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Foreign scholars personal information
Cyrus Chen 陳永昕
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:4個月
照片 Photo : 陳永昕 Cyrus Chen

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of History, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.美國柏克萊大學歷史系

Topic:Jin Yufu and the Nationalizing of Manchuria: Writing minzu Histories in Twentieth Century Northeast Asia


Specialty:Modern Chinese History

Homepage:Cyrus Chen

Article catalog
  • Chen, Cyrus. 2007. " 16th Annual Northeast Asia Economic Forum, Toyama, Japan "
  • Chen, Cyrus. 2007. “Jin Yufu and ‘the Northeast’: Writing National History In Terms of the Region”
  • Chen, Cyrus. 2008. “The ‘History War’ Cannot Be Won: Writing National Histories Along the Sino-Korean Border.”
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