The massive island blackout on August 15, 2017 and the 2018 pro-nuclear referendum revealed the vulnerability of Taiwan's electrical power system. This talk examines the history of Taiwan's energy security and its impact on geopolitics and trade relations in the East Asian region. Taiwan's energy security framework has always been inseperable from war. During the second Sino-Japanese War, the engineer-bureaucrats of the National Resources Commission built the wartime electrical infrastructure amidst the Japanese invasion. They came to see the stability of the electrical power system as the basis of a stable political system. In 1945, these engineer-bureaucrats took over Japan's industrial assets on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. The wartime experience prompted the regimes on mainland China and Taiwan to maintain national control over the power grid after 1949. How will China and Taiwan draw on their historical experience to confront the challenges of climate change and complete the transition to green energy?
陳穎佳(Ying Jia Tan),耶魯大學博士,現為美國衛斯理大學(Wesleyan University)歷史系和東亞學院副教授。其主要研究領域為20世紀能源產業社會史,是民國史學者中少數從政治架構與經濟發展為切入點,深入能源運用議題,討論其在現代化過程中影響之研究者。陳教授多年來關注戰後臺灣與東亞之產發展與現代化,曾於2017年獲本中心臺灣獎助金補助來臺蒐集資料,並以此基礎進行撰述,於2021年出版《Recharging China in War and Revolution,1882-1955》專著。此次訪臺研究主題為「財富的泉源:塑膠工業如何創造東亞經濟奇跡」,乃延續第一部專書之切入點,側重資金的流動、技術的跨傳遞對東亞社會的環境影響。