「臺灣漢學講座」邀請陸敬思(Christopher Lupke)教授於英國倫敦大學亞非學院演講
Cui Suxin’s Gongliao, How Are You?
: Post-
Documentary and Environmental Activism from Taiwan
The Illusion of Teleology in the Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien
主講人:陸敬思教授(Christopher Lupke,美國華盛頓州立大學中國和電影研究教授)
「臺灣漢學講座」係國家圖書館漢學研究中心配合政府推動「臺灣書院」在海外舉辦之學術活動,以呈現臺灣與漢學研究成果,並宣揚具有臺灣特色的中華文化。自2011年起每年皆在海外舉辦六至七場「臺灣漢學講座」。本年度前三場講座分別於4月、5月初假美國華盛頓大學、德州大學奧斯汀分校,以及比利時根特大學舉辦,此兩場次為本年度舉辦之第四及第五場,與倫敦大學亞非學院2016臺灣研究夏季課程(2016 SOAS Taiwan Studies Summer School)合作辦理。
Cui Suxin’s Gongliao, How Are You?
: Post-
Documentary and Environmental Activism from Taiwan
講者:陸敬思(Christopher Lupke)教授
時間:2016年7月6日(週三)11:30 – 13:30
地點:College Buildings, (SOAS, University of London)
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG, U.K.
本演講主要在探討一部講述反對核四電廠建廠行動的紀錄片。核四電廠的地點在臺灣北海岸的漁村貢寮。這是一部激進的環保運動的影片,同樣有趣的是導演所採用的第二人稱旁白形式:旁白中的「你」的身分直到影片中途才被揭露。陸敬思(Christopher Lupke)教授檢視這個不尋常的表述方式,並探討這個方式對觀眾可能造成的戲劇效果。這部影片完成於2000年,今日的觀眾由於多了對於日本福島核災的認知,觀影時可能會認為使用核能的賭注更高於以往。
One of the most critical targets of environmental activism is the opposition to nuclear power: ultimately an inexpensive form of energy whose profoundly deadly power makes it an environmental gambit in the modern world for those seeking less immediately pollutant forms of energy such as coal or profligate forms such as oil. This presentation looks at a documentary presentation of the resistance to Taiwan’s highly controversial Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, built in the northern fishing village of Gongliao. While certainly an “activist” production, equally intriguing is the style in which it was produced. Filmmaker Cui Suxin uses a “second-person” voiceover to narrate her work, addressing a “you” whose identity is only ascertained midway through the film. Christopher Lupke examines this unusual form of narrative structure and speculates on the dramatic effect it has for the viewers. The film, produced in the mid-2000s, can now be viewed with the mediating event of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in mind, thus raising the stakes for this risky form of energy production.
The Illusion of Teleology in the Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien
講者:陸敬思(Christopher Lupke)教授
時間:2016年7月8日(週五)14:00 – 16:00
地點:College Buildings, (SOAS, University of London)
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG, U.K.
貫穿臺灣導演侯孝賢的影片的一個重要線索是動作的視覺呈現:旅行、飛行、追索、逗留、短程旅行等等。許多學者研究過侯孝賢早期的靜態攝影和後期緩慢搖鏡的攝影手法,但是鏡頭中框現的都是去往他處的嘗試。然而,在侯孝賢的影片中,也充滿不能達成目標,或不能透過在空間上的移動,達到原本設定的終點的無力感。在本次演講中,《侯孝賢的華語電影》(The Sinophone Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien: Culture, Style, Voice, and Motion)的作者陸敬思(Christopher Lupke),將透過對侯孝賢電影生涯中的多部作品的討論,提出一個觀察:儘管這些影片在題材和設定上有相當多樣化的差異性,一個不變的常數是他的電影是目的論的錯覺。在侯孝賢的影片中,往往及早便設定出一種對目標的渴望,即便這個目標很少達成。
One thread that runs through most of Taiwanese auteur filmmaker Hou Hsiao-hsien’s films from beginning to end is the visual display of motion: travel, flight, quest, sojourn, jaunt. Much is made of Hou’s static camera in his early films and the slow pan of his later cinematographic style. But what is enframed in the shot is often some effort to get somewhere. Despite, that what one finds pervading his films is an inability to achieve one’s goals, an inability to get where one wishes to go, or an inability of the movement through space to effect the ends that one had intended. In this presentation, Christopher Lupke, author of The Sinophone Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien, will discuss a range of Hou’s films from throughout his career, suggesting that despite a wide variety of subject matter, settings, and themes, one constant in his film is the illusion of teleology. His films often early on posit a desire to get somewhere but seldom accomplish it.
陸敬思教授係美國華盛頓州立大學(Washington State University)中國和電影研究教授,主持亞洲語文計劃16年,以及人文規劃中心的主任。他是現代中國文化的專家,曾受過古文、現代中文,以及文化理論和電影的訓練,並於1993年取得康乃爾大學(Cornell University)的博士學位。陸敬思教授早期的研究多在臺灣文學,並持續保持對於臺灣文化和社會的強烈興趣,以及對於華語語系研究的關注。他最近出版《侯孝賢的華語電影:文化、風格、聲音與動作》一書,並主編《命的幅度:中國文化中的命令、生命和命運》和《現代中文詩的新觀點》兩部著作。同時他也進行翻譯工作,並主編或參與了四份不同主題學術期刊的編輯。陸敬思教授的研究刊登於《臺灣文學研究》、《臺灣文學》等期刊,以及其他刊物。
Speaker Bio:
Christopher Lupke(陸敬思)is Professor of Chinese and Cinema Studies at Washington State University where he has coordinated Asian languages for the past sixteen years and chairs the Center for the Humanities Planning Group. A specialist in modern Chinese culture, Lupke was trained in classical and modern Chinese as well as cultural theory and film at Cornell University, obtaining his Ph. D. in 1993. Much of his early scholarship was dedicated to literary studies of Taiwanese authors. He continues to have a strong interest in the culture and society of Taiwan and Sinophone Studies in general. His most recent publication is the book The Sinophone Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien: Culture, Style, Voice, and Motion. Lupke has edited two books, The Magnitude of Ming: Command, Life and Fate in Chinese Culture and New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry, and edited or co-edited four special theme issues of journals. He also translates. His publications have appeared in Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies, Taiwan Literature, and other journals and edited volumes.

「臺灣漢學講座」邀請陸敬思(Christopher Lupke)教授於英國倫敦大學亞非學院演講海報