Frederik H. Green 葛浩德
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:Germany 德國
Period for Grants:3個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:San Francisco State University舊金山州立大學
Topic:Xu Xu (徐訏) and Transnational Chinese Romanticism: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Nostalgia in Literature and Film, 1930-1960徐訏與跨國性的中國浪漫主義: 中國文學和電影裡的世界主義、國家主義和鄉愁感, 1930 - 1960
Article catalog
- Painted in Oil, Composed in Ink: Late-Qing Ekphrastic Poetry and the Encounter with Western-Style Painting
- Romanticizing New Chinese in Poetry: Zhu Ziqing, Wen Yiduo and Xu Zimo
- A Russian Hero’s Journey through Time and Space: Nicholai Ostrovskii’s How the Steel was Tempered in China
- Chinese Cosmopolitanism and Lyrical Exoticism on the Eve of World War II: Xu Xu’s novella The Jewish Comet
- The Torment of Exile and the Aesthetics of Nostalgia: Transnational Chinese Neo-Romanticism in Xu Xu’s Post-War Fiction Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC), 2018
- Rooted in Tradition, Embracing Modernity: Zhou Zuoren’s Interest in Modern Japanese Haiku and Tanka and His Promotion of Short Verse in China Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, volume 12(3) , 2018
- All Under Heaven KANO: The Politics of Nostalgia and the Making of a New Taiwanese Identity in Wei Desheng’s Taiwan-Japan Trilogy Journal of East-Asian Popular Culture, volume 3.2, 2017
- 崇高的愛情,流放的痛苦:徐訏50年代小說與中國新浪漫主義 漢學研究通訊 35.4, 2016
- The Twelve Chinese Zodiacs: Ai Weiwei, Jackie Chan and the Aesthetics, Politics, and Economics of Revisiting a National Wound The Rocky Mountain Review, volume 70.1, 2016
- Glimpses of a Different World: 19th Century Chinese Trade Paintings from the Sutro Orientalia Collection Bulletin of the California State Library Foundation, 110, 2014
- Through the Magic Looking Glass: Computer Assisted Language Learning and Content-Based Instruction of Chinese Literature in the Flagship Model Connections, volume 8, 2014
- Rescuing Love from the Nation: Love, Nation, and Self in Xu Xu’s Alternative Wartime Fiction and Drama Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, volume 8.1, 2014
- Translating Poetic Modernity: Zhou Zuoren's Interest in Modern Japanese Poetry 翻譯詩歌中的現代性:周作人與日本現代詩 Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC), volume 11.1, 2013
- The Making of a Chinese Romantic: Cosmopolitan Nationalism and Lyrical Exoticism in Xu Xu's Early Travel Writings Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC), volume 23.2 , 2011
- 建構新臺灣認同,一次一建築:當代臺灣的日治時期建築 (Re-constructing Taiwan’s Identity, One Building at a Time: Japan’s Colonial Architecture in Contemporary Taiwan) 漢學研究通訊》 第 38 卷 第4 期 , 2019