policy and Early Formosan Literacy (1624-1662).” In Ku Wei-ying (ed.), Missionary Approaches and Linguistics in Mainland China and Taiwan. Louvain Chinese Studies, Leuven: F. Verbiest Foundation and Leuven University Press, pp. 199-251.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2001. “Missionary Linguistics on Taiwan. Romanizing Taiwanese:Codification and Standardization of Dictionaries in Southern Min (1837-1923).”Ku Wei-ying and K. De Ridder (ed.), Authentic Chinese Christianity: Preludes to its Development (Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries). Louvain Chinese Studies, Leuven: F. Verbiest Foundation and Leuven University Press, pp. 135-174.J. Damm and A.
  • Heylen. 2008. “Conference Reports: Taiwan’s 2008 PresidentialElection.” J. Damm and A. Steen (Eds.) Postmodern China, Berliner Chinahefte /Chinese History and Society 34: 151-154.
  • Heylen and J. Damm. 2007. “Conference Report “Fourth European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) Conference.” Berliner China-Hefte/ Chinese History and Society 32: 162-166。
  • Heylen, Ann. 2005. “Giving a Voice to the Past: Tales of Dutch Formosa.” The RicciBulletin 8 (January): 15-22.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2004. “Chronique du T’oumet-Ortos. Looking Through the Lens of Joseph Van Oost, missionary in Inner Mongolia (1915-1921).” Verbiestkoerier VXI (September): 8-11/ Courrier Verbiest XV, (December): 8-11.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2003. “Symboliek van de Chinese Draak.” Verbiestkoerier VX (September): 8-11.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2003. “Symbolique du Dragon Chinois.” Courrier Verbiest XV (December): 8-11.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2003. “Chinese Bloemensymboliek.” Verbiestkoerier VX (March): 6-8.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2003. “La Symbolique Chinoise des Fleurs.” Courrier Verbiest XV(June): 6-8.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2002. “Cháp Hāng koán kiàn : Cai Peihuo’s Vision on the CulturalEnlightenment of the Taiwanese People.” The Ricci Bulletin 5 (February): 68-82.
  • Heylen, Ann. 2000. “Romanization: Looking to the Past.” Taipei Times 27/11/ 2000: 8. online:, Ann. 1999. “Taiwan’s colonial past revisited.” Taipei Times 08/11/
  • Heylen, Ann. (forthcoming). “History of Taiwan from the period of Japanese rule to the present.” The World and its Peoples Encyclopedia. China Volume, London: The Brown Reference Group plc.
  • 賀安娟 2008 〈生活在大都會:台灣人旅日回憶錄 Adapting to theMetropolitan Way of Life: Taiwanese Memoirs in Japan〉, 《臺灣文學學報》13: 179-204。
  • 賀安娟 1998 〈荷蘭統治之下的台灣教會語言學 – 荷蘭語言政策與原住民認字能力的引進 (1624-1662) 〉,《台北文獻》125 (九月): 81-119 。
  • 賀安娟 2006 〈日據台灣殖民教育的現代性:學校制度和語文教育之外〉,李弘祺 (編). 《中國與東亞的教育傳統(二) 東亞的書院傳統與近代教育的轉》,臺北:喜瑪拉雅研究發展基金會,頁487-526。
  • 賀安娟 2008 〈荷蘭時期的教育政策〉,《臺灣學通訊》26: 6-7。
  • 賀安娟 2008 〈比利時漢學研究的現況──從歷史觀點〉,《漢學研究通訊》36: 33-40。
  • 賀安娟 2005 〈Tales of Dutch Formosa—臺灣荷蘭時期的故事〉,《台灣教育史研究會通訊》37 (February): 8-14。
  • Heylen, Ann.2012.“Japanese Models,Japanese models, Chinese culture and the dilemma of Taiwanese language reform”, in Jens Damm and Paul Lim (eds), European Perspectives on Taiwan, Berlin: Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
  • Heylen, Ann.2012.“Taiwan's Historical Relations with Europe: Perspectives on the Past and the present”, in Jens Damm and Paul Lim (eds), European Perspectives on Taiwan, Berlin: Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
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