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Foreign scholars personal information
Grace S. Fong 方秀潔
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Canada 加拿大
Period for Grants:3個月
Department Chair
照片 Photo : 方秀潔 Grace S. Fong

CCS Grant


Instituion:East Asian Studies, McGill University加拿大麥基爾大學

Topic:Inscribing Gender: Poetry and Prose by Women in Late Imperial China



Instituion:East Asian Studies, McGill University, Canada



Homepage:East Asian Studies, McGill University

Work catalog
  • Grace S. Fong. 1987. Wu Wenying and the Art of Southern Song Ci Poetry. Princeton University Press
  • Wu Wenying and the Art of Southern Song Ci Poetry. Princeton University Press, 1987
  • Herself an Author: Gender, Agency, and Writing in Late Imperial China (University of Hawaii Press, 2008)
  • Co-edited volumes Different Worlds of Discourse: The Transformation of Gender and Genre in Late Qing and Early Republican China (Brill, 2008)
  • The Inner Quarters and Beyond: Women Writers from Ming through Qing (Brill, 2010).
  • Jade Mirror: Women Poets of China (White Pine Press, 2013).
  • 跨越閨門 : 明清女性作家論 / (加)方秀潔[(Grace, S.Fong)] ; (美)魏愛蓮(Ellen, Widmer)編
Article catalog
  • Grace S. Fong. 2004. “Alternative Modernities, or a Classical Woman of Modern China: The Challenging Trajectory of Lü Bicheng’s (1883-1943) Life and Song Lyrics.” Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China , 12-59
  • Grace S. Fong. 2004. “Female Hands: Embroidery as a Knowledge Field in Women’s Everyday Life in Late Imperial and Republican China.” Late Imperial China 25.1 , 1-58
  • Grace S. Fong. 2004. “Gender and the Failure of Canonization: Anthologizing Women’s Poetry in the Late Ming.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 26 , 129-49
  • Grace S. Fong. 2003. “Lun ci de xingbiehua” 論詞的性別化 (On the gendered poetics of ci) Cixue 詞學14 (July 2003): 82-108.
  • Grace S. Fong. 2001. “Writing from a Side Room of Her Own: The Literary Vocation of Concubines in Ming-Qing China,” Hsiang Lectures on Chinese Poetry, vol. 1 , 41-63
  • Grace S. Fong. 2000. “Lun yongwuci de fazhan yu Wu Wenying de yongwu ci” 論詠物詞的發展與吳文英的詠物詞 (On Wu Wenying’s Song Lyrics on Objects in the Context of the Development of Song Lyrics on Objects), trans. by Lei Chen, Cixue 詞學12 , 74-92
  • Grace S. Fong. 2000. “Writing Self and Writing Lives: Shen Shanbao’s (1808-1862) Gendered Auto/Biographical Practices,” Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 2.2 , 259-303
  • Grace S. Fong. 1994. “Inscribing Desire: Zhu Yizun’s Love Lyrics in Jingzhiju qinqu,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 54:2 , 437-60
  • Grace S. Fong. 1994. “Kexie qingyu – Zhu Yizun zhi «Jingzhiju qinqu»” 刻寫情欲— 朱彝尊之«靜志居 琴 趣» (Chinese version), special issue: “Diyijie cixue guoji yantaohui lunwen ji,” Zhongguo wenzhe lunji 中國文哲論集4 , 335-45
  • Grace S. Fong. 1990. “Persona and Mask in the Song Lyric,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 50.2 , 459-84
  • Grace S. Fong. 1988-1989. “Contextualization and Generic Codes in the Allegorical Reading of Tz’u Poetry,” Tamkang Review, Vol. XIX, 663-79
  • Grace S. Fong. 1985. “Wu Wenying’s Yongwu ci: Poem as Artifice and Poem as Metaphor,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 45:1 , 323-47
  • Grace S. Fong. 2005. “Gender and Interpretation: Form and Rhetoric in Ming-Qing Women’s Poetic Criticism,” in Interpretation and Intellectual Change: Chinese Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective, ed. Ching-i Tu (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers), 205-18
  • Grace S. Fong. 2003. “Linglei de xiandaixing, huo xiandai Zhongguo de gudian nüxing: Lü Bicheng chongman tiaozhan de yisheng ji qi cizuo” 另類的現代性, 或現代中國的古典女性: 呂碧城充滿挑戰的一生及其詞作, in Qingzhu Shi Zhicun jiaoshou baisui huadan wenji 慶祝施蛰存教授百歲華誕文集, ed. Huadong shifan daxue Zhongwenxi (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe), pp. 330-44
  • Grace S. Fong. 2002. “Ming Qing nüxing chuangzuo juemingshi de wenhua yiyi” 明清女性創作絕命詩的文化意義 (The cultural significance of suicide poems by women in Ming-Qing China), in Zhang Hongsheng張宏生, ed., Ming Qing wenxue yu xingbie 明清文學與性別研究 (Literature and Gender in Ming-Qing China) (Nanjing: Jiangsu guji chubanshe), pp. 92-126
  • Grace S. Fong. 2001. “Signifying Bodies: The Cultural Significance of Suicide Writings by Women in Ming-Qing China,” in Passionate Women: Female Suicide in Late Imperial China, ed. Paul Ropp et al. (Leiden: Brill, 2001), 105-142. Also in Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 3.1 : 105-142
  • Grace S. Fong. 2000. “Xin, jiu, xianshi—Li Bai shizhong de nüxing xingxian” 新、舊、現實 — 李白詩中的女性形象 (New, Old, Realistic—Representations of Women in Li Bai’s Poetry), in Zhongguo Li Bai yanjiu 中國李白研究 (Research on Li Bai in China), edited by Zhu Yuebing (Hefei: Anhui wenyi chubanshe), 379-88
  • Grace S. Fong. 1998. “Shen Shan-pao (1808 -1862),” in The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Volume 2, ed. William Nienhauser, Jr. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press), 138-140
  • Grace S. Fong. 1997. “De/Constructing a Feminine Ideal in the Eighteenth-Century: Random Notes of the West-Green and the Story of Shuangqing,” in Writing Women in Late Imperial China, ed. Kang-i Sun Chang and Ellen Widmer (Stanford: Stanford University Press), 264-281
  • Grace S. Fong. 1996. “Sima Qian yu Zhongguo zaoqi zuozhe zhi gainian” 司馬遷與中國早期作者之概念 (Sima Qian and the Idea of the Author in Early China), in Huaxia wenming yu chuanshi cangshu 華夏文明與傳世藏書 (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Press), pp. 453-470
  • Grace S. Fong. 1994. “Engendering the Lyric: Her Image and Voice in Song,” in Voices of the Song Lyric in China, ed. Pauline Yu (Berkeley: University of California Press), 107-44
  • Grace S. Fong. 1994. “The Early Literary Traditions,” in Cradles of Civilization: China, ed. Robert E. Murowchick (Sidney: Weldon Russell), 81-89
  • 2017. 1927 : The legend of a Modern Woman Writer of Classical Verse
  • 2012. Auto/biographical subjects: Ming-Qing women’s poetry collections as sources for women’s life histories
  • 2009. Writing from experience: personal records of war and disorder in Jiangnan during the Ming-Qing transition
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