Gregoire Espesset 郭艾思
性別 Sex:男 Male
國籍 Nationality:法國 France
獎助期間 Period for Grants:3個月
研究主題:The Literary Structure of the Great Peace Scripture Digest
著作目錄(文章) Article catalog
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2010. “Les Directives secrètes du Saint Seigneur du Livre de la Grande paix et la préservation de l’unité”〔法〕, 於T’oung Pao《通報》(萊頓), 第95期, 第1-3號, 頁1-50。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2008. “Latter Han religious mass movements and the early Daoist Church”〔英〕, 於John LAGERWEY、Marc KALINOWSKI (主編), Early Chinese Religion, Part One: Shang through Han (1250 BC-220 AD) (萊頓, Brill出版社,), 頁1061-1102。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2007. “Le manuscrit Stein 4226 Taiping bu juan di er 太平部卷第二 dans l’histoire du taoïsme médiéval”〔法〕, 於Jean-Pierre DRÈGE (主編), Olivier VENTURE (副主編), Études de Dunhuang et Turfan (日內瓦, Droz出版社), 頁189-256。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2004. “À vau-l’eau, à rebours ou l’ambivalence de la logique triadique dans l’idéologie du Taiping jing 太平經”〔法〕, 於Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie (京都), 第14期, 頁61 -95。
- Espesset, Gregoire.2002. “Criminalized Abnormality, Moral Etiology, and Redemptive Suffering in the Secondary Strata of the Taiping jing”〔英〕, 於Asia Major (臺灣), 第3輯, 第15期, 第 2分, 頁1-50。
- Espesset, Gregoire2002. “Revelation Between Orality and Writing in Early Imperial China: The Epistemology of the Taiping jing”〔英〕, 於Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (斯德哥爾 摩), 第 74期, 頁66-100。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2006. “Later Han Taoist movements and their sources”〔英〕, 於國際研討會論文集Rituals, pantheons and techniques: A history of Chinese religion before the Tang, (1) Early China, 法國高等師範學院, 巴黎, 頁450-475。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2008. “Editing and Translating the Taiping Jing and the Great Peace Textual Corpus”〔英〕, 於 《中國文化研究所學報》(香港), 第48期, 頁469-486。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2009. “Robert Ford CAMPANY, Making Transcendents. Ascetics and Social Memory in Early Medieval China, Honolulu, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2009”〔法〕, 於Études Chinoises (巴黎), 第28期,頁279-284。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2007. “Barbara HENDRISCHKE (trans.), The Scripture on Great Peace. The Taiping jing and the Beginnings of Daoism, Berkeley, The University of California Press, 2006”〔英〕, 於 Études Chinoises (巴黎), 第26期, 頁327-336。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2006. “Philippe MÉNARD, ‘L’itinéraire de Marco Polo dans sa traversée de la Chine’, Medioevo Romanzo, Vol. 26 (Third Series, Vol. 7), Fasc. 3, September-December 2002, pp. 321-360, 5 pl.”〔法〕, 於Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient (巴黎), 第 93期, 頁517-522。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2002. “Michel STRICKMAN, edited by Bernard FAURE, Chinese Magical Medicine, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2002”〔法〕, 於Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie (巴黎), 第20期, 頁 443-444。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2002. “劉殿爵 (編輯),《太平經逐字索引》, 香港, 商務印書館 (先秦兩漢古籍諸子索引叢 刊, 子部第四十四種)”〔法〕, 於Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie (巴黎), 第20期, 頁360-361。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2002. “俞理明 (著),《太平經正讀》, 成都, 巴蜀書社, 2001年 (中國古典文獻學研究叢 書)”〔法〕, 於Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie (巴黎), 第20期, 頁361- 362。
- Espesset, Gregoire. 2011. Le Livre de la Grande paix et son corpus : Histoire et structure littéraires p. 39-47
- The Invention of Buddho-Taoism : Critical Historiography of a Western Neologism, 1940s-2010s ». Asiatische Studien / Études asiatiques, vol. 72, n° 4 (2018), p. 1059-1098.
- Traditional Chinese Knowledge before the Japanese Discovery of Western Science in Gabor Lukacs’ Kaitai Shinsho & Geka Sōden ». East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, vol. 40 (2014), p. 113-128.
- 2018 ‘The Invention of Buddho-Taoism: Critical Historiography of a Western Neologism, 1940s–2010s’. Asiatische Studien / Études asiatiques, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 1059–1098.
- ‘Sketching out Portents Classification and Logic in the Monographs of Han Official Historiography’. Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung / Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies, vol. 39, pp. 5–38.
- ‘A Case Study on the Evolution of Chinese Religious Symbols from Talismanic Paraphernalia to Taoist Liturgy’. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 78, no. 3, pp. 493–514.