Micah Muscolino 穆盛博
性別 Sex:男 Male
國籍 Nationality:美國 USA
獎助期間 Period for Grants:6個月

照片 Photo : 穆盛博 Micah Muscolino



研究機構:History Department, Harvard University美國哈佛大學歷史系


研究主題:Fishers in Troubled Waters: Environment and Society in the Zhoushan Archipelago, 1700-1945中國漁業環境史: 舟山群島, 1700-1945



研究機構:Department of History, University of California San Diego, US




個人網頁:Micah Muscolino

著作目錄(專書) Work catalog
著作目錄(文章) Article catalog
  • Muscolino, Micah. 2010. “Refugees, Land Reclamation, and Militarized Landscapes in Wartime China: Muscolino, Micah. Huanglongshan, Shaanxi, 1937-45.” The Journal of Asian Studies, May 2010.
  • Muscolino, Micah. 2009. “Global Dimensions in Modern China’s Environmental History.” World History Connected, March 2009.
  • Muscolino, Micah. 2008. “The Yellow Croaker War: Fishery Disputes between China and Japan, 1925-1935.” Environmental History, April 2008.
  • Muscolino, Micah. 2005. “A Forest of Sails and Masts: Environment and Economy in an Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Fishery.” Twentieth-Century China, November 2005.
  • Muscolino, Micah. “Fisheries Build Up the Nation: Maritime Environmental Encounters Between China and Japan.” In Julia Adeney Thomas, Ian Miller, and Brett Walker, eds. Nature’s Horizons:Japan’s Environmental Legacy, forthcoming.
  • Muscolino, Micah. 2007. “Sino-Japanese Fishing Disputes, 1924-1932: Environmental Change and Territorial Sovereignty in International Perspective.” In Niu Dayong and William C. Kirby, eds. China’s Interactions with the World: Internationalization, Internalization, and Externalization. Zhengzhou: Henan People’s Publishing House.
  • Muscolino, Micah. 2011. "Violence Against People and the Land: The Environment and Refugee Migration from China’s Henan Province, 1938-1945." Environment and History 17.2
  • Underground at sea: fishing, smuggling, and alternative transactions across the Taiwan strait, 1970s-1990s
  • “Woods and Warfare in Korea and the World: A View from China.” The Journal of Asian Studies, May 2018.
  • “Energy, Ecology, and Enterprise in Liu Hongsheng’s Cement and Coal Briquette Companies, 1920-1937.” Twentieth-Century China, May 2016.
  • “Past and Present Resource Conflict in the South China Sea: The Case of Reed Bank.” Cross-Currents East Asian History and Culture Review, e-journal September 2013; print November 2013.
  • “Conceptualizing Wartime Flood and Famine in China,” in Simo Laakkonen, Richard Tucker and Timo Vuorisalo, eds. The Long Shadows: Toward a Global Environmental History of the Second World War (Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2017).
  • “The Energetics of Militarized Landscapes: The Ecology of War in Henan, 1938-1950,” in Ts’ui-jung Liu and James Beattie, eds. Environment, Modernization and Development in East Asia (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
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