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Foreign scholars personal information
Maura Dykstra 戴史翠
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:USA 美國
birth year:1982Period for Grants:4個月

照片 Photo : 戴史翠 Maura Dykstra

CCS Grant


Instituion:History Department, University of California, Los Angeles, USA美國加州大學洛杉磯分校歷史學系

Topic:Commercial Dispute Mediation in Chongqing: 1850 – 1950在重慶的商事糾紛調解制度演變史:1850 - 1950

Specialty:Maura Dykstra studies social networks, commercial institutions, law, and economics. Her dissertation is about debt and dispute mediation among Chongqing merchants from 1750 to 1911.


Instituion:Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences,California Institute of Technology (CalTech),USA


Specialty:In the winter of 2013, she was in residence at Taiwan's Central Library's Center for Chinese Studies. In the fall of 2013, she will work at the Frankfurt Max Planck Institute, in cooperation with a research group studying the history of dispute resolution throughout world history.

Homepage:Maura Dykstra
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Article catalog
  • “Beyond the Shadow of the Law: Firm Insolvency, State-building, and the New Policy Bankruptcy Reform in Late Qing Chongqing,” Frontiers of History in China Vol. 8, no. 3 (September, 2013): 406-432.
  • “Did China Have a Fin-de-Siècle?” with Jeffrey Wasserstrom in Michael Saler, ed. The Fin-de-Siècle World, London: Routledge, 2014.
  • “帝国、知縣、商人以及連繫彼此的紐帶:清代重庆的商业诉讼” [Empire, Magistrates, Merchants, and the Ties that Bind: Commercial Litigation in Late Imperial Chongqing] in Wang Xi, ed.中国和世界历史中的重庆 ——重庆史研究国际会议(2012)论文选编 [Chongqing in Historical China and the World: Selected Papers from the 2012 International Conference on Chongqing History], Chongqing: Chongqing daxue chubanshe, 2013, pp. 166-180.
Scholar's Photo 2013年4月12日舉辦寰宇漢學講座(照片前排左起:戴史翠女士、林玉茹教授、耿立群組長)
Scholar's Photo