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Foreign scholars personal information
Vibeke Bordahl 易德波
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Denmark 丹麥
Period for Grants:3個月
照片 Photo : 易德波 Vibeke Bordahl

CCS Grant


Instituion:Institute of East European and Oriental Studies, University of Oslo, Norway挪威奧斯陸大學東歐和東方研究所

Topic:Orality and Literacy in Chinese Storytelling: Chinese Folklore and Storytelling in Taiwan Archives



Instituion:Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen University, Denmark



Homepage:Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, NIAS

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2007. “Wu Song and the Empty Tavern.” In Yangzhou Storytelling Literature and Folklore of China and Neighbouring Peoples. Institute of the World Literatures, Moscow, 22 pages.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2007. “A Drumtale on ´Wu Song Fights the Tiger.” CHINOPERL Papers 27, 33 pages.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. “Storytellers Scripts in the Yangzhou pinghua Tradition.” Acta Orientalia 66: 227-296.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2004. “The Voice of Wang Shaotang in Yangzhou Storytelling.” CHINOPERL Papers 25: 1-34.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2004. “In Memory of Dai Buzhang (1925-2003).” Asian Folklore Studies 63-1: 131-135.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2008. “Written Scripts in the Oral Tradition of Yangzhou Storytelling.” Lifestyle and Entertainment in Yangzhou. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 22 pages.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1977. “The Phonemes and the Phonological Structure of the Yangzhou Dialect.” Acta Orientalia 38: 251-320.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1985. “Some Woman Characters in the Work of Rou Shi.” In: Women and Literature in China, Gerstlacher, Keen, Kubin, Miosga, Schou eds., Brockmeyer, Bochum, pp.223-236.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1987. “Before Silence: Qin Zhaoyang’s Early Short Stories, 1940-1957.” The China Quarterly 110L 231-255.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1990. “Literary and Colloquial Forms in a Yangzhou Storyteller’s Tale.” East Asian Institute Occasional Papers 6: 77-87.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1991. ‘“Square Mouth” and “Round Mouth” in Yangzhou Storytelling.” Acta Orientalia 52: 135-147.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1991. “Grammatical Gleanings from a Yangzhou Storyteller’s Tale.” Cahiers de linguistique asie orientale XX.2: 169-217.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1992. “Yangzhou pinghua li de “fangkou” he “yuankou”’ [‘Square mouth’ and ‘round mouth’ in Yangzhou pinghua]. Yangzhou pinghua zhi you 5: 1-9. Reprinted in Quyi xinxi 29 and 1993 No.30.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1993. “Wen bai yi du: Literary and Colloquial Forms in Yangzhou Storytelling.” CHINOPERL Papers 16: 29-63.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1993. ‘“Wu Song Fights the Tiger” in Yangzhou Storytelling.’ Paper prepared for the IXth EACS Congress, Paris, 1992. In Acta Orientalia 54: 126-149.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1994. “Digressions of a Yangzhou Storyteller - The Private Life of the Tiger that Wu Song Killed.” In Outstretched Leaves on his Bamboo Staff. Studies in Honour of Gøran Malmqvist on his 70th Birthday. The Association of Oriental Studies, Stockholm, pp.36-45.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1995. ‘ “Three Bowls and You Cannot Cross the Ridge” - Orality and Literacy in Yangzhou Storytelling.’ In: Cultural Encounters, Aarhus University Press, pp.121-152.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1995. ‘Narrative Voices in Yangzhou Storytelling.’ CHINOPERL Papers 18: 1-31.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1997. ‘Professional Storytelling in Modern China. A Case Study of Yangzhou pinghua’, paper prepared for The Symposium of ISFNR in Beijing, April 1996. Revised version in Asian Folklore Studies LVI-1: 7-32.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1998. (Introduction and translation, with Lucie Borotova): ‘Chen Wulou: “Old Questions Discussed Anew. On Huaben”’, Asian Folklore Studies 57-1: 131-139.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1999. ‘Chinese Storytellers on Storytelling’, Arv - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore, pp.73-92.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1999. ‘Popular Literature in the Fu Ssu-nien Library of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan’, Asian Folklore Studies 58-1: 231-235.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2001. ‘Chinese Storytelling: The Interplay of Traditions’, IIAS Newsletter 24.1 and 29 (with photos by Jette Ross).
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2002. ’Large-scale Registration of Chinese Storytelling’, Asian Folklore Studies 61-1: 172-175.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2002. ’Systematic Recording of Chinese Storytelling Art’, China & The World Cultural Exchange 60.4: 36-38 (with photos by Jette Ross).
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2002. ’Review Essay: Epic and Asian Folklore’, Asian Folklore Studies 61-2: 311-320.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2003. ‘The Storyteller’s Manner in Chinese Storytelling’, Asian folklore Studies 62-1: 65-112.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2004. ‘Chinese Storytelling on-line’, in: IIAS Newsletter 34, July 2004, p. 42
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2004. ‘Web-publication of Chinese Storytelling’, in: NIAS Nytt 2, June 2004, p.23.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2005. ‘Storytellers’ Scripts in the Yangzhou pinghua Tradition’, Acta Orientalia 66: 227-296.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2009. ‘Written Scripts in the Oral Tradition of Yangzhou Storytelling’, in Lifestyle and Entertainment in Yangzhou, edited by Lucie Olivová and Vibeke Børdahl, NIAS Press, Copenhagen, pp. 245-270
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2010. “Storytelling, Stock Phrases, and Genre Conventions--The Case of ‘Wu Song Fights the Tiger’”, in The Interplay of the Oral and the
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2010. ‘Dialectal and normative registers in Yangzhou storytelling’, in: Chinese Language and Discourse 1.1: 93-122.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2010. ‘‘Wu Song and the Empty Tavern’ in Yangzhou Storytelling’, in: Literature and Folklore of China and Neighbouring Peoples, Institute of the World Literatures, Moscow, 21 pages (in press)
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2010. ‘“Wu Song Fights the Tiger” - From the Wang School of Yangzhou Storytelling’, in: Mark Bender & Victor Mair (ed.): A Reader in Folk and Regional Literature in China, 47 pp (in press).
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2010. ‘Chinese Storytelling—Transmission, Performance, Preservation. The Case of Yangzhou pinghua, in Folk Traditions in Modern Society, eds Pekka Hakamies, Vibeke Børdahl, Sun Jian (forthcoming)
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1986. ‘Ping Qin Zhaoyang de duanpian xiaoshuo “Anmen Mao Zhuxi you banfa” ji qita’ [On Qin Zhaoyang’s Short Story ‘Our Chairman Mao Has a Way Out’], in: Zhongguo dangdai wenxue guoji taolunhui, Zhongguo zuojia xiehui, Shanghai, pp.1-3.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1985. (translation from Danish into Chinese, with Ye Lin): ‘Ruhe baohu Libo gucheng de yuanmao’ [Per Kristian Madsen: Preservation of Ribe – Denmark’s Oldest Town], Gujian yuanlin jishu, Beijing, pp.52 + 65.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1994. ‘Yangzhou pinghua zhong de “fangkou” yu “yuankou”’ [‘Square mouth’ and ‘round mouth’ in Yangzhou pinghua], Fangyan [Dialect], Beijing, pp.119-124.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1997. ‘Zhongguo shuoshu yu Yangzhou pinghua’ [Chinese Storytelling and Yangzhou pinghua], excerpts from Vibeke Børdahl: The Oral Tradition of Yangzhou Storytelling, 1996, translated by Zhang Yunhe, Quyi jiangtan [Tribune of Oral and Performed Literature], Tianjin, No.3, pp.65-69. Bordahl, Vibeke. 1998. ‘Yangzhou pinghua zhong de koutou xushu yu “shuokou”’ [Oral Narration and ‘Speaking Mouth’ in Yangzhou Storytelling], Chinese Studies Hanxue yanjiu 31 (June), Taibei 1998, 267-287.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2000. ‘Zhongguo shuoshu yishu de koutouxing yu wentixing: Shuo Yangzhou pinghuade Wangpai “Shuihu”’ [Oral and Written Aspects of Chinese Storytelling: On the Wang School of WATER MARGIN in Yangzhou pinghua], paper presented at ‘99 Nanning International Academic Conference on National Folk Culture’, 11-15 November 1999. In: Mian xiang 21shijide minzu minjian wenhua [China’s National Folk Cultures Facing the 21 Century], pp. 393-400.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2000. ‘Zhongguo chuantongde shuoshu yishu – quan shijiede baogui caifu’ [The traditional art of Chinese storytelling - a treasure of global importance]. Paper presented at Beijing International Conference for the Performed Arts, 11 November 2000. Extract printed in Quyi [Chinese performed arts] 12, Beijing: 7-8.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2001. ‘Yangzhou pinghua de ‘koutouxing’ yu ’wentixing’ [Oral and literary features in Yangzhou storytelling], Yangzhou quyi zhi you 28, December 2001, p.1.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2002. ‘Guanyu Zhongguo ‘shuoshu’ de xitong jilu’ [On the systematic recording of Chinese storytelling], Zhongwai jiaoliu 62.6: 9-11 (with photos by Jette Ross).
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2010. ‘Xiqu he shuoshu xushi fangshi de yitong – yi “Wu Song da hu” wei li’ [Differences and similarities in the narrative methods of Chinese drama and storytelling], in: Xiqu yanjiu 80: 116-131. Also in: Liu Zhen (ed.): Zhongguo xiqu lilun de benti yu huigui – 09 Zhongguo xiqu lilun guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwen ji, Wenhua yishu chubanshe, Beijing, pp. 198-207.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1972. ‘Historisk perspektiv på Yangzhou dialektens fonologi’ [The phonology of the Yangzhou dialect in a historical perspective], M.A.Thesis, University of Copenhagen, 107 pp.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1972. (Introduction and translation, with Liu Paishah) ‘Vores formand Mao ved råd’ [Our Chairman Mao Has a Way Out] by Qin zhaoyang, in: Jan Bjøndal & Geirmund Johnsen ed.: Folkerepublikken Kina idag [The People’s Republic of China Today], Oslo, pp.62-70.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1975. (with Anne Wedel-Wedellsborg): ‘Folkets litteratur. Folkets kultur’ [The People’s Literature. The People’s Culture], in: Kina - riget i midten [China - the Middle Kingdom], The National Museum, Copenhagen, pp.158-175.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1980. ‘Et eksempel paa kinesisk “kritisk realisme” under De Hundrede Blomsters periode 1956-1957. En analyse af den narrative teknik og forfatterholdning i novellen “Tavshed” (Chenmo) af Qin Zhaoyang’ [An Example of Chinese ‘Critical Realism’ from the Hundred Flowers’ Period. Narrative Devices and Focalisation in the Short Story ‘Silence’ by Qin Zhaoyang], in: Børdahl & Clausen ed. 1980, opus cit., pp.102-121.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1994. ‘Den kinesiske fortællerkunst og dens betydning i moderne kinesisk litteratur’ [The Art of Chinese Storytelling and its Influence on Modern Chinese Literature], Orientaliska Studier, Stockholm, pp.1-17.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1996. ‘Mund, hånd, krop, trin, blik’ [Mouth, hand, body, step, look], about the NIAS workshop ‘Oral Literature in Modern China’, Copenhagen August 1996, InterPol, 25 August, pp.12-13.
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 1999. ‘Kinas evige historiefortæller’ [China’s Eternal Storyteller], Humaniora 4: 17-22 (with photos by Jette Ross).
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2001. ‘Historiefortællerens manér’ [The storyteller’s manner], Humaniora 3: 21-25 (with photos by Jette Ross).
  • Bordahl, Vibeke. 2002. ‘Om frihed og åbenhed i et forskermilieu’ [On freedom and openness in a research milieu], Danmarks Humanistiske Forskningscenter Årsberetning 2001, pp. 15-18.
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