Main Block Area
Foreign scholars personal information
Chun, Tarryn Li-Min 陳琍敏
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:4個月

照片 Photo : 陳琍敏 Chun, Tarryn Li-Min

CCS Grant


Instituion:Harvard University美國哈佛大學

Topic:Locomotive Stagecraft: Performance Technologies and the Theatrical Production of Chinese Modernity舞台技術與中國現代化的戲劇性


Instituion:Department of Film, Television, and Theatre, University of Notre Dame


Homepage:Tarryn Li-Min Chun
Tarryn Li-Min Chun
Tarryn Chun

Article catalog
  • Adaptation as Hospitality: Shanghai Theatre Academy Winter Institute 2013 Performance Series
  • For the People, By the People: Penghao Theatre and the Story of Gong and Drum Lane
  • Shengsi Shaoxing: Lu Xun yu xiju de fuhuo qianli〈生死紹興:魯迅與戲劇的復活潛力〉(Life and Death in Shaoxing: Lu Xun and the Resurrective Potential of the Stage)
  • Virtual Prosceniums: Multimedia Circulations in Contemporary Sinophone Theater (虛擬的台口:當代華語語系舞台的多媒體化流通)
  • Minor Roles: Theater and Theatricality in the Works of Shen Congwen (跑龍套:沈從文作品中的戲劇場面與戲劇性)
Scholar's Photo
Scholar's Photo 2014年6月10日寰宇漢學講座(左起:陳琍敏(Tarryn Li-Min Chun)女士、周慧玲教授)