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Report on CCS Activities

“2021 Taiwan Lectures on Taiwan Studies”Series — Master, Mara and the Mad Man: Absorbing Russia in the Prose of Lu Xun 
“2021 Taiwan Lectures on Taiwan Studies” Series — Rearticulations of Foreign Literature Studies in Taiwan: Anti-Romanticism and the Translation of Subjectivity 
NCL 2022 On-line Lunar New Year Reception for Visiting Scholars 
Prof. Man-houng Lin Gives a Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies at Leiden University, the Netherland 
NCL Invited Prof. Yu-yu Cheng to Give Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies in Malaysia 
NCL Co-host Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies with University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 
Taiwanese Philosophy and the Preservation of Confucian Tradition International Conference and Book Exhibition Held at the University of Ljubljana by NCL 
“Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies” invites Professor Hua-Yuan Hsueh to deliver a lecture at The University of Tokyo 
“Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies” invites Professor Lin Ho-Yi to deliver a lecture at Seoul National University 
Visiting Scholars Invited to Celebrate and Experience Dragon Boat Festival 


Newsletter for Research on Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
National Central Library(Open a new window)
Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships(Open a new window)
CCS Scholars Worldwide(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships and Scholarships(Open a new window)
Promoting Chinese Studies Abroad(Open a new window)
Taiwan Resource Center(Open a new window)
NCL Manuscript Submission and Review System (Open a new window)

Last updated: 2025/2/18
Copyright 2012 National Central Library
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