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Foreign scholars personal information
Micollier Evelyne 艾美玲
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:France 法國
Period for Grants:4個月

CCS Grant


Instituion:Institute for Research on South-East Asia IRSEA/CNRS, France法國國家科學研究中心東南亞研究所

Topic:Anthropology of Health in the Chinese World: Social Change and Medical Pluralism in Taiwan



Instituion:CESSMA (Centre d’études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques), France




Work catalog
  • Rachel Yanqiu Zhou, William D. Coleman, Yingying Huang, Christina Sinding, Wei Wei, Jacqueline Gahagan, Evelyne Micollier , Helen Hong Su (dir.) 2017 Culture, Health, Sexuality Themed Symposium “Exploring the Intersections of Transnationalism, Sexuality, and HIV Risk ”.
Article catalog
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2007. “Social Inscription of Sexualities in an Era of AIDS” (Aizibing shidai ‘Xing’ de shehui miaoshu) in Huang Yingying and Pan Suiming eds Sexuality Research in China (Zhongguo xing yanjiu), n°26, Taiwan, Gaoxiong, Fangyou chubanshe (Universal Press), bilingual Edition (English-Chinese), pp. 105-124.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2006. “Homosexualité, prostitution, sexualité, sida » (4 entrées, 2000 signes par entrée, section : anthropologie), dans T. Sanjuan éd. Dictionnaire de la Chine contemporaine, Paris : A. Colin, pp. 124-125, 204-205, 234-237.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2006. “Sexualities and HIV vulnerability in China, an anthropological approach.” Sexologies (European Journal on Sexual Health) 15.3: 191-201.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2005. “AIDS in China: discourses on sexuality and sexual practices”, China Perspectives 60, Hong Kong, (online free access,, pp. 2-14.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2004. “AIDS Networks, Social Organizations and Medical Pluralism in China: Southern China and the Mainland Southeast Asia Links.” Asia-Pacific Forum 25, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica (Taipei), (online free access., pp.1-30.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2004. “Le qigong chinois, savoirs et thérapies néo-traditionnels à dimension religieuse : transnationalisation des réseaux, pratiques et croyances.” (Chinese qigong, neo-traditional knowledge and religious therapy : transnationalisation of networks, practices and beliefs), Journal des Anthropologues 97 (The Journal of Anthropologists), pp. 107-146.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 1999. “Control and Release of Emotions in Qigong health Practices.” China Perspectives 24, Hong Kong, pp. 22-30.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 1999. “L’Autre: porteur originel et/ou vecteur privilégié du VIH en Chine (Chine populaire-Taiwan)” (The Other: original carrier and/or main vector of HIV/AIDS in PR.China and Taiwan), Autrepart (Academic Journal of IRD), Paris, French Research Institute for Development, Special Issue AIDS : local and international constructions of illness, pp. 73-86.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 1999. “Taiwanese Social Organizations.” IIAS Newsletter 19: 33.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 1998. “Realignments in religion and health practices. An Approach to the New Religions in Taiwanese Society.” China Perspectives 16, Hong Kong, pp. 34-40.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 1998. “Mobilité, marché du sexe et de la drogue dans le contexte de l'épidémie du VIH-SIDA en Chine du Sud” (Mobility, sex industry and drug trafficking in the context of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in South-China), Migrations and Health 94-95, Paris, Special Issue "Migrations and AIDS", pp. 55-82.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 1998. “Realignments in religion and tensions over identities in Taiwan. Yiguan dao: An example of a New Religion”, China Perspectives 19, Hong Kong, pp. 37-43.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2006. AIDS, prostitution, sexuality, homosexuality (4 entries, part : anthropology), in T. Sanjuan éd. Dictionnaire de la Chine contemporaine (Dictionary of Contemporary China), Paris : A. Colin, in press.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2004. “AIDS Stigma and Social Vulnerability in China”, in Social Sciences and AIDS in Southeast Asia: Inventory of Research Projects, Priorities and Prospects for the Future, Proceedings of the Chiang Mai Conference, 2003, Nov. 10-12, edition of a CD Rom (full paper).
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2004. “Social Significance of Commercial Sex work: Implicitly Shaping a Sexual Culture?” in E. Micollier Ed. Sexual Cultures in East Asia. The Social Construction of Sexuality and Sexual Risk in a Time of AIDS, London, RoutledgeCurzon Press, pp. 3-22.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2004. “AIDS and Civil Society in Taiwan” in E. Micollier Ed. Sexual Cultures in East Asia. The Social Construction of Sexuality and Sexual Risk in a Time of AIDS, London, RoutledgeCurzon Press, pp. 223-240.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2000. “Analyse de la campagne de prévention à Taiwan” (The AIDS Campaign in Taiwan) in M.E.Blanc, L.Husson, E. Micollier éds Sociétés asiatiques face au sida (Asian Societies confronted by AIDS), Paris, L'Harmattan, Asian Studies Series, pp. 229-252.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2000. “Emergence de la société civile à Taiwan : vers une gestion collective des problèmes de santé” (Public health issues and civil society in Taiwan) in C. Baix, C. Chaîgne, C. Zheng éds Taiwan. Enquête sur une identité (Taiwan: the issue of cultural identity), Paris, Karthala pp. 309-331 (in French).
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2000. “Contrôle ou libération des émotions dans le contexte des pratiques de santé Qigong” (Control or liberation of emotions in qigong health practices) dans A.Kiss éd. Les émotions : Asie/Europe (The emotions : Asia/Europe), Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. « santé, sociétés et cultures» (series « Health, Societies, and Cultures »), pp. 123-144.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 1999. “Evolutions récentes des politiques sanitaires et changement social à Taiwan” (New health policies and social change in Taiwan), Proceedings of the INALCO Symposium "Taiwan : Economics, Society and Culture", Paris, April 28-29, Fondation Singer-Polignac, F. Paillart ed., pp. 71-92 (in French).
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 1996. “Entre science et religion, tradition et modernité: le discours pluriel des pratiquants de Qigong” (Between science and religion, modernity and tradition: The plural discourse of people who practice Qigong), in J.Benoist éd. Soigner au pluriel (Curing in a Context of Therapeutic Plurality), Paris, Karthala, pp. 205-223 (in French).
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2009. "Edito" in E.Micollier ed. Chinese Society confronted with AIDS : Social Responses and Cultural Politics, Special Feature, China Perspectives n°77, pp.2-3.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2009. “Management of the AIDS Epidemic and Local/Global Use of Chinese Medicine." In E.Micollier ed. Chinese Society confronted with AIDS : Social Responses and Cultural Politics, Special Feature, China Perspectives 77: 67-78.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2009. version française : « Gestion de l’épidémie et usages de la médecine chinoise. Traitements et recherche en médecine chinoise traditionnelle dans le contexte de l’extension du traitement médical et social du sida en Chine », pp. 75-87.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2008. Hardon A., Desclaux A., Egrot M., Simon E., Micollier E., Kyakula M. 2008 “Alternative medicines for AIDS in resource-poor settings: insights from exploratory anthropological studies in Asia and Africa”, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 4: 16 p.,
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2007. “Facettes de la recherche médicale et de la gestion du VIH-sida dans le système de santé chinois : un autre exemple d’adaptation locale de la biomédecine”, Sciences Sociales et Santé 25.3: 31-39.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2007. “Qigong et « nouvelles religions » en Chine et à Taiwan : instrumentalisation politique et processus de légitimation des pratiques”, Autrepart 42 : 129-146.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2006. “Sexualités et vulnérabilité au VIH/sida en Chine, un regard anthropologique” Sexologies (Revue européenne de sexologie médicale) 15.3 : 191-201.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2006. Compte rendu de lecture: Sex, Science and Morality in China, J. McMillan, London and New York: Routledge, Routledge Contemporary China Series. 191 p, Etudes Chinoises 25, pp. 504-508, 2006.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. “Acteurs de la mobilisation collective contre le sida en Chine et solidarités transnationales : dynamiques locales et visibilité des groupes de défense des minorités sexuelles et sociales”, dans F. Eboko, F. Bourdier, P. Broqua et O. Fillieule éds « Mobilisations collectives face au sida dans le monde. Translations internationales et dynamiques locales » Face à face. Regards sur la santé n°7 (revue en ligne, ), pp. 31-40.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2005. version anglaise « Collective mobilisation and transnational solidarity to combat Aids in China : local dynamics and visibility of groups defending sexual and social minorities » : pp. 30-38.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. “Le sida en Chine : pratiques et discours de la sexualité”, Perspectives chinoises, revue du CEFC (Centre d’Etudes Français sur la Chine contemporaine, Hongkong) 89, (accès en ligne,, pp. 2-15.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. version anglaise : « AIDS in China: Discourses on Sexuality and Sexual Practices » China Perspectives 60: 2-14.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2004. “Le qigong chinois: enjeux économiques et transnationalisation des réseaux, pratiques et croyances”, dans L. Bazin, A. Benveniste, V.A. Hernandez et M. Sélim (coord.) “Globalisation, Tome II : Consommations du religieux”, Journal des Anthropologues 98-99 : 107-146
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2004. “AIDS Networks, Social Organizations and Medical Pluralism in China: Southern China and the Mainland Southeast Asia Links”, Asia-Pacific Forum 25, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica (Taipei), (accès en ligne:, pp.1-30.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2002. Compte-rendu de lecture: Appetites. Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China, J. Farquhar, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2002, 341 p., Leiden, IIAS Newsletter 33:36, 2004.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2005. « Société chinoise face au sida : un tournant dans la gestion officielle du risque épidémique ? » Sciences au Sud (Journal de l’IRD) 31 : 3.
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2005. « Phénomènes de stigmatisation dans un monde chinois confronté au VIH-sida : vers une collaboration entre réponses officielles et société civile », dans A. Desclaux éd. L’approche culturelle de la prévention et du traitement du VIH-sida : stigmatisation et discrimination, Paris, Publications de l’UNESCO, Etude n°20, seconde édition révisée (version espagnole : « Fenomenos de estigmatization en una poblacion china enfrentada al VIH/SIDA: hacia una colaboracion entre las respuestas oficiales y la sociedad civil », en VIH/SIDA Estigma y discriminacion : un enfoque antropologico, Paris : UNESCO, Estudio 20: 51-68).
  • Micollier, Evelyne. 2003. “HIV/AIDS-related Stigmatization in Chinese Society: Bridging the Gap between Official Responses and Civil Society”, in A. Desclaux ed. HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination: An Anthropological Approach, Paris : UNESCO, Studies and Reports, Special Issue 20, pp. 33-46.
  • Laure Le Guillevic and Evelyne Micollier, "Sustainable development policies tested by environmental justice: Teak plantations in Ban Lak Sip, North Laos", VertigO - the electronic journal in environmental sciences [Online], Volume 19 Number 1 | March 2019, posted on March 05, 2019,
  • Zhou YR, Watt L., Coleman WD, Micollier E. & Gahagan J. 2018 Rethinking “Chinese Community” in the Context of Transnationalism: the Case of Chinese Economic Immigrants in Canada, Journal of International Migration and Integration
  • 2018 Survive, dream, fight your way through adversity: young people of Vientiane agents of their transnational destinies? Chimères 92, 149-163.
  • 2017 Femininities on transnational journeys and sexual health risk: experiences of Chinese immigrant women in Canada , Gender, Place and Culture , 24, Issue 12: 1787-1806.
  • Zhou RY, Coleman WD, Huang YY, Sinding Christina, Wei W., Gahagan J., Micollier E. , Su HH 2017 Exploring the Intersection of Transnationalism, Sexuality, and HIV Risk, Themed Symposium Culture, Health & Sexuality 19 (6) , pp. 645-652.
  • 2016 From phenomenological resonances in the Chinese world: body, person, world and movement in Taoist and qigong experiences 气功 , Anthropology and societies , thematic issue J. Laplante & M.Sacrini “Phenomenologies in anthropology”, 40 (3) , pp. 161-185.
  • 2015 Medical Ethics and Therapeutic Knowledge from China as Contested Knowledge in Times of Globalization, Chiang Mai University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (2), 91-101.
  • 2015 (Ethno-) medical ethics in globalizing China: Tracing local knowledge and adaptation of biomedicine, International Journal of Bioethics / Journal international de bioéthique et éthique des sciences 26 (4), pp. 101-116.
  • 2014 The new order of the health system: multiple recourse and tension between privatization and re-nationalization, CNAF, Social information 185 special issue La Chine des questions sociales 185, pp. 52-55.
  • Zhou YR, Huang YY, Cain R., Wei W., Sinding C., Gahagan J., Su HH, Arnold E., Micollier E. , Johnson N., Yu B. 2014 Theoretical Promise and Practical Challenges. Reflections on an Ongoing Empirical Study on Transnationalism and HIV Risk, Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology , 25, Suppl.A, p.119A.
  • Sinding C., Zhou YR, Wei W., Huang YY, Cain R., Su HH, Arnold E., Gahagan J., Yu B., Micollier E. 2014 The Migration of Desire. Chinese Immigrants. Accounts of Sexuality and Intimate Relationships in Transnational Contexts, Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology 25, Suppl.A, p.42A.
  • 2013 New products from the contemporary Chinese pharmacopoeia: R&D, definition and sociality in networks, dossier "Medicines in the South. Production, appropriation and circulation of knowledge and goods ”coord. C. Baxerres & E. Simon, Autrepart , 63, pp. 69-88.
  • 2012 Transcultural reflection in bioethics from an experience in China: building a theoretical and methodological framework for future research cooperation, Journal international de bioéthique / International Journal of Bioethics 23 (2), pp. 105-116.
  • 2012 Sexualized illness and gendered narratives: the problematic of Social Science and Humanities in China's HIV and AIDS governance, International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies 8 (1), pp. 103–124.
  • Micollier, E. (with PH de Bruyn) 2011 Institutional dissemination of Chinese medicine: typology of the main issues, dossier "Chinese medicine. World Heritage »coord. E.Marié & P.H. from Bruyn, Chinese Perspectives 116, pp. 24-33.
  • Micollier, E. (with Pierre-Henry de Bruyn) 2011 The Institutional Transmission of Chinese Medicine: A Typology of the Main Issues, Special Feature “Chinese medicine. Global Heritage ”coord. E.Marié & P.H. from Bruyn, China Perspectives 86, pp. 23-32.
  • 2011 Hybrid and mobile therapeutic knowledge. Insight into medical research in Chinese medicine in China today, file "Asian therapeutic knowledge and globalization" coord. L. Gordon, Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances 5 (1), pp. 41-70.
  • Micollier, E. (with A. Guillou), 2010 Anthropology and health in Southeast Asia: research dynamics and trends, Monsoons. Humanities research journal on Southeast Asia 15, pp. 177-193.
  • Micollier, E. 2009 Management of the AIDS Epidemic and Local / Global Use of Chinese Medicine, in E. Micollier ed. Chinese Society confronted with AIDS: Social Responses and Cultural Politics, Special Feature, China Perspectives 77, pp. 67-78.
  • 2009 Management of the epidemic and uses of Chinese medicine. Treatments and research in traditional Chinese medicine in the context of the extension of medical and social treatment of AIDS in China, Perspectives chinoises 106, pp. 75-87.