Kwok-Yiu Wong 王國堯
性別 Sex:男 Male
國籍 Nationality:加拿大 Canada
獎助期間 Period for Grants:3個月
研究機構:Depatment of History, Susquehanna University, USA美國塞斯奎漢納大學歷史系
研究主題:The Significance of Five Dynasties' Literary Activity in the Tang-Song Intellectual Transition五代士人文學活動於唐宋思潮演變中的關鍵性
研究機構:Religion & Culture, The University of Winnipeg, Canada
個人網頁:Kwok-Yiu Wong
著作目錄(文章) Article catalog
- Wong, Kwok-Yiu. 2007. “ ‘Hide-and-Seek’: On the Reclusion and Political Activism of the Mid-Tang Yinshi (Hermit) Fu Zai,” (forthcoming) Oriens Extremus 46 (2007), pp. 147-183.
- Wong, Kwok-Yiu. 2007. “Between Politics and Metaphysics: On the Changing Reception of Wang Tong in the Tang-Song Intellectual Transitions,” Monumenta Serica 55 (2007), pp. 61- 97.
- Wong, Kwok-Yiu. 2006.“Li Deyu yu Zelu zhiyi – jian lun Tangchao yu jiu shiji zhong suochu zhi zhengzhi kunju” 李德裕與澤潞之役–兼論唐朝於9世紀中所處之政治困局 [Li Deyu and the Zelu Campaign: On the Political Predicament that Faced the Tang Dynasty in Ninth-Century China], Tang yanjiu 唐研究 12 (2006), pp. 487-522.
- The White Horse Massacre and Changing Literati Culture in Late-Tang and Five Dynasties China