Presentations of MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Scholars
時間:2015 年8 月25 日(星期二)
Time: Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Place: Briefing Room 129, National Central Library, Taiwan
12:00-12:30 報到Registration
12:30-12:40 主席致詞:外交部研究設計會
Opening Remarks: Mr. Wen Chieh Jieh, Director General, Department of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
12:40-13:00 講題:後ECFA 兩岸關係:對臺灣經濟、外交、和社會的影響
Topic: Territorial Disputes and Taiwan’s Regional Diplomacy: The Case of the Senkaku/Diaoyu/Diaoyutai Islands
Speaker: Dr. Barthelemy Courmont, Associate Research Fellow, Institut de Relations Internationales et Strategiques,IRIS, France
13:00-13:20 講題:於布魯塞爾「歐洲議會友臺小組」
Topic: The Taiwan State Lobby in Brussels
Speaker: Mr. Jakub Piasecki, Research Fellow, Poland-Asia Research Center, Poland
13:20-13:40 講題:就中國利用經濟治國方略的若干思考
Topic: Chinese Economic Statecraft and Cross-strait Relations
Speaker: Dr. Yongwook Ryu, Research Fellow, Australian National University, Australia
13:40-14:00 講題:透過歷史鏡頭及臺灣的變遷研究中國南海海域邊界
Topic: Taiwan as Maritime Frontier and Its Role in China’s Coastal Defence from a Historical Perspective from the Sixteenth Century
Speaker: Ms. Claudia Zanardi, Doctorial Candidate, King's College London, UK
14:00-14:30 討論
Q & A