Basciano Bianca 白夏儂
性別 Sex:女 Female
國籍 Nationality:義大利 Italy
獎助期間 Period for Grants:4個月
研究機構:Department of English, Germanic and Slavic Studies, University of Verona, Italy
研究主題:Causative Strategies in Mandarin Chinese, Taiwan Southern Min and Hakka漢語普通話,臺灣閩南話與客家話的使役關係表達方式
研究機構:Department of Studies on Asia and Mediterranean Africa, Università Ca Foscari Venezia, Italy
個人網頁:Bianca, Basciano
著作目錄(專書) Work catalog
- Bianca, Basciano. 2009. Shuobuchulai. La formazione delle parole in cinese. Bologna: Serendipità (with A. Ceccagno)(說不出來,漢語構詞法)
- Bianca, Basciano. 2009. Sino-Tibetan: Mandarin Chinese. In R. Lieber and P. Stekauer (eds.), The Oxford
- Bianca, Basciano. 2009. Classification of Chinese compounds. In A. Ralli G. Booij, S. Scalise and A. Karasimos
- Bianca, Basciano. 2009. The Chinese language and some notions from Western linguistics. Lingue e Linguaggio
- Bianca, Basciano. 2007. Compound headedness in Chinese: An analysis of neologisms. Morphology, vol. 17, n. 2
- Bianca, Basciano. 2007. “Complessità della morfologia del cinese”. In Atti dell’XI convegno AISC, Rome(with A. Ceccagno)