Maud M'Bondjo 
性別 Sex:女 Female
國籍 Nationality:法國 France
獎助期間 Period for Grants:6個月



研究機構:East Asian Civilisations Research Centre (CRCAO)


研究主題:New Confucianism and Modernities: Cross-dynamics of Philosophical Ideas and Political Interpretations in Contemporary Taiwan新儒家與現代性 : 當代台灣哲學思想與政治詮釋的交錯動態


研究機構:Research Centre for East Asian Civilisations (CRCAO)



個人網頁:China Centrum Tübingen (CCT)
Research Centre for East Asian Civilisations (CRCAO)

著作目錄(文章) Article catalog
  • M’Bondjo M. (2018):“A fundamental resource in Premodern China: Uses and functions of The Book of Changes in Zhou Dunyi’s (1017-1073) works 宋代的根 本资源: 周敦頤(1017-1073)的《周易》用途与功能”, Zhouyi yanjiu 周易研究.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2018): “A conspectus of Mou Zongsan’s (1909-1995) views on daotong: Zhou Dunyi’s (1017-1073) lineage 牟宗三 (1909-1995) 关于道统的观点: 周敦頤 (1017-1073) 的组系”, in Fang Chaohui (ed.), Datong 大同, Tsinghua University Press.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2013): “Neo-confucianism’s premises facing Aesthetic questions: Art (yi), Ethics (de) and the Way (dao) in Zhou Dunyi’s thought 理学 前提面对美学问题: 论周敦颐思想中的艺、德与道”, Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art (TSLA) 文艺理论研究, vol. 2, 2013, pp.67-76.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2013): “A brief survey of the question of cheng 誠: From interculturalism to trans-culturalism”, in Yolaine Escande, Vincent Shen & Chenyang Li (eds.), Inter-culturality and Philosophic Discourse, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 96-111.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2010): « Les notions de taiji 太極 et de cheng 誠 dans la pensée de Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤 (1017-1073) : Parallélisme, identification et dissymétrie », Etudes Chinoises, vol. XXIX, 2010, pp.289-300.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2010): « Entre rejet et influence : ‘Cultures’ confucéennes et ‘culture’ bouddhiste dans la Chine des Song (960-1279) », (Actes de) Colloques- Langues’O, « Contact des Cultures : perspectives pluridisciplinaires et transversales », 2010, pp.27-36.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2018): “New Confucianism and Philosophical Translation: Mou Zongsan’s (1909-1995) interpretation of cheng 誠as sincerity”.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2018): « Une tradition retrouvée ? Réflexions sur la figure et la pensée de Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤 (1017-1073) dans le renouveau confucéen des Song (960-1279) » [A restored tradition? Reflections on the figure and thought of Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073) into Song dynasty’s Confucian renewal]
  • M’Bondjo M. (2019): Interpreting the Mandate (ming) in Premodern China: Elaborations on Zhu Xi (1130-1200)'s Philosophical and Mantic discourse.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2016): Review of David Jones & Jinli He (eds.), Returning to Zhu Xi: Emerging patterns within the Supreme Polarity, Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2015. 372 p., in T’oung Pao, Vol. 102, Issue 4-5, pp. 562-565.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2015): Review of of Joseph A. Adler, Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi’s appropriation of Zhou Dunyi, Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2014, 341p., in Journal of Chinese religions, vol.43, no.2, pp. 194-219.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2014): « Laozi », in « Mission Impensable », Philosophie Magazine, June.
  • M’Bondjo M. (2013): « Confucius et la joie » (pp. 46-47), « L’homme suprême taoïste » (pp. 48-49) and « Zhuangzi et le non-agir » (pp. 50-51), in Le Point 10 Références, Thematic issue : « Les grands maîtres de la sagesse » [The Great Masters of Wisdom], May-June, pp.46-51.