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Report on CCS Activities
Prof. Man-houng Lin Gives a Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies at Leiden University, the Netherland  
Prof. Man-houng Lin Gives a Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies at Leiden University, the Netherland NCL Invited Prof. Man-houng Lin, Research Fellow of Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica to give the sixth "Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies" at Leiden University, the Netherland on October 9. The lecture entitled “ The Gradually Emerging Pacific—My Maritime History Studies”. In this Speech, Prof. Lin explained her reflection and experience of studying region history, especially the rim of Pacific history. Prof. Lin also provided her personal advice, by drawing some historical implications for current East Asian security at the end of her speech. 

Newsletter for Research on Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
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Last updated: 2024/7/1
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