時間:2022年11月25 至26日
Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4, 00185, Roma, Sala riunioni 1
國家圖書館 National Central Library, Taiwan (Taipei)
漢學研究中心 Center for Chinese Studies (Taipei)
Dipartimento Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali, Sapienza Università di Roma (Itlay)
輔仁大學華裔學志漢學研究中心 Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center,
Fu Jen Catholic University(Taipei)
德國聖奧古斯丁華裔學志研究所 Monumenta Serica Institute (Sankt Augustin, Germany)
Conference Objectives
During the Ming-Qing period, modern China benefited from the development of its cultural and material civilization, not only directly inheriting the economic institutions and cultural essence of the Song and Yuan dynasties but also receiving a certain amount of influence from the spread of Western culture and knowledge, including developments in religion and humanism as well as the field of literature, all of which enjoyed close mutual interactions. Cross-cultural and cross-lingual exchanges, which have been taking place for centuries, have altered the course of China’s history while enriching both Eastern and Western culture. Moreover, the East Asian cultural sphere, with China situated at its core and comprising Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and other regions, has maintained a mutual dialogue within the growing tide of cross-cultural development. Previous related scholarship, however, has primarily focused on facets of politics and diplomacy and has mostly failed to move beyond Chinese- or Western-centric theories, thereby overlooking diversity, processes of decentralization, cross-regional relationships, and the differences between Sinophone communities. The facilitators of these exchanges, such as missionaries, travelers, government officials, authors, translators, Sinologists, publishers, etc., have all played a role within the interpretations of discourse, and as time passes, the legacies of these cross-cultural pioneers grow increasingly important. With the above in mind, this conference will focus on the development of the fields of literature, religion, and humanities in respect to the varied cross-cultural shifts occurring with modern China, and through the below subtopics, explore new areas of and approaches to Sinology research.
Conference Subtopics
1. Sinology research of modern Western missionaries
2. Dissemination and interpretation of cross-cultural knowledge
3. Origins and developments of modern humanism
4. Cultural exchanges of the East Asian cultural sphere
5. Emergence of disciplines of knowledge and the shaping of their meanings
6. Paradigms and shifts in Eastern and Western Sinology research
7. Developments in the history and society of China under international political and economic influences
8. Rethinking historical shifts in modern China
9. Literary transformations under the impact of and response to Western studies
Henning Klöter韓可龍教授 (柏林洪堡大學亞非研究學系
Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Western missionaries and Chinese linguistics: Documents, periods, and ideologies
Alessandra Brezzi (羅馬大學)
Alessandro Leopardi (羅馬大學)
Davor Antonucci (羅馬大學)
Dirk Kuhlmann 顧迪康(
Emanuele Raini (那不勒斯東方大學)
Federica Casalin (羅馬大學)
Federico Masini (羅馬大學)
Gabriele Tola (羅馬大學)
Gao Changxu 高昌旭 (羅馬大學)
Luisa Paternicò (那不勒斯東方大學)
Paolo De Troia (羅馬大學)
Timon Gatta (羅馬第二大學)
Yu Yating 余雅婷 (圖西亞大學)
池田智惠Ikeda Tomoe (關西大學)
胡龍隆 (瑞典達拉納大學中文系)
陳室如 (國立臺灣師範大學國文學系)
黃渼婷 (輔仁大學華裔學志漢學研究中心
黃懿縈 (中央研究院近史所)
劉悅 (輔仁大學華裔學志漢學研究中心)
潘少瑜 (國立臺灣大學中國文學系