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1 PDF mark 漢學研究42卷2期中文目次
Table of Contents (in Chinese)
2 PDF mark 漢學研究42卷2期英文目次
Table of Contents (in English)
3 PDF mark 安大簡〈曹沫之陳〉新釋文及補釋
New Interpretations and Supplementary Explanations of “Cao Mo zhi zhen” in the Anhui University Collection of Warring States Chu Bamboo Slips
4 PDF mark 《晏子春秋》「食魚無反」解—兼論先秦「毋反魚肉」之禮儀
Interpretation of “Shi yu wu fan” 食魚無反 from Yanzi chunqiu: Pre-Qin Etiquette and “Not Turning the Fish Over”
5 PDF mark
The Reasons behind the “Lanting Gathering” and Wang Xizhi’s Designs

6 PDF mark 〈王安石拜昭文相制〉在北宋中晚期經史詮釋中的反響
Critical Responses to “Imperial Pronouncement of Wang Anshi’s Appointment as Zhaowen Grand Councilor” in Historical and Classic Commentaries in the Mid- and Late Northern Song
7 PDF mark 明清之際朝鮮王朝對臺灣鄭氏政權的關注與情報的應對
The Chosŏn Dynasty’s Intelligence Gathering on the Zheng Regime in Taiwan during the Ming-Qing Transition
8 PDF mark 中英印三語合璧的語言教材—《英華仙尼華四雜字文》藏本考與價值重估 

A Tri-Lingual Language Vocabulary Book: An Investigation of Ying Hua xiannihuasi zaziwen and a Reevaluation of Its Value

9 PDF mark 胡川安,《秦漢帝國與沒有歷史的人:殖民統治下的古代四川》

Hu Chuan-an, Early Chinese Empires and the People without History: Resistance, Agency and Identity of Ancient Colonial Sichuan

10 PDF mark S. E. Kile 鄺師華, Towers in the Void: Li Yu and Early Modern Chinese Media廖晏顥漢學研究42卷2期2024.06頁215-223
1 PDF mark 漢學研究42卷2期中文目次
Table of Contents (in Chinese)
漢學研究 Editorial department Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 (No data)
2 PDF mark 漢學研究42卷2期英文目次
Table of Contents (in English)
漢學研究 Editorial department Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 (No data)
3 PDF mark 安大簡〈曹沫之陳〉新釋文及補釋
New Interpretations and Supplementary Explanations of “Cao Mo zhi zhen” in the Anhui University Collection of Warring States Chu Bamboo Slips
邴尚白 Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 page 1-35
4 PDF mark 《晏子春秋》「食魚無反」解—兼論先秦「毋反魚肉」之禮儀
Interpretation of “Shi yu wu fan” 食魚無反 from Yanzi chunqiu: Pre-Qin Etiquette and “Not Turning the Fish Over”
龎壯城 Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 page 37-59
5 PDF mark
The Reasons behind the “Lanting Gathering” and Wang Xizhi’s Designs

陳慶元 Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 page 61-92
6 PDF mark 〈王安石拜昭文相制〉在北宋中晚期經史詮釋中的反響
Critical Responses to “Imperial Pronouncement of Wang Anshi’s Appointment as Zhaowen Grand Councilor” in Historical and Classic Commentaries in the Mid- and Late Northern Song
李卓穎 Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 page 93-119
7 PDF mark 明清之際朝鮮王朝對臺灣鄭氏政權的關注與情報的應對
The Chosŏn Dynasty’s Intelligence Gathering on the Zheng Regime in Taiwan during the Ming-Qing Transition
雷雨晴 Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 page 121-151
8 PDF mark 中英印三語合璧的語言教材—《英華仙尼華四雜字文》藏本考與價值重估 

A Tri-Lingual Language Vocabulary Book: An Investigation of Ying Hua xiannihuasi zaziwen and a Reevaluation of Its Value

王澤偉 Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 page 153-202
9 PDF mark 胡川安,《秦漢帝國與沒有歷史的人:殖民統治下的古代四川》

Hu Chuan-an, Early Chinese Empires and the People without History: Resistance, Agency and Identity of Ancient Colonial Sichuan

羅棋布 Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 page 203-214
10 PDF mark S. E. Kile 鄺師華, Towers in the Void: Li Yu and Early Modern Chinese Media 廖晏顥 Chinese Study 42 roll 2 phase 2024.06 page 215-223

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Last updated: 2024/7/27
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