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Foreign scholars personal information
Ruiping Ye 葉瑞萍
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:New Zealand 紐西蘭
Period for Grants:3個月

CCS Grant


Instituion:Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand紐西蘭威靈頓維多利亞大學

Topic:How the Qing Legal System Shaped its Land Policies in Taiwan and Taiwan Aboriginal Land Tenure清代法律体系如何影响其台湾土地政策及台湾原住民土地制度


Instituion:Contemporary China Research Centre ,Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Homepage:Ruiping Ye

Work catalog
  • The colonisation and settlement of Taiwan, 1684-1945 : land tenure, law and Qing and Japanese polices / Ruiping Ye.
Article catalog
  • Ye, Ruiping “Torrens and Customary Land Tenure: A case study on the Land Titles Registration Act 2008 of Samoa” (2010) 40:4 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 827-861
  • Ye, Ruiping, “The Demise of Ultra Vires in New Zealand: To be? Not to be!” (2010) 8:2 New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law 287-319
  • Ye, Ruiping and Ricarda Kessebohm, “The China-NZ FTA and Waxing Juridical” (2011) 42:2 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 353-367