Tan Xi Zhe 陳晞哲
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Singapore 新加坡
Period for Grants:3個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Nanyang Technological University南洋理工大學中文系
Instituion:Nanyang Technological University
Article catalog
- 從中國的崛起看21世紀新馬華人移民的文化意識
- Transl. [Cosmopolitanism and Alternative Modernity in Twentieth-Century China, by Sheldon Lu], Literature in Chinese, Dec 2018 (Issue 149) pp103-109
- Review of the book [The Cultural Politics in a Postcolonial Era: Critical Essays on Chinese Singaporean and Malaysian Literature, by Zhang Songjian], The International Journal of Diasopric Chinese Studies, Volume 9 Number 1, pp109-112
- he Vanishing of Boundaries and Its Paradoxes: A Review of Der-Wei Wang’s A New Literary History of Modern China, Chung Wai Literary Quarterly, Volume 47 Number 4 Issue 463, pp185-194