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Foreign scholars personal information
Simona Grano 高喜明
Sex:Female 女
Nationality:Switzerland 瑞士
Period for Grants:5個月

照片 Photo : 高喜明 Simona Grano

CCS Grant


Instituion:Institute of East Asian Studies, Department of Chinese Studies, Zurich University, Switzerland瑞士蘇黎世大學東亞研究所

Topic:Environmental Governance in Taiwan



Instituion:Institute of East Asian Studies, Department of Chinese Studies, Zurich University, Switzerland



Homepage:Universität Zürich

Work catalog
  • Simona Grano.2015.Environmental Governance in Taiwan: A New Generation of Activists and Stakeholders.London:Routledge Press.
Article catalog
  • Grano, Simona Alba 2010. “The role of Non Governmental Organizations in national and international politics: differences and similarities between Chinese and other countries’ organizations” (submitted to the Journal of Civil Society).
  • Grano, Simona Alba 2010. “Attivismo verde: un’analisi dell’organizzazione ambientalista nella Cina di oggi” [Green Activism: an analysis of the organizational structure of green movements in contemporary China]” in Germogli di Società Civile in Cina [Buds of democracy in China], Francesco Brioschi (ed.). Pp. 159-170.
  • Grano, Simona Alba 2009. “Cronaca di un dramma silenzioso [Cronicle of a silent drama: how Chinese farmers are trying to save their lands]”. Annali di Ca’ Foscari XLVII, 3 (s. or. 39): 169-197.
  • Grano, Simona Alba 2008. “China’s Environmental Crisis: Why Should We Care?” LUND Ed. Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies. Working Paper 28.
  • Grano, Simona Alba 2008. “Legge sui diritti reali: Cina e Italia, due realtà a confronto [Law on real rights: Chinese and Italian situation compared]”. Mondo Cinese n. 134 (Jan-Mar): 34-45.
  • Grano, Simona Alba 2007. “Lo spinoso problema della proprietà della terra in Cina [The crucial issue of land property in China]”. Mondo Cinese n. 130 (Jan-Mar): 27-42.
  • Grano, Simona Alba 2006. “Ambiente e Risorse Energetiche in Cina [Environment and Energy Resources in China]”. In Magda Abbiati (eds.). Propizio è intraprendere imprese [The reward of setting up an enterprise]. Venezia: Libreria Editrice Ca’Foscarina. Pp. 135-146.
  • Grano, Simona Alba. 2007, Recenti emendamenti costituzionali e proprietà della terra nella R.P.C. [Recent constitutional amendments and land property in the P.R.C]. In Atti Convegno Aisc .
  • Grano, Simona Alba (2012) Failure and Successes of the Environmental Movement in Taiwan: Guo Guang Shihua vs. Taipei Dome. Submitted to Environmental Practice.
  • Grano, Simona Alba (2012) Green Activism in Red China: The Role of Shanghai’s ENGOs in Influencing Environmental Politics, Journal of Civil Society, Volume: 8, Issue: 01, pages 39 - 61.
  • Grano, Simona Alba (2012) Development vs. Environment in Taipei, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs,Vol 41,No 2.
  • Die Treue der Landbevölkerung und das Fehlen einer organisierten Opposition – warum Xi Jinpings Herrschaft die Gesundheitskrise überstehen wird. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 10 March 2020, p.10.
  • 2019, Anti-nuclear protest in China. In: Wright, Teresa. Handbook of Protest and Resistance in China. Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 280-289.
  • From ‘Developmentalism’ to Ecological Awareness and Back: the Example of the Greater China Region in Comparative Perspective. 2018, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.
  • The evolution of the anti-nuclear movement in Taiwan since 2008. In: Fell, Dafydd. Taiwan's Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou: From the Wild Strawberries to the Sunflowers. Abingdon: Routledge, 154-176. 2017
  • The Anti-nuclear power movement. In: Schubert, Gunter. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan. London and New York: Routledge, 297-312. 2016
  • China Information (journal)Environmental governance in China : special issue. Edited by: Grano, Simona Alba (2016). Leiden: Sage.
  • China’s changing environmental governance: Enforcement, compliance and conflict resolution mechanisms for public participation. China Information, 30(2):129-142. 2016
  • New channels for popular participation in China: The case of the London Plane Trees Protection Movement in Nanjing. China Information, 30(2):165-187. 2016
  • Ambiente e politica a Taiwan. China skyline, 7 (1): 5-7. 2016
  • Environmental issues facing Taiwan. : Center for East Asia Policy Studies. 2015
  • China unter Xi Jinping: Der Gesellschaftsvertrag bröckelt. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 26, 2015, p.12.
  • Environmental Governance in Taiwan: A New Generation of Activists and Stakeholders. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Introduction : The Chinese Communist Party and the Politicization of Traditions. Asian Studies, 69 (1): 157-164. 2015
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