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Research Grant



In July 1989, the Center for Chinese studies implemented the Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies program. More than 400 foreign scholars from over 40 countries have received financial assistance to come to Taiwan to pursue their research. Due to the outstanding success of this program in promoting international scholarly exchange, from 2010 the Center was given the responsibility for administering the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs Taiwan Fellowship.



Although there are some differences between the two programs in terms of application deadlines and procedures (for more details please follow the links below), both programs welcome applications from foreign scholars of the humanities and social sciences (including professors, associate professors, assistant professors and Ph.D. candidates) who wish to carry out research in Taiwan for periods between one month and one year.



Summary of past “Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies” recipients, more information (link to the latest news, summary of 1989-2020 “research grant for foreign scholars in Chinese studies” recipients).

More detailed information




CCS Research Grent for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Database of Past Grant Recipients CCS Visiting Scholars' Working Papers



Newsletter for Research on Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
National Central Library(Open a new window)
Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships(Open a new window)
CCS Scholars Worldwide(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships and Scholarships(Open a new window)
Promoting Chinese Studies Abroad(Open a new window)
Taiwan Resource Center(Open a new window)
NCL Manuscript Submission and Review System (Open a new window)

Last updated: 2025/1/15
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