Philip A. Clart 柯若樸
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Germany 德國
Period for Grants:8個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學亞洲研究系
Topic:Spirit Writing Texts in Context
Instituion:Department of East Asian Studies , University of Leipzig,Germany
Work catalog
- Philip A. Clart. 2009. Die Religionen Chinas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag
- Philip A. Clart. 2007. Han Xiangzi: The Alchemical Adventures of a Daoist Immortal. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press
- Philip A. Clart. 2009. The People and the Dao: New Studies of Chinese Religions in Honour of Prof. Daniel L. Overmyer. Edited with Paul Crowe. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica
- Philip A. Clart. 2003. Religion in Modern Taiwan: Tradition and Innovation in a Changing Society. Edited with Charles B. Jones. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press
- 柯若樸2012。《中國民間宗教民間信仰研究之中歐視角》。台北:博揚文化事業有限公司。
Article catalog
- Philip A. Clart. 2009. The People and the Dao: New Studies of Chinese Religions in Honour of Prof. Daniel L. Overmyer, edited by Philip Clart & Paul Crowe. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica. Pp.9-21.
- Philip A. Clart. 2009. The People and the Dao: New Studies in Chinese Religions in Honour of Prof. Daniel L. Overmyer, edited by Philip Clart & Paul Crowe. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica. Pp. 127-142.
- Philip A. Clart. 2009. Florian C. Reiter [ed.], Foundations of Daoist Ritual: A Berlin Symposium. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Pp.84-106.
- Philip A. Clart. 2008. Xingda zhongwen xuebao 23: 479-513. (Supplementary issue, zengkan)
- Philip A. Clart. 2008. Perceptions of Antiquity in Chinese Civilization, edited by Dieter Kuhn & Helga Stahl. Heidelberg: edition forum. Pp.237-252.
- Philip A. Clart. 2007. The Fourth Fu Jen University Sinological Symposium: Research on Religions in China: Status quo and Perspectives, edited by Zbigniew Wesolowski, SVD. Xinzhuang: Furen Daxue chubanshe. Pp. 166-203
- Philip A. Clart. 2006. In Chung Yun-Ying [ed.], Zongjiao, wenxue yu rensheng. Chungli: Yuanzhi Daxue Zhongwenxi. Pp.279-313.
- Philip A. Clart. 2007. "Generals, Pigs, and Immortals: Views and Uses of History in Chinese Morality Books." Journal of Ritual Studies 19(2005)1: 99-113. (Special issue: "Asian Ritual Systems: Syncretisms and Ruptures", edited by Pamela J. Stewart & Andrew Strathern). This article was republished in Asian Ritual Systems: Syncretisms and Ruptures, ed. Pamela J. Stewart & Andrew Strathern (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press), 209-238.
- Philip A. Clart. 2003. T'oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 89 1-3: 1-38.
- Philip A. Clart. 2003. Ethnologies 25. 1: 153-190.
- Philip A. Clart. 2003. "Chinese Tradition and Taiwanese Modernity: Morality Books as Social Commentary and Critique." In: Philip Clart & Charles B. Jones [eds.], Religion in Modern Taiwan: Tradition and Innovation in a Changing Society. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. Pp.84-97.
- Philip A. Clart. 2002. [A tentative investigation of the concept of "Popular Confucianism", using Taiwan's Divine Teachings of the Confucian Tradition as an example (in Chinese)]. Jindai Zhongguoshi yanjiu tongxun (Newsletter for Modern Chinese History), no.34: 31-38.
- Philip A. Clart. 2000. Journal of Chinese Religions 28 : 127-144.
- Philip A. Clart. 1997. Minjian zongjiao 3: 397-407.
- Philip A. Clart. 1997. Journal of Chinese Religions 25: 1-32.
- Philip A. Clart. 1996. British Columbia Asian Review 9 (Winter 1995/1996): 120-163.
- Philip A. Clart. 1995. British Columbia Asian Review 8 (Winter 1994/1995): 174-203. (A modified Chinese version of this article appeared as "Yi bu xin jingdian de chansheng: Taiwan luantang zhong de qishi yu gongde" in Minjian zongjiao, vol.1, 1995, pp.93-116)
- Philip A. Clart. 1992. On Yü Ying-shih's Zhongguo jinshi zongjiao lunli yu shangren jingshen." British Columbia Asian Review 6: 6-31.
- Philip A. Clart. 2006.. "China." In: Robert Wuthnow [ed.], Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Second Edition. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Books. Pp. 126-130
- Philip A. Clart. 2005. "Taiwan." In: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (4th edition). Tübingen: J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Vol.8, pp. 12-14.
- Philip A. Clart. 2005. "Yiguan Dao". In: Edward Davis [ed.], Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture. London, New York: Routledge, Pp.699-700.
- Philip A. Clart. 2004. "Folk Religion, China" & "Syncretic Sects, Three Teachings". In: Robert E. Buswell, Jr. [ed.], Encyclopedia of Buddhism. New York: Macmillan, Pp. 290-291, 813-814.
- Philip A. Clart. 2001. "Konfuzianismus im 20 Jahrhundert", "Konfuzianismus außerhalb Chinas", "Religiöse Elemente im Konfuzianismus.": In: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (4th edition). Tübingen: J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Vol.4, pp.1568-1572.
- Philip A. Clart. 2008. “Yuhuang Dadi”, “Tudi Gong”, “Baosheng Dadi”, “Caishen”, “Ceshen”, “Menshen”, “Tâng-ki/jitong”, “Taoism and Popular Sects”. In Encyclopedia of Taoism, edited by Fabrizio Pregadio. London, New York: Routledge, Pp. 150-152, 218, 243, 245, 744-745, 964-966, 999-1000, 1197-1198.
- Philip A. Clart. Three in One Religion (San-i Chiao)", "Divine Teachings of the Confucian Tradition (Ju-tsung Shen-chiao)", "Way of Former Heaven (Hsien-t'ien Tao) Sects." In: Michael Pye and Elliott Shaw [eds.], Overview of World Religions
- Philip A. Clart. 1998. "China." In: Robert Wuthnow [ed.], Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Books, . Pp.122-127.