Shu-huei Wu 吳淑惠
性別 Sex:女 Female
國籍 Nationality:德國 Germany
獎助期間 Period for Grants:3個月

照片 Photo : 吳淑惠 Shu-huei Wu



研究機構:Department of History, Mississippi State University, USA美國密西西比州立大學歷史系


研究主題:Political Debates and Decision Making in the Imperial China中國古代政治議論及決策



研究機構:Department of History, Mississippi State University, USA




個人網頁:Shu-huei Wu

著作目錄(專書) Work catalog
著作目錄(文章) Article catalog
  • Shu-huei Wu. 1996. "The Imbalance of Virtue and Power in Qing Frontier Policy: The Turfan Campaign of 1731," Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes. Paris, pp. 241-264.
  • Shu-huei Wu. 1996. "How the Qing Army Entered Tibet in 1728 after the Tibetan Civil War," Zentralasia-tische Studien, 26 : 122-138. (Reviewed).
  • Shu-huei Wu. 1998. "On Taiwanese Historical Poetry: Reflections on the Shimonoseki Treaty of 1895," Journal of Asian History, 32/2 : 1-26.
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2002. "On Chinese Sacrificial Orations Chi Wen," Monumenta Serica. 50 : 1-33.
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2004. "Lien Heng (1878-1936) and the General History of Taiwan," Journal of Third World Studies, 27 : 17-58
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2010. "The Great Migration: Inception of the Zhou Identity," submitted to the Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
  • Shu-huei Wu. 1997. "The Seventh Dalai Lama in Exile: 1729-1735," presented at the 40th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Provo, Utah on June 2-3
  • Shu-huei Wu. 1997. "Lien Heng (1878-1936) as a Poet, Historian and Revolutionary Journalist," presented at the 35th International Conference of Asian and North African Studies, Budapest, Hungary on July 7-12
  • Shu-huei Wu. 1998. "On Taiwanese Historical Poetry: Reflections on the Shimonoseki Treaty of 1895," presented at the 208th American Oriental Society, New Orleans
  • Shu-huei Wu. 1999. "New light on China-Taiwan-Conflict from a Historical Perspective," presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies, San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2000. "Tai-wan tung-shih and Shih chi. A Comparative Study," presented at the 210th American Oriental Society, Portland, Oregon
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2007. ""Lien Heng and His Journey in China, 1912-1914 presented at Center for Chinese Studies. Taipei, Taiwan, R.o.C.
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2008. "Commentary and Criticism of Shiji in Late Imperial China presented at 218th conference of the American Oriental Society in Chicago
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2008. "The Cincept of Heaven (tian) in Shiji presented at17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) at Lund University, Sweden.
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2010. "Changing Conceptions of Self-Identity and the "Other" in the Shiji." Presented at the AHA annual conference in San Diego .
  • Shu-huei Wu. 2011. "Perception of the "Foreign" in the Shiji, Hanshu, and Gongyang Ideology" to be presented at the Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu
  • "Alliance-Building at the Dawn of Chinese Civilization" Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. 14, 3/4 (2012): 1-10
  • "Debates and Decision-Making: The Battle of the Altai Mountains in AD 91,"in Peter Lorge (ed,) Debating War in Chinese History, (Leiden: Brill, 2012): 32-56.
  • "史記中的中國人 – 兼駁近年來西方學者有關司馬遷民族思想的論述" 史學理論與史學史研究學刊 (in Chinese) Journal of Historiographical Theory and Historical Studies, 10 (2012): 155-179. Beijing, PR China
  • "Fighting for His Majesty (II): The Shang Art of War" Journal of Chinese Military History, 2, 2 (2013): 89-126.
  • 参彼己: 司马迁的史论之表现与内涵 – 以秦史为中心 (Mutual Appreciation: The Representation and Implications of Sima Qian’s Historiography with a focus on the history of the Qin)” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Chinese Ancient Texts and Traditional Culture. December 14-15, 2013, pp. 313-326.
  • “On Shiji 史記 22, Table Ten: A Year-by-Year Table of Generals, Chancellors, and Prominent Officials Since the Founding of the Han 漢 Dynasty,” Journal of Chinese Studies, 59 (2014), pp. 121-164.
  • The “Invisible Historians” in the First Four Standard Histories 前四史中的 “隐形史家”” 史學理論與史學史研究學刊 Journal of Historiographical Theory and Historical Studies, 15 (2016): 15-33. 16 (2017): 28-32.
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