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CCS to Hold a “Lectures on Global Chinese Studies” on May 8, 2019 (Wednesday)
CCS to Hold a “Lectures on Global Chinese Studies” on May 8, 2019 (Wednesday) Time: 15:00–17:00 Location: Conference Room (301) at the National Central Library Topic: The Magic of Concepts: History and Method more
NCL Holds Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies in Italy
NCL Holds Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies in ItalyThe National Central Library followed the establishment of Taiwan Academy and Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies by planning and holding the Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies. By holding such academic events overseas, it is hoped that Taiwan Academy can capture the international community’s attention,more
《漢學研究通訊》38卷1期出刊!關鍵議題與AI分析系統全新上線!1.韓流風行十餘載,席卷學界的後韓流問題意識。 2.臺灣「新南向政策」對越南研究有何影響?越南學者有其見解。 3.「譯者是叛徒?」西班牙漢學家提問,翻譯要忠於原文還是忠於藝術? more
2019年外籍獎助學人圖書館資源利用課程為服務在臺之外籍學者,自本(108)年3月至10月辦理「2019年外籍獎助學人圖書館資源利用課程」共8場,課程內容包括:圖書館導覽、國家圖書館重要服務、館藏及網站資源,並規劃2場綜合性課程、5場特殊主題資源介紹(政府資訊及法律資訊、漢學資源及特藏文獻、臺灣研究),以及1場重要書目資源系統(SMRT)介紹。 more
2019年2月19日(週二)舉辦寰宇漢學講座時間:15:00-16:30 講題:殖民地時期臺、韓無產階級文學運動比較:以1930年代鄉土文學論爭與藝術大眾化論為中心(Comparative Research on Proletarian Literature in Colonial Taiwan and Colonial Korea : in relation to Hometown Literature Controversy and Art Popularization Controversy in 1930s’) 主講人:渡邊直紀(日本武藏大學人文學部東亞細亞文化學科教授) more