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Measures for New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention of NCL 
As the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) becomes increasingly severe, the National Central Library (NCL) will enhance its epidemic prevention measures. Comprehensive body temperature measurements and disinfection with alcohol are mandatory from March 10th. More
Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies Recipient for 2020 
漢學研究中心2020年「外籍學人來臺研究漢學獎助」錄取名單已告確定。此次申請獎助者共計107人,審查會議於2019年8月15日下午召開,由曾淑賢館長主持,參加審查之學者專家共計6人。經過熱烈討論與審慎評選,最後決定錄取20名,備取23名。(包含25個國家)茲將錄取學人之簡介分述如下(正取、備取皆依國籍英文字母順序排列) More
NCL Holds Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies in Hungary 
The National Central Library followed the establishment of Taiwan Academy and Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies by planning and holding the Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies. By holding such academic events overseas, it is hoped that Taiwan Academy can capture the international community’s attention, invigorate Taiwan and Chinese Studies research, and boost international research exchanges.More
NCL holds Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies in Korea and Japan 
The National Central Library followed the establishment of Taiwan Academy and Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies by planning and holding the Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies. By holding such academic events overseas, it is hoped that Taiwan Academy can capture the international community’s attention, invigorate Taiwan and Chinese Studies research, and boost international research exchanges.More
CCS to Hold a “Lectures on Global Chinese Studies” on May 8, 2019 (Wednesday)  
Time: 15:00–17:00 Location: Conference Room (301) at the National Central Library Topic: The Magic of Concepts: History and Method More


Newsletter for Research on Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
National Central Library(Open a new window)
Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships(Open a new window)
CCS Scholars Worldwide(Open a new window)
Taiwan Fellowships and Scholarships(Open a new window)
Promoting Chinese Studies Abroad(Open a new window)
Taiwan Resource Center(Open a new window)
NCL Manuscript Submission and Review System (Open a new window)

Last updated: 2024/10/9
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