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【Call for Paper】Manipulating the Media: News and “Fake News” in China since Early Modern Times  

Date: June 7 and 8, 2018
Venue: International Conference Hall, National Central Library

(20 Zhongshan South Road, Taipei 10001, Taiwan, R.O.C.)

Organizers: Center for Chinese Studies, National Central Library           
             Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Languages: Chinese or English

    “Fake News” has recently emerged in the global lexicon as a central issue affecting social and political systems around the world. Information has, of course, been manipulated by various agents since the dawn of time. But the large questions of trust and authority in the media have dramatically erupted at certain times in history, bringing instability and challenges to existing social and political orders. 

This 2-day conference explores crises of authority in the circulation of information during three periods in Chinese history that have seen dramatic shifts in forms of social and political media: 
   1. The late fifteenth and early sixteenth century of the Ming period, with the rise of printing;
   2. The late nineteenth and early twentieth century of the Qing and Republican periods, with   the rise of new journalism;
   3. The late twentieth and early twenty-first century, with the rise of the internet.

      This conference examines the dimensions and contexts of these disruptions at these three historical periods in China to both historicize the current media climate, and to seek for paradigms for understanding and analyzing the issue of trust and authority in media in the context of deliberate manipulation by various actors for political purposes. Specifically, the conference asks questions such as in what ways new media challenge the authority of established media forms and social and political institutions, how do established social and political institutions react to emergence of new and/or contesting media forms, and/or how does the consumption of news and information shift among the broader reading public as a result of these processes?

Conference themes are the following (but are not limited to):

1. Media and Social and Political Control       

2. Genres of Journalism                     

3. Rumors, Stories and Fiction                        

4. Propaganda and the Discourse of Dissent   

5. New Media and Social Media            


Important Dates

Deadline of Abstract SubmissionAug. 15th 2017

Announcement of Decisions: Sep. 30th 2017

Deadline for Paper Submission: Apr. 30th 2018

Date of the Conference :  June,7th~8th,2018


Paper Submission

1. Authors are invited to submit proposal to the Conference Submission system Please click this link or by August 15, 2017. All submissions should be original works of scholarship that not have been published previously.

2. The Conference will review all panel and individual paper proposals, with notifications to be sent out by September 30, 2017.

3. All participants will be expected to cover their own travel costs (including airfare), but free accommodation and breakfast at the conference hotel will be provided for three nights, with the exception of participants from northern Taiwan. In addition, lunch will be provided during the conference, as well as a welcome banquet on June 7, 2018.



Liaison Division, Center for Chinese Studies

TEL: (02)2314-7321

FAX: (02)2371-2126 

Address20 Zhongshan South Rd. Taipei, Taiwan 10001 ROC



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Last updated: 2024/12/22
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