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Foreign scholars personal information
Hoyt C. Tillman 田浩
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:3個月
照片 Photo : 田浩 Hoyt C. Tillman

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of History, Arizona State University美國亞利桑納州立大學歷史系

Topic: Chu-ko Liang in Chinese Culture History



Instituion:Department of History, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Arizona State University ,USA



Homepage:Department of History, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Arizona State University

Work catalog
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Lishi yu wenhua de zhuisuo: Yu Yingshi jiaoshou bazhi zhushou lunwenji (Historical and Cultural Explorations: Essays Honoring the 80th Birthday of Professor Ying-shih Yü). Linking (Lianjing) Books
  • Tillman, Hoy and Zhang, Xiqing. 2007. Chanyuan zhi meng xinlun (New Discussions on the Shanyuan Treaty). Shanghai People's (Renmin) Press
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2007. Xifang xuezhe yanzhong de Chanyuan zhi meng (The Treaty of Shanyuan in the Eyes of Western Scholars. Chanyuan zhi meng xinlun (New Discussions on the Shanyuan Treaty). Shanghai People's (Renmin) Press
  • Tillman, Hoyt C. 2006. The Yoshida Letter. Encyclopedia of Chinese-American Relations, edited by Yuwu Song. McFarland & Co
  • Tillman, Hoyt and Zhang, Xiqing. 2006. 10-13 shiji Zhongguo wenhua de pengzhuang yu ronghe (Cultural Conflict and Synthesis in China from the 10th to the 13th Centuries). Shanghai People's Press
  • Tillman, Hoyt C.2011. 旁觀諸子學:略論宋代與現代的經濟、教育、文化、哲學.上海:華東師範大學出版社.
Article catalog
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2010. "Quanqiuhua jinchengzhong, ruhe chuangxin Rujia wenhua? Yi Shijie Zhuzhi Linhehui wei lizi" (How to Revitalize Confucian Culture in an Era of Globalization? Taking the World Zhu Family Association as an Example). Zhuzi Wenhua (Zhu Xi Culture)
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2010. "Rujia wenhua ruhe chuangxin?" (How to revitalize Confucian Culture?). Zhonghua dushu bao (China Reading Weekly) published in Beijing
  • Hoyt Tillman 2010 , translated into Korean by Byounghwon Kim. Juheeui Sayu Sagye (Zhu Xi's World of Thought). Kyoyook Kwahag sa (Educational Science Society
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2010. "Quanqiuhua jinchengzhong, ruhe chuangxin Rujia wenhua? Yi Shijie Zhuzhi Linhehui wei lizi" (How to Revitalize Confucian Culture in an Era of Globalization? Taking the World Zhu Family Association as an Example). Rujia wenhua yushidai jingshen: 2010 Zhongguo Quzhou Ruxue luntan lunwenji (Confucian Culture and the Spirit of the Age: 2010 Quzhou, China International Forum on Confucianism)
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2010. "Zengjin Zhuzi xue yu xiuzheng dangdai shehui fengsu de huodong" (Advancing Zhu Xi Studies and Rectifying Contemporary Culture). International Conference on Zhu Xi’s Confucianism and Contemporary Society, Second Cross-Straits Symposium on National Studies, sponsored by the Xiamen Yundang Academy and Xiamen University’s Institute for Chinese Studies
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2010. "Houzhong que guanghui de wangxi" (The Dignity and Magnificence of Past Memories). Yanyuan liuyun: Shijie wutaishang de Beida waiguo liuxuesheng (Passing Clouds of Statements from Yanyuan: Beida Foreign Students on the World Stage), edited by Xia Hongwei, (Beijing: Peking University Press)
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2010. Book blurb endorsement of Harvard University Professor Peter Bol's new book on Neo-Confucianism (Lishishangde Lixue).. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2009. Shehui, jingji lingyu zhong xuanzexing de Rujia jiazhiguan he shequn guanxiwang (Selected Confucian Networks and Values in Society and the Economy). Zhongguo Ruxue (Chinese Confucianism)
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Rujia jioayu shi geti zijue huoshi jiyou zhihui de chuandi? (Is Confucian Education Individual Self-Realization or the Transmission of Wisdom?). Gujin Lunheng (Disquisitions on the Past & Present)
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman) with Ge Huanli. 2009. Lishi shijie zhong de Rujia he Ruxue" (Historical Worlds of Confucians and Confucianism). Linyi Shifan Xueyuean Xuebao (Journal of the Linyi Normal College, Shangdong Province)
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Zhu Xi de siwei shijie (Zhu Xi's World of Thought) Greatly Expanded & Revised Version. Nanjing: Jiangsu Renmin Press
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Hafo Daxue de niandai (Harvard Years). Lishi yu wenhua de zhuisuo: Yu Yingshi jiaoshou bazhi zhushou lunwenji (Historical and Cultural Explorations: Essays Honoring the 80th Birthday of Professor Ying-shih Yü). Linking (Lianjing) Books
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Ruxue lunli he jingshi sixiang: tantao Chen Liang, Chen Huanzhang and Shibusawa Eiichi de guandian (Confucian Ethics and Statecraft Thought: An Inquiry into the Ideas of Chen Liang, Chen Huanzhang and Shibusawa Eiichi). Lishi yu wenhua de zhuisuo: Yu Yingshi jiaoshou bazhi zhushou lunwenji (Historical and Cultural Explorations: Essays Honoring the 80th Birthday of Professor Ying-shih Yü). Linking (Lianjing) Books
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Zhu Xi yu Daoxue de fazhan zhuanhua (Zhu Xi and the Transformation of Learning of the Dao Confucianism). Songdai xinruxue de jingshen shijie – yi Zhuzixue wei zhongxin (The Intellectual World of Neo-Confucian in Song Dynasty: Taking the study of Zhu Xi as the Center of Discussion). Huadong Shida (East China Normal University Press)
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2009. Hao Jing’s Reflections on the Classics and the Zhongyong. Taiwan Daxue Renwen Shehui Gaodeng Yanjiuyuan (National Taiwan University’s Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Bei Mei Songdai Ruxue he Zhu Xi yanjiushi yanbian: 60 huigu (Evolution of North American Research on Song-era Confucianism and Zhu Xi: Reflections on the last 60 Years). Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Bao (Chinese Social Science Today), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Lue tan Meiguo de Zhu Xi yanjiu" (Brief Discussion of American Research on Zhu Xi). Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Bao (Chinese Social Science Today), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
  • Tian Hao (Hoyt Tillman). 2009. Sushulou de huixiang (Recalling the Qian Mu House). Taipei: Dongwu (Soochow) University’s Management Section for the Qian Mu House
  • Hoyt Tillman. 2008. Yi Beida, yi laoyou" (Remembering Beijing University and Old Friends). Honglou feixue: Haiwai xiaoyou qingyi Beida, 1947-2008 (Red buildings and flying snow: Personal reflections of foreign friends of Peking University, 1947-2008)
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2008. Lun Zhu Xi he Tian (On Zhu Xi and Tian). Journal of East China Normal Universitty (Huadong Shifan Daxue Xuebao)
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2008. Zhu Xi de siwei shijie (zengdingben). Asian Culture (Yunchen Wenhua)
  • Tian, Hao. 2008. Gensui Shihuazi Laoshi yanjiu Songdai sixiangshi: lun Zhu Xi he tian (Researching Song Intellectual History with Professor Schwartz: Discussions of Zhu Xi and the ‘Mind of Heaven’). Shihwazi yu Zhongguo (Schwartz and China). Gilin chuban jituan
  • Tian, Hao. 2008. Yingxiong huozhe shengren? Fenxi Chen Shou he Pei Songzhi de Zhuge Liang (Hero or Sage? Analyzing Chen Shou’s and Pei Songzhi’s Zhuge Liang). Deng Guangming jiaoshou bainain yandan jinian lunwenji (Volume of Essays to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor Deng Guangming). Zhonghua Shuju
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2008. A Perspective from the midst of the Mongol Conquest: Hao Jing’s Reflections on Cultural Change and Continuity from Tang to Song. Jitiao yu bianzou: 7-20 shiji de Zhongguo guoji xueshu yantiao hui (Keynote and Variation: International Scholarly Essays on China from the 7th through the 20th Centuries). National Cheng-chi (Zhengzhi) University & Academia Sinica
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2008. Either Self-realization or Transmission of Received Wisdom in Confucian Education? An Inquiry into Lü Zuqian’s and Zhu Xi’s Constructions for Student Learning. Educations and their Purposes: A Philosophical Dialogue among Cultures. University of Hawaii Press
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2008. Zhu Xi yu Daoxue (Zhu Xi and the Learning of the Dao Confucianism). Fudan University College of Philosophy
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2007. Les académies confucéennes dans en Chine au temps des Song (Xe-XIIIe siécle). Lieux de savoir: Espaces et communautés. Albin Michel
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2007. Some Historical and Philosophical Sources of the Sanguo yanyi: Sima Guang and Chen Liang on Zhuge Liang. Three Kingdoms and Chinese Culture. Albany: State University of New York Press
  • Tillman, Hoyt . 2006. The Confrontation and Unification of Song, Jin and Yuan Cultural Thought: Exploring Hao Jing's view of Chinese and Barbarians, the Legitimate Succession of Dynasties, and the Evolution of the Learning of the Way Confucianism. Cultural Conflict and Synthesis in China from the 10th to the 13th Centuries. People's Press in Shanghai
  • Tillman, Hoyt. 2006. Gensui Shihuazi Laoshi yanjiu Songdai sixiangshi: lun Zhu Xi he tian (Researching Song Intellectual History with Professor Schwartz: Discussions of Zhu Xi and Heaven)
  • Hoyt C. Tillman. 2009. 北美宋代儒学和朱熹研究之演变:60年回顾
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