Grégoire Espesset 郭艾思
性別 Sex:男 Male
國籍 Nationality:法國 France
獎助期間 Period for Grants:6個月
研究機構:University de Paris (VII)法國巴黎第七大學
研究主題:Heaven, Earth & Man: The Tripartite Ideology of Religious Taoism's "Book of Great Peace"
研究機構:East Asian Civilizations Research Center, French National Center for Scientific Research, France
Grégoire Espesset
著作目錄(文章) Article catalog
- Espesset, Grégoire. 2009. “Latter Han religious mass movements and the early Daoist church.” In John Lagerwey and Marc Kalinowski (eds.), Early Chinese Religion, Part One: Shang through Han (1250 BC-220 AD). Leiden, Brill, ; Handbook of Oriental Studies IV, China 21-1, pp. 1061-1102.
- Espesset, Grégoire. 2007. “Le manuscrit Stein 4226 Taiping bu juan di er dans l’histoire du taoïsme médiéval.” In Jean-Pierre Drège with Olivier Venture (eds.), Études de Dunhuang et Turfan. Geneva, Droz; EPHE, Sciences Historiques et Philologiques II, Hautes Études Orientales 41, Extrême-Orient 6, pp. 189-256.
- Espesset, Grégoire. 2009. “Les Directives secrètes du Saint Seigneur du Livre de la Grande paix et la préservation de l’unité.” T’oung Pao 95.1-3: 1-50. Leiden, 2010.
- Espesset, Grégoire. 2008. “Editing and Translating the Taiping Jing and the Great Peace Textual Corpus.” Journal of Chinese Studies 48: 469-486. Hong Kong.
- Espesset, Grégoire. 2002. “Criminalized Abnormality, Moral Etiology, and Redemptive Suffering in the Secondary Strata of the Taiping jing.” Asia Major, 3rd Series 15.2: 1-50. Taiwan, 2005.
- Espesset, Grégoire. 2004. “Revelation Between Orality and Writing in Early Imperial China: The Epistemology of the Taiping jing.” The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Östasiatiska Museet): Bulletin 74: 66-100. Stockholm, 2004.
- Espesset, Grégoire. 2004. “À vau-l’eau, à rebours ou l’ambivalence de la logique triadique dans l’idéologie du Taiping jing.” Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 14: 61-95. Kyoto, 2004.