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Foreign scholars personal information
Steven Le Cain Riep 饒博榮
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles美國加州大學柏克萊分校東亞語言與文化系

Topic:Modernism in Literature from Taiwan, R. O. C., 1950-1975


Instituion:Asian and Near Eastern Languages, Brigham Young University, USA


Homepage:Steven Riep

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • “Disability, Creativity and the Poetry of Yu Xiuhua.” Chinese Literature Today 7.2 (October 2018), pp. 32-41.
  • “Disability in Modern Chinese Cinema.” The Oxford Handbook of Disability History, Michael Rembis, Catherine Kudlick, and Kim Nielsen, editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, August 2018, pp. 407-424.
  • “A War of Wounds: Disability, Disfigurement and Anti-heroic Narratives of War: The Case of Yu Hua’s ‘The Death of a Landlord'” (“创伤之战:残疾、伤疤与战争的反英雄叙事--以余华《一个地主的死》为例”). Translated into Chinese by Pan Li 潘莉. Southern Cultural Forum 《南方文坛》2017.2 (Guangxi Writers Association (广西文联): pp. 79-83. Abridged and translated from “A War of Wounds: Disability, Disfigurement, and Anti-Heroic Portrayals of the War of Resistance against Japan.”
  • “Bai Xianyong.” Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol 410, Gale Cengage with Layman Poupard Publishing, 2017, pp. 77-168 (Volume Academic Advisor).
  • “Shanghai Modernism: The New Sensationists.” The Columbia Companion to Modern Chinese Literature, Kirk Denton, editor. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016, pp. 176-182.
  • “Bai Xianyong.” Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 370: Chinese Fiction Writers, 1950-2000, Thomas Moran, editor. Columbia, SC: Clark Layman, Inc. for Gale Research, 2013, pp. 3-17.
  • “Piecing Together The Past: The Notion of Recovery in Recent Fiction and Film from Taiwan,” Modern China, 38.2 (March 2012), pp. 199-232.
  • “A War of Wounds: Disability, Disfigurement, and Anti-Heroic Portrayals of the War of Resistance against Japan.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 20.1 (Spring 2008), pp. 129-172.
  • “The View from the Buckwheat Field: Capturing War in the Poetry of Ya Xian,” in Christopher Lupke, ed., New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 47-64.
  • Bai Xianyong (Pai Hsien-yung, Kenneth H. Pai). “Guhui” (Remains of the Dead, short story). Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series, 40, (July 2017, special issue on the writing of Pai Hsien-yung), 83-105.
  • Wang Wenxing (Wang Wen-hsing). “Dianying jiushi wenxue” and “Lun lücheng yu haiyu: Bogeman dianyingzhong de xushu yu fengge” (Film is Literature and Of Journeys and Islands: Narrative Patterns and Style in Ingmar Bergman’s Films, essays). Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series, 39 (January 2017, special issue on the writing of Wang Wen-hsing), pp. 137-140 and 141-152.
  • Wang Wenxing (Wang Wen-hsing). “Longtian lou” (Dragon Inn, novella), pp. 279-349, “Canju” (Withered Chrysanthemums, short story), pp. 27-45 and “Yitiao chuiside gou” (Dying Dog, short story), pp. 9-13. In Shu-ning Sciban and Fred Edwards, eds., Endless War: Fiction and Essays by Wang Wen-hsing, Cornell East Asia Series #158, East Asia Program, Cornell University, 2011.
  • Duo Yu, (“Gathering Up” and “Village History” (poems), pp. 266-269) and Zhou Zan, (“Wings” and “Artisans” (poems) pp. 224-227). In Sylvia Li-chun Lin and Howard Goldblatt, eds., Push Open the Window: Contemporary Poetry from China., Copper Canyon Press, 2011.
  • Chinese modernism : the new sensationists