主講人:Manas Ghosh(印度賈達沃普大學電影研究系助理教授)
Samll-Town as inter-Asia Discourse: The Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien(侯孝賢) in the 1980s
最近幾十年來,臺灣風靡歐亞視覺文化圈,而這必須歸功於多位電影大師的貢獻。當中最資深的侯孝賢,無疑是在80年代帶領臺灣電影從本土走向全球的最關鍵人物。透過獨樹一格的空間描寫,侯導演吸引了各國影評家與觀眾的目光。我們可以從1980年代的一系列電影,觀察在他鏡頭下殖民及後殖民時期的臺灣小城鎮;如「兒子的大玩偶」(1983年)、「風櫃來的人」(1983年)、「冬冬的假期」(1984年)、「童年往事」(1985年)、「戀戀風塵」(1986年)和「悲情城市」(1989年)。在80年代的侯孝賢作品中,「小鎮」不僅是一個居住場域和電影空間,更是全片重心;片中關於亞洲、臺灣的「民族論述(nation discourse)」,幾乎都圍繞著二元對立的「城市/鄉村」。事實上侯孝賢並非特例,同一時期的臺灣新浪潮電影,也有幾部聚焦於小型城鎮的知名作品。我的演講將探討侯氏電影如何在城鄉二元論導入「小鎮」這個第三者,並藉此為後殖民時期「民族文化(national culture)」的想像,提供一個社會文化面向反主題(counter-point)。
The images from Taiwan has conquered the realm of visual culture in Europe and Asia in recent decades, courtesy the masters of Taiwan cinema. Hou Hsiao-hsien among them has the longest career and he has been one who plays arguably the most important role in transforming Taiwan cinema from a local endeavor to a global venture in the 1980s. By virtue of the unique style of depiction of space, Hou Hsiao-hsien attracted the film critics and cine-lovers all over the world. In his films made in the 1980s we observe an intriguing way of depicting the small towns of colonial and post-colonial Taiwan. We have ample examples – The Sandwich Man (‘Son’s Big Doll’, 1983), The Boys from Fengkuei (1983), A Summer at Grandpa’s (1984), In the Time to Live and the Time to Die (1985), Dust in the Wind (1986) and The City of Sadness (1989). In Hou Hsiao-hsien’s films made in the 1980s the small town as cinematic space and as a place of habitation takes the center-stage whereas the ‘nation discourse’ in Asia including Taiwan mostly revolves around the binary of city-village. Actually Hou Hsiao-hsien was not alone; small town society was the focus of some other notable films of New Taiwan Cinema of the 1980s. The presentation will finally argue how Hou Hsiao-hsien’s works produce a socio-cultural counter-point of imagining postcolonial ‘national culture’ by introducing small town as the ‘third’ in to the city/village oriented nation-discourse of Taiwan.