David Alen Ownby 王大為
Sex:Male 男
Nationality:USA 美國
Period for Grants:3個月
CCS Grant
Instituion:Department of History, Southern Methodist University美國南方衛理公會大學歷史系
Topic:Revision of Doctoral Dissertation: "Feuds, Secret Societies, and Rebellion in Eighteenth Century Southeast China: The Background to the Lin Shuang-wen Uprising of 1787"
Instituion:Centre d'études de l'Asie de l'Est (CETASE), Université de Montréal, Canada
Homepage:Université de Montréal
Article catalog
- David Alen Ownby. 2009. Kang Xiaoguang : Social Science, Civil Society, and Confucian Religion. Dans « Perspectives chinoises », No.4, pp. 104-111.
- David Alen Ownby. 2003. A History for Falun Gong : Popular Religion and the Chinese State since the Ming Dynasty. Nova Religio vol. 6, number 2 , pp. 223-243