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Foreign scholars personal information
Jessey J. C. Choo 朱雋琪
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:3個月

照片 Photo : 朱雋琪 Jessey J. C. Choo

CCS Grant


Instituion:Department of History, University of Missouri-Kansas City, U.S.A.美國密蘇里大學歷史系

Topic:Negotiating Death: Mortuary Rituals & the Culture of Remembrance in Late Medieval China, 600-1000 CE中國中古的喪葬與追思文化


Instituion:Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,USA


Homepage:Curriculum Vitae

Work catalog
Article catalog
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2005. “A Re-examination of the Recruiting System in 'Military Provinces’ in the Late Tang — Focusing in the Composition of Personnel in Ancillary Posts in Huainan 淮南 and Zhexi 浙西” by Takashi Watanabe. Translated from Japanese to English for Toyoshi Kenkyu 64.1(2005):1-73.
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2004. “Chinese Silver Bullions in a Tenth-Century Indonesian Wreck” by Denis Twitchett and Janice Stargardt. Translated from English to Chinese for Tang Yanjiu 10 (2004):383-432.
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2011. “Absent Body, Summoned Soul: The Changing Conceptualization of Burial in Medieval China,” New Historical Research Series, University of Missouri-Kansas City, December 2
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2011. “The Missing Body and Summoned Soul in Mortuary Rituals and Culture of Remembrance in Medieval China,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Francisco November 19-22
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2011. “’The Dew on the Grass’ or ‘the Yogurty Little Lump’: Medieval Chinese Conceptualization of Fetus and Fetal Development," Workshop on Birth and Women's Health in Pre-Modern Societies, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context", Heidelberg University, November 4-5
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2011. “The Will of the Oracle: The Practice and Significance of Burial Divinations as Reflected in Muzhiming,” the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawai’i, March 31-April 3
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2010. “Last Words: Deathbed Instructions on Burial Arrangements in Late Medieval China,” New Historical Research Series, University of Missouri-Kansas City, December 3
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2010. “Last Words: Deathbed Instructions on Burial Arrangements in Late Medieval China,” the 1 st Annual Late Medieval China Workshop, University Kansas, April 30
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2009. “A Mother's Hell: Women's Afterlife and Salvation in Medieval China,” New Historical Research Series, University of Missouri-Kansas City, December 4
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2009. “A Life Inscribed: The Ritualization of Life and Death in Tang Muzhi,” T’ang Studies: The Next Twenty-Five Years — An International Conference to Celebrate the 25 th Anniversary of the T’ang Studies Society, University of Albany, May 7-9
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2009. “Current Issues and Trends in the Studies of Medieval China,” Mid-America Medieval Association, University Missouri-Kansas City, February 28
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2008. “Tailor made Childbirth: Prayers for Safe Delivery among the Dunhuang Documents,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 1-3
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2007. “The Biography of Yin Shao in Wei Shu,” and “The Petition Submitted by Lady (née) Yu,” The Conference on Early Medieval China: A Sourcebook, Columbia University, November 9-10
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2007. “Strange Tales of Death and Marriage in Late Medieval China,” the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting in Boston, March 25-27
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2006. “The Significance of Blood Disembodied—Female Body in Medieval Chinese Soteriology,” the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting in San Francisco, April 6-9
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2004. “To Coordinate with the Original Destiny: The Prerequisites for Treating Childbirth-Related Illnesses in Medieval China,” was accepted to present at Medicine Across Cultures: 600-1600 The Nineteenth Barnard Medieval and Renaissance Conference, December 4
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2004. “Conjugal Bliss of the Dead: Posthumous Changes of Marital Status in Medieval China,” Mid-Atlantic Conference on Asian Studies, at the University of Pennsylvania, October 22–24
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2004. “Till Death Do Us Part — posthumous 'divorces' in Medieval China,” The Study of Women and Gender Graduate Works-in-Progress Colloquium, Princeton University, April 27
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2004. “When Gender Identity Goes to Hell: The Blood Lake Hell and the Daoist Conceptualization of Karmic Retribution” was accepted to present at the New York Conference on Asian Studies, at Saratoga Springs, NY, October 25- 26
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2001. “Shibichūdai: Chinese Female Rulership in a Japanese Context,” was accepted to present at Across Time and Genre: Reading and Writing Japanese Women's Texts at the University of Alberta, Canada, August 16-20
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2000. “Gender and Race in T'ang China as Reflected in the Betrothal Difficulties Faced by Royal Princesses,” in Innovation in Asian Identity: The First Annual East Asian Studies Graduate Students' Conference at the University of Toronto, October 20-21
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2000. “Gender and Race in T'ang China as Reflected in the Betrothal Difficulties Faced by Royal Princesses,” Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs at Indiana University in Bloomington, October 6-8
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2000. “Women and Their Soteriological Status in the Lotus Sutra,” Harvard East Asian Society Third Annual Graduate Student Conference on East Asia, March 4
  • Choo, Jessey J.C. 2000. “Marriage of Imperial Princesses in T'ang China,” Association for Asian Studies Southeast Conference at Duke University, January 14-16
  • “Shall We Profane the Service of the Dead?—Burial Divination and Remembrance in Late Medieval Muzhiming,” TangStudies 33 (2015): 1-37.
  • “Yiwen Leiju (Collection of Literature Arranged by Subjects).” In Early Medieval Chinese Texts: a Bibliographical Guide. Edited by Alan Berkowitz, Cynthia Chennault, Albert Dien and Keith Knapp., 454-464. Berkeley & Los Angeles: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California Press, 2015.
  • “Destiny and Healing.” In Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History. Edited by T. J. Hinrichs and Linda Barnes, 70. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013.
  • “That 'Fatty Lump': Discourses on the Fetus, Fetal Development, and Filial Piety in Early Imperial China.” Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China14.2 (2012): 177-221.
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