José Ramón Pérez PORTILLO 孟清元
性別 Sex:男 Male
國籍 Nationality:西班牙 Spain
獎助期間 Period for Grants:5個月



研究機構:Instituto Politécnico Nacional墨西哥國立理工學院(IPN)經濟學院教授


研究主題:Dramatic Oscillations between Protectionism and Free Trade in China and Argentina in their Corresponding Regional and International Contexts, in the 19 Century, Toward the 20th (Strategies to "Balkanize" the Middle Empire (中國) and Hispanic America's Universality Undertaken by the British Crown)




著作目錄(文章) Article catalog
  • “Taiwan’s Social and Economic Development: a model which can be exported to Iberoamerica”.Encounters in Cathay. Yearly Journal, Nº 24, 2011, Casa de España in Taiwan.
  • “Can Taiwan become a bi-continental platform between East Asia and Spanish America”. Encuentros en Catay. Yearly Journal Nº 26, May 26, 2013, pages 24-69. House of Spain in Taiwan, Taipei, Republica of China (Taiwan).
  • “Taiwan-Global- reach Power-island (the surprising destiny of the Republic of China (中華民國), as seen form the community of Hispanic American and Francophone nations). Encuentros en Catay. Yearly journal, Nº 27, may 2014, pages 436-453. House of Spain in Taiwan, Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan).
  • “Dramatic oscillations between protectionism and free trade in China and Argentina, in their corresponding regional and international contexts, in the XIX century, toward the XX” (Strategies to 'balkanize'; the Middle Empire (中國) and 'Hispanic America’s Universality’ undertaken by the British Crown). Encuentros en Catay, Nº 28, may 2015. páginas 1-29. House of Spain in Taiwan, Taipéi, República de China (Taiwán).
  • “Dramatic oscillations between protectionism and free trade in China and Argentina, in their corresponding regional and international contexts, in the XIX century, toward the XX” (Strategies to 'balkanize'; the Middle Empire (中國) and 'Hispanic America’s Universality’ undertaken by the British Crown). Encuentros en Catay, Nº 28, may 2016. páginas 30-57. House of Spain in Taiwan, Taipéi, República de China (Taiwán).