Philip Thai 蔡駿治
性別 Sex:男 Male
國籍 Nationality:美國 USA
獎助期間 Period for Grants:1個月
研究機構:Northeastern University美國東北大學
研究主題:History of Insurance in Modern China近代中國保險史
研究機構:Northeastern University
著作目錄(文章) Article catalog
- “Old Menace in New China: Coastal Smuggling, Illicit Markets, and Symbiotic Economies in the Early People’s Republic,” Modern Asian Studies 51.5 (2017): 1561–97.
- Introduction to “Binding Maritime China: Control, Evasion, and Interloping” (special issue guest editor with Eugenio Menegon and Xing Hang), Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Cultural Review 25 (2017), 1–7.
- “Law, Sovereignty, and the War on Smuggling in Coastal China, 1928–1937,” Law and History Review 34.1 (2016): 75–114.Translated as: “Falü, zhuquan yu Zhongguo yanhai jisi zhi zhan” 法律、主权与中国沿海的缉私之战, Falü shi yiping 法律史译评 (Legal history studies) 5 (2017): 333–62.
- “Smuggling and Legal Pluralism on the China Coast: The Rise and Demise of the Joint Investigation Rules, 1864–1934,” in Voyages, Migration, Migration, and the Maritime World: On China’s Global Historical Role. De Gruyter, 2018 (forthcoming).